Best SIP to invest in 2022 | Top 10 Mutual Funds for SIP

Top and Best SIP Mutual Funds to invest in 2022 in IndiaIt was an exciting journey for investors in 2021. Nifty 50 generated 24% returns and Sensex has generated 22.5% returns in last 1 year in 2021. There is increase in mutual fund SIP investments in 2021 compared to previous years. Mutual fund investors should always align their mutual fund investments with financial goals to reap the maximum benefit. Which are the Best SIP to invest in 2022 in India? Which are the Top 10 Mutual Funds for SIP to invest in 2022 that are consistent performers?

What are SIP Mutual Funds?

Skip this section if you are already familiar with mutual funds in India.

Mutual funds pool money from investors and invest in equity or debt or gold or silver or real estate etc., depending on the investment objective indicated in the scheme information document (SID).

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a disciplined way of investing in mutual funds with equal amounts at predefined interval. This could be weekly SIP, fortnightly SIP, monthly SIP, quarterly SIP or yearly SIP. Among these various options, month SIP is popular.

There are over 800 mutual fund schemes (equity and hybrid) in India. In this bull run, majority of them are top performers. However, investors should pick-up mutual fund schemes based on some of the key parameters.

As per AMFI, mutual fund industry has grown 2 fold in the last 5 years.

How to choose a good mutual fund suitable for you?

Mr. Rajesh has picked-up a small cap mutual fund scheme to invest for 3 years time frame to use this for his kids’ education. He checked last 3 years performance, excited about it and chosen this fund. He is low to moderate risk investor

Do you know whether Mr. Rajesh made the right choice? The answer is NO. Small cap mutual funds are high risk and should be invested only long term perspective.

Hence it is important to understand how to choose a right fund suitable to you.

#1 – Pick-up mutual fund based on your goal

If you need to achieve a specific financial goal, align your mutual funds also towards that.

E.g. You need money for kids’ education in next 5 year and need to accumulate an X amount in 20 years for retirement. Don’t club them. Consider two mutual funds which can align towards these 2 goals as one is medium term and another in long term in nature.

#2 – Invest based on your risk appetite

There are low risk, moderate risk and high risk investors. In above example, Mr. Rajesh is low to moderate risk investor, however, considered high risk fund. After a couple of years, he would have sold the mutual funds with loss and would have blamed that mutual funds are not fit for anyone.

Low to moderate risk takers – Invest only in debt funds

Moderate risk takers – Can consider balanced funds. However, they can add some portion of large cap funds and flexicap mutual funds. If markets are volatile, one can consider some of the best conservative hybrid funds too.

High risk investors – They can consider all types of funds like index funds, large cap funds, flexicap funds, small cap funds, mid cap funds and global funds etc.,

#3 – Pickup mutual fund based on tenure

This is one of the key aspects in choosing a SIP mutual funds. Investing in equity fund for short term could be a disaster. Align your mutual fund investments based on how long you can invest in such schemes.

Short term < 3 years – Only debt funds (irrespective of risk appetite). Check some of the consistent performing debt funds that generated over 7% every year in the last 8-10 years.

Medium term 3 to 5 years – Balanced funds could be better (irrespective of risk appetite)

Long term 5-10 years – Any mutual fund scheme

#4 – Past performance is key, but not sole criteria

Some people say past performance is irrelevant. But how do you judge a fund? Past performance can help you to know how such fund performed in various market cycles. However, don’t expect such fund can perform in similar line in future too. One should consider annualized returns + rolling returns when choosing a SIP mutual fund scheme for investing in medium to long term.

#5 – Low expense fund

There is good awareness being created across various blogs or a website or social media forums in the last few years. Investors have been shifting to direct mutual fund schemes where the expense ratio is low. This way the returns would be higher. Avoid investing in regular mutual fund schemes.

#5 – Consider tracking error in index funds

Index funds would replicate a particular index. This does not mean that every index fund can be considered for investment. If the fund do not track the exact replica of the index, there could be gaps in the returns generated by index vs. returns generated by the fund. The gap is tracking error. Lower the tracking error, better it is.

#6 – Size of the fund matter

Investors can consider a mutual fund scheme that has AUM of > 500 Crores. When they want to redeem they should not face redemption issue, hence this check point.

How did Top 15 Mutual Funds recommendation of last year perform?

