How to make LIC claims or requests online in India?

How-to-make-LIC-claims-or-requests-online-in-IndiaHow to make LIC claims or requests online in India?

Amidst the fatal Corona pandemic that can be deferred through social distancing, the majority of the companies are following the protocol to its best. The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is also providing its customers the facility of settling their claims online. This enables you to avoid physical contact with the people while visiting the LIC Branch. The online procedure of making the claims also becomes handy in case the company has terminated the services of your LIC agent forcing you to make the claims on your own or visit the branch. In this article we would provide step by step guide on how to make LIC claims or put requests online in India.

Also Read: Best LIC Term Insurance Plan for 1 Crore

About LIC

Established in the year 1956, Life Insurance Corporation of India is an Indian state-owned company. The company was established with the aim to spread the concept of insurance and bring more people to its regime. With time, the company spreads its operation to a huge extent with more than 7,000 cores of the sum assured on new policies.

Wha are various requests and LIC claims that can be done online now?

Once you register yourself online, you can make many requests or claims online. Here is the list.

Death benefits, survival benefits, and maturity claims

Revival of lapsed policies and annuity plan procedures

NEFT Mandates

Aadhar seeding

How to register on the LIC portal?

For the first-time registration on LIC portal, the following procedure is to be followed:

1) Visit the website

2) On the left-hand side, under the head “Online Services”, go to ‘Customer Portal’.

How to make LIC claims or requests online in India-Step-2

3) This will take you to another page. Click on ‘New User’.

How to make LIC claims or requests online in India-Step-3

4) On clicking this, it will prompt you to fill in personal details like policy number, date of birth, pan number, passport number, etc. Fill in all these details correctly and press ‘proceed’. Select your User ID and password. You are now registered for LIC portal.

What are the documents to be uploaded in LIC portal to claim online?

i) The first and last page of the policy bond.

ii) Discharge form duly filled and witnessed.

iii) Form no. 3510 declaration regarding Non Assignment.

iv) If NEFT is not there, then NEFT Mandate form along with the canceled cheque.

v) KYC documents like ID proof and address proof along with pan card.

How to make LIC claims or requests online in India?

Here is the process:

1) Login to LIC portal

2) Select required services which you want to avail

3) Fill the details, upload the documents and submit the form

How to make LIC claims online in India through email?

For some reason,you are not able to register on LIC portal or not able submit your claim online, then you can go with email route too. One can submit maturity claims and survival benefits using this method.

1) The policyholder is required to send the claim requirement on email address –<branch code> Here the branch code is the serving branch. One can get the details of the serving branch code from the policy document or premium receipt. For example, your branch code is 789, so the email is required to be sent to The email should contain a scanned copy of the policy document and the attachment should not be more than 5MB in the format which can be like JPG or PDF format. If the attachment size is increasing more than 5 MB, you can send one more email. Please note that the subject line of the email should be a policy number and the policyholder need to mention his mobile number in the email. The email address mentioned here should be used only for filing claims and not for any other purpose.

The claims can be settled online via email only if the policy satisfies the following conditions-

i) The policy is in force

ii) The policy is being serviced in the branch office where it has been issued

iii) Policy not assigned

iv) There should be no outstanding loan on the policy

v) Where no duplicate Policy has been issued

vi) Policy is not issued under Keyman Insurance, Employer Employee Scheme or MWP act.

vii) In case of a survival benefit claim, the gross SB amount should not exceed ₹. 5 lacs.

viii) In case of a maturity claim, the sum assured of the policy shall be up to ₹. 5 lacs.

Also Read: Should you opt for LIC SIIP ULIP Insurance Plan?

Can we still do offline requests or claims?

In case, you are not so tech-friendly to follow the online procedure or for any other reason, the facility of settling the claims or making requests offline is continued. So, you can always use it by following the given procedure.

On the maturity of the claim, you will get a discharge form, at your registered address. If you do not get it, you can download Form 3825 from the LIC website. You are required to submit the discharge form along with the original policy document at the branch office or  premium points.

You need to submit the following documents for maturity claim:

i) Original LIC policy document

ii) ID Proof

iii) Age Proof

iv) Cancelled cheque or xerox of policyholder bank passbook

v) NEFT Mandate form

vi) Assignment /Reassignment (if any)

vii) Please note that in case of a death claim of the nominee, the following documents are required-

viii) The original policy document

ix) Claim Form ‘A’ in Form no. 3783 if the policy has run for 3 years from the date of risk otherwise Form no. 3783A.

x) Death certificate issued by district-level authorities or local municipality.

Once these documents reach the branch office, your claim amount is directly deposited into your bank account.

Conclusion: In the current scenario of the corona pandemic where the social contact is to be minimized to prevent its spread, such efforts from LIC is much appreciated. This will save your time as well as your physical contact with the people.

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Suresh KP

How to make LIC claims or requests online in India

Suresh KP

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    1. Hello Shyam, Many of the our readers has did this and claimed too. They personally sent few queries before and after withdrawals too. Its not fake. Also if you are stuck at any point, let me know, I can further check. Just saying its fake news does not help to understand where is the real issue.

      1. For online processing of maturity no link is available in LIC e-service portal. One of my policy is matured and I have surfed so many times but it is currently not available. I have also talked to customer care they have also refused for online processing of maturity. They have told that the original bond paper has to be submitted physically at LIC branch for maturity claim. Please check with LIC officials.

        1. You have surfed so many times online, thats fine, but have you tried the options I have indicated in the article. If yes, is there any response through email from LIC?

          1. They didn’t reply for email. In your article , link for online maturity process is not mentioned and I once again confirm to you that it is not being done through lic portal.

  1. Hello Sir,
    First of all, hope you and your family are doing well.
    My questions is,
    Is LIC policy surrender possible via online ?


    1. Hello Jalpesh, Out of two options, as per my knowledge option, surrender is not possible via online portal. However, you can check the email route where you need to submit necessary policy document + surrender form No. 5074/3510 to the LIC email ID we have provided for LIC email services. Let me know whether that worked for you on this thread so that others would also get benefited with such info.

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