Should I continue to research SME IPO’s?

Should I research SME IPO’s?

This is not an article, but it is a question to my readers. I have been doing research on SME IPO’s that keep coming very often. However, I have seen there are no such best IPO’s which keep coming in last 1 year. While it goes enormous amount of time on such IPO analysis, I am not sure whether any of the readers are getting benefits out of it. Hence I have decided to ask this question to readers and take their view before I discontinue such SME IPO analysis.

Do you still think that my research on SME IPO’s would benefit to you ?

If yes, please indicate how this is useful to you so that I can continue my research and analysis on these SME Initial Public Offering’s.


Should I research SME IPO’s

Suresh KP


  1. Now that you’re actively doing it .. Please continue to do so.. It’s very insightful ..thanks a lot

  2. today, on december 2014, after a significant bull run in shares,i was wondering how about the previous two years ipos . how are they doing now. for that research all your ipo reports were the bench mark for me and my other frtiends. Whatever you had warned us about,90 % of those ipos have under performed as your expected. And ones which you highly recommended has been a gem of buy.
    I request you to just keep going on and build a track record. benfits and rewards will follow with cumulative compounded interest few years later 🙂

  3. Please do continue researching on IPOs as long as it is worth. Myself looking for your recommendation on IPOs.

    BTW, not sure why, I haven’t received email alert about this new post.

  4. Suresh,


    Please do research on IPOs which you think are worthwihile. Otherwise do'nt do it.

    Some of the companies which are not credible or which you think will not perform well, please do not do research on it.

    Or else you can take it on demand as we have 'suggest a topic' option with our website.

  5. Suresh… Your analysis on each and every topic is good.. Not specifically the IPO. I am new to investments and stuffs. Each of your article helped me in understanding things better. Please do not stop posting the  analysis… It is worth reading.

  6. Hi Suresh

    Your reviews of IPO gives us a idea of what all we should look for before investing.

    I would prefer continue your IPO research.




  7. My answer should be NO
    Sir,You are already sharing your experience in investment field with us and getting our investments in right track.
    A big thanx to you

  8. Sir,
    Your analysis on sme ipo is very good and trustworthy and unique which is not commonly found on other blogs.But the companies themselves are not trustworthy. U can still write about sme ipo which u feel is worth considering and not for all sme ipo.and u can do some analysis on some listed companies which u strongly feel has great value in them for investment..

  9. Hi Suresh,

    Appreciate all the effort that you put in doing the reaseach.Thank you as lot of people including me do follow /go through your analysis .  It would be good if you post the analysis for the ones you recommend. Not sure if this would help in reducing some of your time.




  10. Hi

    You must continue to provide us with valuable research on SME as thats your unique attribute. I did not find any comprehensive website who does it so well and so frequently. I do not think you excluded any of the IPO in last 2 years. On the other hand you should go into more details if possible especially evaluation part. Though SME market is not performing well in recent period do not stop your research. 


  11. Mr Suresh,

    you have asked a good question.time is money as the saying goes and hence needs to be spent about posting your recommendation on IPO that you feel worth investing rather than having to research on all SME IPO.



      1. Hi Suresh,

        I read each and every article of yours. It is very informative and it helped me started on investment in stocks and MFs

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