We have been providing top 10 mutual fund recommendation every year. Let us check how 2021 mutual fund recommendations performed in the last 1 year

No Scheme Name 1 Year Return
#1 Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund 30%
#2 Axis Blue Chip Fund 25%
#3 SBI Blue Chip Fund 27%
#4 Canara Robeco Blue Chip Equity Fund 28%
#5 Mirae Asset Emerging Blue-chip Fund 40%
#6 SBI Small Cap Fund 43%
#7 Kotak Emerging Equity Fund Regular Plan 45%
#8 Axis Midcap 40%
#9 Axis smallcap 57%
#10 Kotak Standard Multicap Fund Regular Plan 27%
#11 Parag Parikh Flexicap fund 46%
#12 UTI Equity fund 34%
#13 SBI Equity Hybrid Fund 24%
#14 HDFC Hybrid Equity Fund 27%
#15 Canara Robecco Equity Hyrbid fund 25%

Best SIP to invest in 2022 – Top 10 Mutual Funds for SIP

Now that we understood how to pick-up a mutual fund scheme and also seen how our last year recommended funds performed, here is the list of 10 best mutual funds to invest through SIP in 2022 in India.

For easy differentiation, these are categorized into Largecap, Flexicap, Midcap/Smallcap, Balanced Funds and Global Funds.

One should note that there are 800+ equity and hybrid mutual fund schemes and hundreds of top performing mutual funds. We filtered funds which are consistent performers. The list can be bigger if we consider top 20 or top 30 funds or top 30 funds.

Best Largecap / Index Funds to invest in 2022

We have considered 4 funds in this category now for 2022.

We have added 2 index funds (Nifty index fund and Nifty Next 50 index funds as part of 10 SIP mutual funds of 2022). Investors are moving into passive index funds in the last few years. Instead of worrying about which fund would be performing better, one can go for such index funds. This way, if the stock market is up, your investment is up and no need to worry about fund performance.

We have retained 2 large cap funds which we recommended earlier.

These funds have generated consistent annualized returns as well as rolling returns in the last 5 years.

If you are moderate to high risk taker and willing to invest for 5-10 years and above, you can invest in these funds. Yes, there could be overlap in terms of underlying stocks, but don’t invest in single fund which can screw up your portfolio.

Here is the list of best large cap / index mutual funds to invest in India.

#1 – UTI Nifty Index Fund

#2 – UTI Nifty Next 50 Index Fund

#3 – Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund

#4 – Axis Blue Chip Fund – This is one of our favorite fund.

Navi Mutual Fund is disrupting mutual fund industry with lowest expense ratio. It has recently launched Navi Nifty Next 50 Index Fund NFO which has low expense ratio at 0.12%. Earlier HDFC MF and UTI MF also had low expense ratio for some of their index funds, however they have increased the expense ratio last year.

Best Midcap and Smallcap Funds to invest in 2022

We have retained our earlier recommendation and considered 1 Midcap and 1 small cap fund for 2022.

These Midcap and small cap funds have generated consistent annualized returns as well as rolling returns in the last 5 years.

If you are a high risk investor and willing to invest for 8-10 years, you can consider investing some of your portfolio in such funds.

Here is the list of Top Midcap and Smallcap SIP mutual funds to invest in 2022.

#1 – SBI Small Cap Fund

#2 – Axis Midcap Fund

Best Flexicap Funds to invest in 2022

We have retained our earlier recommendation and considered 2 flexicap funds.

These top flexicap mutual funds have generated consistent annualized returns as well as rolling returns in the last 5 years.

If you are moderate to high risk investor and willing to invest for 5-10 years and above, you can consider investing in such funds.

Here is the list of Top Flexicap mutual funds to invest in 2022.

#1 – Parag Parikh Flexi Cap fund

#2 – UTI Flexi Cap fund

There are many new entrants in mutual fund industry (e.g. Samco MF). Recently Samco Flexicap Fund was launched. One need to wait and watch how such funds perform in short to medium term.

Best Hybrid Funds to invest in 2022

We have retained our earlier recommendation and considered 1 hybrid fund now – Canara Robeco Equity Hybrid fund.

This hybrid fund has generated consistent annualized returns as well as rolling returns in the last 5 years.

If you are moderate risk investor and willing to invest for 5+ years, you can consider investing in such hybrid funds.

Best International Funds to invest in India

While we have recommended global funds in various other articles, we are now making this part of the top 10 funds from this year onwards. This would work like a diversification to your portfolio with global exposure.

The fund we are recommending in international mutual fund category is Motilal Oswal Nasdaq 100 Fund of Fund.

This global fund has generated consistent annualized returns as well as rolling returns in the last 5 years.

If you are a high risk investor, willing to invest for 5+ years and looking for global exposure, you can consider investing in such funds.

