How Jeevan Pramaan Digital Life Certificate for Pensioners works?

Jeevan Pramaan Digital Life Certificate for PensionersHow Jeevan Pramaan Digital Life Certificate for Pensioners works?

Mr.Narendra Modi has launched Jeevan Pramaan Digital Life Certificate for pensioners, couple of days back. Jeevan Pramaan is Aadhar based digital certification system. New Digital Pramaan is a new system and self certification by pensioners about their existence. How does this new system of Digital Life Certificate Jeevan Pramaan work exactly? How Jeevan Pramaan Digital Life Certificate helps Central and State Government employees? What are the limitations of Jeevan Pramaan Digital Life Certificate?

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What is Jeevan Pramaan Digital Life Certificate?

Currently, Pensioner need to personally present himself before a pension distribution agency or submit life certificate issued by authorities specified by the Central Account Pension Office about their existence / being alive. This has become painful process which needs to be done every year in November month. There were several requests to Govt of India to streamline this process. Govt. In India has introduced a new digital system called Jeevan Pramaan. Under the new system a software will help Senior Citizens to ensure continuity of pension credited to their account. This software is developed by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology. This would record aadhar card and biometric details. Pensioners can record this by sitting at home or anywhere outside.

How does Jeevan Pramaan work?

  • Govt. Of India would provide a biometric device to pensioners.
  • They need to connect a biometric device to their computer or mobile phone.
  • They need to install Jeevan Pramaan application on their mobile or computer.
  • Pensioners need to plug in biometric reading device with their mobile or computer.
  • These details such as biometric information, Date, Time etc. are uploaded into a central data server  on a real time basis.
  • Pension disbursing agency would access digital life certificate which indicates that the pensioner is alive at the time of authentication.
  • Pension department would credit pension to employees every month based on this digital life certificate. Validity period of such digital life certificate is yet to be known.

Who would benefit from the Jeevan Pramaan system?

There are more than 1.25 Crore pensioners from Central Government (50 Lakhs)  and State Government / Territories (50 Lakhs) and from Armed Forces (25 Lakhs) who would benefit from this new Jeevan Pramaan system. Govt. of India would provide Biometric device for low cost and software / application for free of cost.

What happens if pensioner does not have a mobile phone or computer?

If pensioner does not have access to a mobile phone or computer, use this facility at common service centres being operated under the National e-Governance plan. This will benefit pensioners in inaccessible areas / rural areas.

Are there any limitations of Jeevan Pramaan Digital Life Certificate System?

  • There could be technical issues during setup of applications on mobile phone or computer.
  • Pensioners who may not be well versed with such new systems need to be done under the supervision of their children as any technical issue could lead to temporary termination of pension account.

Also Read: All you wanted to know about New Pension Scheme (NPS)?

Conclusion: Jeevan Pramaan Life Certificate is an innovative system for pensioners which indicates that they are alive without moving out of their home. This is  definitely a good initiative from Govt. of India.

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How Jeevan Pramaan Digital Life Certificate for Pensioners works

Suresh KP

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  1. Since it has been circulated that Govt. of India would provide a biometric device to pensioners facilitating them to submit Digital Life Certificate to the concerned PDA from their personal computer or mobile phone who own it I would be obliged to know the procedure for availing of the facility for me. With thanbks.

  2. what is the validity period of jeevan pramaan certificate 

    I have already registered for jeevan pramaan on 2 May 2017

  3. Sir

    I'm currently in a short vacation to UK for my daughter's baby shower . And I want submit my life certificate. Could you please suggest me  the best way to submit. 

  4. Sir i have regstrd digital life certificate last year and receiving my pension every month.
    My doubt is when i have to submit the same next and where in Kushalnagar Kodagu. My pension account is with Vijaya. Bank.

  5. Sir

    I have submit my digital life certificate to HDFC Bank in April 2017 by Aadhaar Card.PDF of same sent to EPFO but still fail to get my pension since May 2017 as both are not aware how to proceed in system for approval.I tried my level best to brief them but no result till today.Any body if wish to check Pl. give a call. DK Lamba M:9810534514



    1. You can visit this website and lodge a online grievance regarding your matter. This is online Pension grievance handling portal.

      i had used this portal and sorted out my problem which is similar as your problem.

  6. I am receiving pension from Gujarat Government. My bank informed me that treasury offices in Gujarat does not accept this Jeevanpraman scheme. I have to go personaly to Gujarat from Maharashtra. Further,the date of submisdion is 31 July instead of November.

