Flexi Cap Mutual Funds invests in largecap, midcap and smallcap stocks based on the investment objective of the fund. While the large cap component in the fund provides stable returns, midcap and smallcap segment can generate high returns, however, comes with high risk. Do you know that this Flexi Cap Mutual Fund generated highest returns in the last 10 years and turned 1 lakh to 9.2 Lakhs in the last 10 years. In this article we would talk about Quant Flexi Cap Fund, its portfolio, performance, comparison with benchmark returns and provide our view about such fund.
How did we filtered this Flexicap Fund?
- We have considered all Flexi Cap Mutual Funds in India.
- Filtered the single fund that generated highest wealth in the last 10 years when invested through lump sum.
- We could get Quant Flexi Cap Fund that turned Rs 1 Lakh investment to Rs 9.2 Lakhs in the last 10 years.
While we would go through this Flexicap Fund details, you can also check about 5 Worst Performing Mutual Funds in last 10 years that generated 1% to 5% Annualised Returns.
About Quant Flexi Cap Fund
The primary investment objective of the scheme is to seek to generate consistent to generate consistent returns by investing in a portfolio of Large Cap, Mid Cap and Small Cap companies.
In simple terms, this fund would invest in largecap, midcap and smallcap stocks.
Quant Flexi Cap Fund – Portfolio
This fund currently invests 80% in equity, 10% in F&O and balance in Debt and other instruments.
Its top 10 equity portfolio consists of Reliance, Jio Financial Services, Swan Energy, HUDC, Adani Power, L&T, Biocon, Britannia Industries, LIC and Hindalco.
As part of its debt portfolio, it is investing in GOI bonds.
As part of other category of investments, it is currently investing in Treasury Bills Repurchase (TREPS).
Investors can also check 5 mutual fund schemes that generated 3300% to 4,700% returns in last 20 years.
Quant Flexi Cap Fund – Performance Details
Here are the performance details in the last 10 years and these are for direct plans.
Absolute Returns of the fund
- 1-Year Return: 57.5%
- 2-Year Return: 68.4%
- 3-Year Return: 135.7%
- 5-Year Return: 270.7%
- 10-Year Return: 820.6% (1 Lac would have turned to 9.2 Lacs)
Annualised Returns of the fund
- 1-Year Return: 57.5%
- 2-Year Annualised Return: 29.7%
- 3-Year Annualised Return: 33%
- 5-Year Annualised Return: 29.9%
- 10-Year Annualised Return: 24.8%
SIP Returns of the fund
- 1-Year: 61%
- 2-Year: 39.7%
- 3-Year: 31.4%
- 5-Year: 36%
- 10-Year: 24.5%
1 Lakh Lump Sum Investment would have turned into
- 1-Year : 1.56 Lakhs
- 2-Year : 1.68 Lakhs
- 3-Year : 2.35 Lakhs
- 5-Year : 3.7 Lakhs
- 10-Year : 9.2 Lakhs
10K SIP Investment would have turned into
- 1-Year : Invested 1.2 Lakhs and Current value is 1.56 Lakhs
- 2-Year : Invested 2.4 Lakhs and Current value is 3.46 Lakhs
- 3-Year : Invested 3.6 Lakhs and Current value is 5.63 Lakhs
- 5-Year : Invested 6 Lakhs and Current value is 14.45 Lakhs
- 10-Year : Invested 12 Lakhs and Current value is 44 Lakhs
Rolling Returns perspective:
3 Year Rolling Returns:
- Greather than 20% returns – 98% of the times
- 15% to 20% returns – 2% of the times
- 12% to 15% returns – Zero times
- 0% to 12% returns – Zero times
- Negative returns – Zero times
5 Year Rolling Returns:
- Greather than 20% returns – 42% of the times
- 15% to 20% returns – 26% of the times
- 12% to 15% returns – 6% of the times
- 0% to 12% returns – 26% of the times
- Negative returns – Zero times
While this fund generated consistent returns, it is not part of 20 Equity Mutual Funds with Positive Returns every year in last 10 years.
How Quant Flexicap Fund Performed compared to its benchmark?
One of the best ways to check funds performance is to check with its benchmark. Its benchmark is Nifty 500 TRI.
10 Years Annualised Returns
- Nifty 500 TRI – 14.6%
- Quant Flexicap Fund – 24.8%
5 Years Annualised Returns
- Nifty 500 TRI – 18.8%
- Quant Flexicap Fund – 30%
Last 1 Year Return
- Nifty 500 TRI – 39.7%
- Quant Flexicap Fund – 57.6%
Conclusion and our view:
- This is a flexicap fund that invests 80% in equity, 10% in F&O and balance in debt and other instruments. Its equity component is 26% in large cap, 17% in midcap, 25% in small cap stocks and balance in other equity instruments.
- Fund’s beta is 1.07. It is a measure of the fund’s sensitivity to the market movement. Beta of less than 1 indicates that the fund would have lower swing compared to the ups and downs of the benchmark. Beta of more than 1 indicates that the fund would have wider swings compared to the benchmark.
- Alpha is 12.6. It is a measure of extra returns provided by the fund compared to the benchmark. Investors should prefer high alpha funds which can generate higher returns.
- One can invest as low as Rs 5,000 through lump sum and Rs 1,000 through SIP for 6 months in this fund. While there is no lock-in period, this fund has exit load of 1% if redeemed within 15 days from the date of investment.
- This fund has been a consistent performer that has generated 20.8% annualised returns since inception. It has beaten its benchmark Nifty500 consistently in the last 1 year, 5 years and 10 years time frame too.
- While the large cap component in this fund provides stable returns, its midcap and smallcap component is high risk and at the same time generates high returns too. High Risk investors who want to invest for 5+ years tenure can invest in such funds. Low or moderate risk investor should avoid such funds.
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Thanks for the detailed coverage on Lump Sum, Annualised, SIP returns. Much needed article!!