List of Top 10 Mutual Funds for SIP to invest in 2022

Category Mutual Fund Scheme 1yr 3yr 5yr
Index / Largecap UTI Nifty Index Fund 27.0% 20.0% 18.0%
UTI Nifty Next 50 Index Fund 26.0% 23.0% 16.0%
Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund 28.0% 19.0% 18.0%
Axis Bluechip Fund 24.0% 21.0% 21.0%
SBI Small Cap Fund 43.0% 29.0% 24.0%
Axis Midcap Fund 40.0% 28.0% 25.0%
Flexicap Parag Parikh Flexi Cap fund 46.0% 21.0% 24.0%
UTI Flexi Cap fund 34.0% 27.0% 23.0%
Hybrid Canara Robeco Equity Hybrid fund 25.0% 20.0% 17.0%
Global Motilal Oswal Nasdaq 100 Fund of Fund 27.0% 37.0%

(Returns are annualised)

You can also view these recommendations on our Youtube Video Channel

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Suresh KP


  1. Hello Sir,

    My name is Mayank Dey , I am 28 years old.

    I seek an advice of yours for my portfolio strategy.

    My investments are as :

    SIP Folios –

    1. Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund – 2000 ( 1year old)
    2. Axis Mid Cap Fund – 2200 ( 1 year Old).
    3. Quant Active Fund – 1800 (recently started)
    4. Kotak Small Cap Fund – variable in between 1500 -1800 / month

    Lumpsum Folios –

    1. UTI hybrid fund – 6years continuing. (Now it’s underperforming in last 2year)

    2. UTI MasterShare Fund – 2,40000 ( 4years continuing) , step up Sip variable @ 1200-1500/ month

    3. UTI Retirement Fund plan – 5years Old ( 180000 ) – 3000

    Underperforming funds – UTI Retirement fund

    My question is –

    1. Should I consider an ELSS fund in replace of UTI Retirement plan for long term benifit and for retirement corpus

    2. Should I continue Quant Active Fund with lumpsum amount or replace it by a flexicap fund ?

    3. I am looking to invest a lumpsum in UTI nifty next 50 index. Is it beneficial.?

    4. Where can I measure if my portfolio is diversified or overlapped ?

    5. If I have to replace UTI hybrid fund to some other peers of same catagory, what should I choose ?

    Please if you kindly can suggest your views on this.

    1. Hello Mayank, Good to hear about you
      1) You don’t need retirement fund. Exit appropriately
      2) If you are looking for tax savings, then go for ELSS fund (as a replacement for retirement fund). Otherwise, if it is purely retirement planning, just go for index funds. Since your retirement is after 20-30 years, index funds can generate stable 10% returns
      3) Don’t invest in Nifty next 50 lumpsum as this index is highly volatile. Split it 3-5 parts and then invest
      4) While you invest in mutual funds, just ensure you don’t invest in multiple funds from same category.
      5) You can check aggressive hybrid funds list here.

      1. Hello sir,
        Glad to hear from you.

        1. What is your view on flexi cap fund should I invest in any other or stick to parag Parikh Flexi cap.?

        2. Are my investments on right track in terms of choosing funds that I have already invested in?

        3. You didn’t mention anything regarding Quant active fund and the question I asked related to it.!

        4. Is there any tool to measure my own portfolio overlapping?
        I found one but that only shows fund vs fund overlapping cases.

          1. Hi sir,

            I asked you a lot of questions regarding Mutual fund earlier, I am now seeking another information regarding some queries of mine.

            I want to churn my portfolio i.e UTI hybrid – Regular , UTI Mastershare , UTI retirement benifit plan( as of now it is in lock-in period )

            I want to know about Mahindra manulife equity hybrid as it is a concise folio of ~ 50 funds. Risk ratios are well managed .. should I go for it …

            Actually the corpus of mine is generated most in UTi Hybrid fund and it’s high expense ratio and returns are underperforming as I said earlier , now I am redeeming it to spread my allocation to rest of my said fund as lumpsum in staggered way.

            As UTI hybrid and UTI mastershare have same sorts of stock portfolio, so as the UTI retirement fund.

            Can I redeem my UTI mastershare fund and invest directly in other bluechip fund of good consistency and lowest expenses???

            Lastly, if I have to choose a debt fund for short – term which one is most suitable in all weather..

            Short term debt vs bond vs ultra sort term vs psu and banks.

            Waiting for your reply and sorry for such long text Sir.

            Thank You.

          2. Mahindra manulife equity hybrid fund – Good fund – You can invest / continue to invest.
            There are several good hyrbrid funds with low expense ratio. You can check the entire list one time (moneycontrol or valueresearch portals can help).
            When stock markets are at peak, don’t redeem now and invest in another fund. First identify which funds you want to invest and do SWP (redemption) and invest in the fund which you are invested for next 9 months to 1 year. e.g. if you want to shift 10 lac, try doing 10k per month SWP in old fund and SIP in new fund
            For short term, go for ultra short term debt fund as of now. I generally invest in icici ultra short term fund and hdfc ultra short term fund.

  2. I want to invest in 2 mutual funds of 10K SIP per month for minimum 5 years please recommend 2 best options.

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