1. Hi Sir ,
    In RBI Retail Direct i can see 2 type of bond
    1.Low coupon discount bond with same yield Eg 5.6 Coupon rate 93.40/100 Rs 2028 —-YTM 7.5 %
    2.High coupon bond with same yield Eg 8.6 Coupon rate 104.50/100 Rs 2028 —-YTM 7.5 %

    wther the both are same or both are different , if different which one will be more profit

  2. Thanks. But YTM is different from Interest Rate. How to find out/determine whether YTM is more than Interest offered by Commercial Banks or NCDs?

    1. Hello Rama Krishna, The title of the security already has interest rate except for Treasury bills / Dated Treasury Bills. These TB/DTB would not provide any interest as these are issued at discount price compared to bond price (e.g. Rs 1000 bond price is issued at Rs 950 and pays Rs 1,000 on maturity, Rs 50 is interest for the period).

  3. Nice, detailed and clear cut article on RBI Retail Direct Scheme.
    Many thanks for such a crisp and clear-cut note on the subject matter.
    However, I would like to initiate a debate with your esteemed readers on/through your forum as to “suitability” or “why” should one retail individual investor invest in such GoI bonds/securities which give a taxable return/yield of maximum 7% on a 30 years investment period. For institutional investors/banks, it is a different game as they have to invest by law in SLR or other obligated avenues.

  4. Dear Suresh Ji

    G-Sec Bonds Minimum How many Years will be locking period and interest is floating rate ?

    The Interest earned from the Bonds are again taxable ? Under the tax slab ?

    1. Hello Veera, Lockin period = Tenure of the bond. However one can sell them on this to other buyers (like you sell shares on stock exchange). Yes are fixed income options, hence interest is taxable like any other FD interest where one need to add them to their income and pay income tax.

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