Top mutual funds in India in large cap segment

Top mutual funds in India in large cap segment

Top mutual funds in India in large cap segment

If you are looking for long term investment in mutual funds, you should invest either in diversified mutual or in large cap mutual funds. If you invest in top mutual funds in India under large cap segment, there are greater chances that you would grow your money in long term.

Also Read: Top Diversified mutual funds to invest

What are large cap mutual funds?

Large cap mutual funds are those which invest more than 75% in CRISIL defined Large Cap Stocks for a minimum of four out of six months in each period over the last 2 years. Since these large cap mutual funds invest in all blue chip and large cap stocks in India, if you invest in top mutual funds, there would be greater changes for growth in your investment and lesser chances for downside.

Does this mean that large cap mutual funds investments would not go down?

No. What I meant is there are lesser chances that your investment would get negative returns. If you see downtrend in the market or in bear market, your return on investments may go down.

How we have classified the top mutual funds in India in large cap segment now?

  • All mutual funds picked up are from Crisil-1 and Crisil-2 ranked
  • All mutual fund where the Asset Under Management (AUM) is greater than ₹ 100 crore. This mean that it gained investor confidence and more and more investors are investing in such mutual funds
  • Highest returns over the last 3 to 5 periods.

Also Read: Top 10 mutual funds to invest through SIP

Top Mutual funds in india in large cap category

Top mutual funds in India in large cap segment

Conclusion: If you are looking for long term investment in mutual funds, invest in these top mutual funds in India as they cater mostly in large cap segment and there is little downside in the long run.

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Top mutual funds in India in large cap segment

Suresh KP

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  1. Hi sir,
    I am working in a corporate company,
    Need best ELSS Mutual Funds to invest thro SIP for a long term investment up to 15 years,
    Can u guide me on the same,,,
    Regards, Sathish.R…

  2. Sir m a student nd my age is 18…my portfolio is :-
    1. Icici pru focussed bluechip fund -1000 (25th of every month)
    2. Uti opportunities fund – 500 (25th of every month)
    3. Reliance equity opportunities fund – 200 (28th of every month)
    4. Religare invesco mid nd small cap fund – 500 (25th of every month)
    My ques is howz my portfolio are dis funds gud? Moreover I wanna do 1 more sip cn u suggest me which fund should I choose? Nd its gud to keep ol the sip dates same? Or every sip should hv different date?

    1. WoW. Good to hear that at age of 18, you are planning to invest. You can have selected good funds. Stay invested. Since you are starting at such young age, try adding flavor of sector funds, but you should know these are high risk, but at your age, you can allocate small amount towards that.

  3. sir,
    Thanks for ur valuable blogs.
    I’m a pvt mnc emp aged 28 unmarried fresher to MF market.I want to invest 2000 in is for 5-6yr.& other is for 10-12 yr.can take midium -high risk.
    Plz. suggest me 2-3 funds for creating a firstly portfolio.

    1. Hi Prashant, Good to hear about you. Please invest in Birla SL Top 100, Birla SL Front line fund ICICI focussed blue chip fund, HDFC Top-200 fund etc.

  4. Suresh – Instead of showing pt to pt return for 1 – 3 – 5 year category assuming lump sum investment, why not show SIP return table – assuming fixed sum invested regularly for 1- 3 – 5 years. This way, especially for Equity funds, the return will mirror for most realistically as many would tend to go SIP way rather than investing in lump sum for equity funds

  5. sir,

        I am new in mutual age is 22.i want to invest in mutual fund.till now i hav decided to invest 3000 monthly.1000 in icici balanced fund,500 sbi magnum emerging bussines fund,1000 reliance equity opportunity growth fund,500 in icici blue chip large cap fund monthly….suggest me sir about above plan.Also i hav done one RD in icici for 21 month of 4K .please reply sir.

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