How to invest in Mutual Fund Schemes through Whatsapp in India?
Whatsapp is the one popular Social App used by many of us on our mobiles. Recently CAMS (which is one of the popular mutual fund platform) has started offering services where one can invest in mutual funds through Whatsapp service. Added to this, Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Funds, Motilal Oswal Mutual Funds and Wishfin have started offering services where investors can invest through Whatsapp? How to invest in mutual fund schemes through Whatsapp in India? How does this process exactly work? Should you really opt for Whatsapp Service to invest in Mutual Funds and SIPs?
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About CAMS
CAMS works as Registrar and Transfer (R&T) Agency for almost 16 mutual fund AMCs in India. One can easily invest in mutual funds in direct plans through CAMs App. Below are the list of 16 Mutual AMCs where they are serving now.
1) Aditya Birla Sun Life (ABSL) Mutual Funds
2) ICICI Mutual Funds
3) HDFC Mutual Funds
4) HSBC Mutual Funds
5) IDFC Mutual Funds
6) IIFL Mutual Funds
7) DSP Mutual Funds
8) Kotak Mutual Funds
9) L&T Mutual Funds
10) Mahindra Mutual Funds
11) PPFAS Mutual Funds
12) SBI Mutual Funds
12) Shriram Mutual Funds
13) TATA Mutual Funds
14) Union Mutual Funds
15) Yes Mutual Funds
How to invest in mutual fund schemes through Whatsapp in India?
I have provided this into 4 parts:
#1 – How to invest in mutual funds through Whatsapp with CAMS?
#2 – How to invest in mutual funds through Whatsapp with Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Funds?
#3 – How to invest in mutual funds through Whatsapp with Motilal Oswal Mutual Funds?
#4 – How to invest in mutual funds through Whatsapp with Wishfin (financial marketplace)?
Now let us jump into actual offerings and step-by-step process on how you can avail these services.
#1 – How to invest in mutual funds through Whatsapp with CAMS?
Computer Age Management Services or called CAMS recently launched a WhatsApp-based bot ‘CAMServ’ to help mutual fund investors to perform various financial and non-financial transactions in any of the above listed 16 AMCs serviced by them.
Here are the services what you can do from Whatsapp with Camserv.
1) Purchase mutual funds
2) Redeem / Sell mutual fund schemes which own
3) Start a SIP in Mutual Funds
4) Receive your MF Account Statement
5) Check the status of your mutual fund transaction
6) Purchase mutual funds on your existing MF folios
7) Purchase mutual funds by creating new MF folios.
8) You can change your bank details
9) You can change nominee or Joint Holder or any other personal details
How does investing in mutual funds through Whatsapp from Camserv work exactly?
Here is the step by step process
i) You need to create a new contact with number ‘6384863848’ on your mobile.
ii) Open Whatsapp and start your first message with “Hi” on this contact number.
iii) You can continue your chat on this whatsapp message which can guide you on various options.
#2 – How to invest in mutual funds through Whatsapp with Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Funds?
Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Funds is well known mutual fund AMC which has hundreds of mutual fund schemes.
Here are the services what you can do from Whatsapp in case of ABSL Mutual Funds for existing customers. For new customers they need to first visit their website and register.
1) Purchase mutual funds
2) Redeem / Sell mutual fund schemes which own
3) Start a SIP in Mutual Funds
4) Receive your MF Account Statement
5) Get capital gain statement
6) Get NAV of your mutual fund schemes.
7) New customers can do KYC as well
How does investing in mutual funds through Whatsapp from ABSL Mutual Funds work exactly?
Here is the step by step process
i) You need to create a new contact with number ‘88288 00033’
ii) Open Whatsapp and start your first message with “Hi” on this contact number.
iii) You can continue your chat on this whatsapp message which can guide you on various options.
Alternatively, you can even give a missed call at 9579810022 or send “Yes” as SMS to 8451000355.
#3 – How to invest in mutual funds through Whatsapp with Motilal Oswal Mutual Funds?
Motilal Oswal Mutual Funds is well known mutual fund AMC which has several mutual fund schemes. It works on strategy, “buy right, sit tight”.
Here are the services what you can do from Whatsapp in case of Motilal Oswal Mutual Funds for existing customers. For new customers they need to first visit their website and register.
1) Purchase / SIP in equity mutual funds only. You cannot buy debt mutual funds.
2) You can buy equity funds, index funds, NFOs and Hybrid/Balanced funds.
How does investing in mutual funds through Whatsapp from Motilal Oswal Mutual Funds work exactly?
Here is the step by step process
i) You need to create a new contact with number ‘9372205812’
ii) Open Whatsapp and start your first message with “Hi” on this contact number.
iii) You can continue your chat on this whatsapp message which can guide you on various options.
#4 – How to invest in mutual funds through Whatsapp with Wishfin (financial marketplace)?
Wishfin, financial market place also started offering services to purchase mutual funds through whatsapp. Let us look at what it offers.
1) You need to visit their website and register first to start investing in mutual funds through whatsapp.
2) You can invest lumpsum or SIP through their whatsapp service
3) You can invest only in specific mutual funds, hence this is the biggest limitation of their services.
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Should you invest in Mutual Funds through Whatsapp in India?
Whatsapp is popular social app which is available on most of our mobile phones. Mutual Fund services provided by CAMS are really amazing. You can invest in direct mutual funds through their mobile App itself. Investing through Whatsapp in mutual funds could be an add-on feature which one can utilize. ABSL, Motilal Oswal and Wishfin offers limited services. I would advise that, just because someone is offering services through Whatsapp, you should not invest in mutual funds. Investing in mutual funds is a disciplined financial planning approach to achieve a financial goal. We don’t do this like booking a movie ticket every week. Investing in mutual funds takes a few minutes if you use CAMS App or any other mutual fund platform like Fundsindia or icicidirect. You should use Whatsapp services as additional features.
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Suresh KP
How to invest in Mutual Fund Schemes through Whatsapp in India
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