  7. I was retired from army 1st oct 2008.i given my life certificate physicaly to branch every i have a digital life certificate how to submit online please guide me

  8. I am retire from Corps of Signals in the months of March,1992, How much pension will get if OROP is relesed.

    Jagdish Singh No.14296253K

  9. My mother taking army pension from SBI bank & each year she produced life certificate.But now the problem is that she is not having aadhar card. So,sir plz show me the path to register for the jeevan pramaan digital life certificate card. And sir what is the last date for enrollment? And one more question is that sir my father retired before 1996 in the rank of naik, if OROP will get then how much she gets pension. Now she will get Rs.8498 only.(father retired on 1993 from AMC).

  10. Hi,

    There are two different MFS 100 Available with mantra.
    before buying please verify on the same.
    1. MFS100 V3,1 for PC
    2. MFS100 V4.1 for TAB and Mobile

  11. Dear Mr. Mohan,

    Price of mantra MFS100 sensor is

    Product Price – 2800
    Courier and Handling Charges – 150
    Tax – 140
    TOTAL – 3090

    Contact Person: Mr. Uttam Singh (9227266220)

  12. hello

    I am family pensioner. my mothers made in name is pasagadugula mary. my husband name is giduthuri raju.. in PPO , i got my name as giduthuri mary.. but my aadhar card have surname with pasagadugula. how can i enter my aadhar number in software it will accept or not. please clarify my issue.

  13. What if the person does not have Aadhar card no i.e. the person is quite old to go to an Aadhar card centre?

    Any alternate way such as election card no. for this jeevan praman life certificate.


  14. when we can expect each pensioner will recieve the biometric reading device-soft ware ? In November we have to submit the life certificate, today is 15 th November.

  15. Off course it is a good move but for old person this system is of great difficulty, because some of old persons are unable to walk and see properly. For them even getting Aadhar card also difficult due to their eye scanning thumb immpressions and above all at the place of Aadhar registration none of are co-operative those guys sitting in chair they think they are making lot of favour to us despite they know bullshit.
    So I think, this system is ok, but not for very old person. For very old person the bank people who verifies personal visit of account holder is good enough.

  16. Hi,

    When this scan device would be available? The software is ready and when you install it asks for mantra tec scanner or another company irs scanner. Only these are devices are supported. When I contacted the mantra tec a Gujarat based compnay delaing with bio metric systems they said the cost of MFS-100 device is Rs. 3540 including tax. This is not Govt. meant I suppose, when they say one would get cost effective finger print scanner and software asks fo this Rs. 3540 device for authentication, how could everyone afford to buy this scanner…..

    Is there any other scanner support this application which would be inexpensive.

    1. Hi Mr. Mohan,

      That is also cost effective scanner. Price is mentioned below.
      Product Price – 2800
      Courier and Handling Charges – 150
      Tax – 140
      TOTAL – 3090

      1. Dear Sir,
        As per order, Govt will be supplying the low cost scanning device to all pensioner. But when,any idea?

    2. Dear Mohan,

      Thanks a lot for putting so much effort to clear the ambiguity and I am sure nobody might have gone so far as you did.

      My father is bedridden for last two years and I feel this scheme is a blessing for us as I have to face hell lot of problem to get the life certificate done each year.

      I have to go for this scheme anyway. Did you find any way to do it? Please reach me on rushipriya at gmail dot com


  17. Excellent move by the Prime Minister realising the difficulty of very old senior citizens in presenting themselves physically every year for a life certificate. Surely, this will give them great relief.

    From : Ram Shankar Pattnaik

  18. Large pensioners will be benefited & they will save time and money for appearing before pension disbursing authorities. In initial stage there may be some glitches but in present scenario the same will be solved. Really it is a wise step of Modi Govt.

  19. Good initiative, but pensioners are not aware how to get and from where to get the device that connect to the computer to make use of the digital life certificate

    1. Dear Sir,

      MFS100 fingerprint scanner is Manufactured bt Mantra Softech India Pvt. Ltd.

      You can purchase that scanner from

      Contact Information:

      Uttam Singh
      Mo. 9227266220
      Email ut***@ma*******.com

  20. HI Suresh,

    I have been longing to ask this — I am planning to invest an amount of Rs. 1 Lac in ICICI Prudential balanced Advantage Fund for time frame ranging from 18 months to 3 years. How you see this move – are there any better options available ? I can take some risk if return seems good.
    Please do give a reply , I will be waiting. Thanks.

  21. Very innovative idea from Govt of india.. Definitely will help pensioners.. starting some glitches will be their.. Once streamlined it’s a boon to senior citizens.. Hope it will be a success..

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