Should to invest in DVR Shares that offers additional dividends?

Differntial Voting Rights-DVR-Shares-should you investShould to invest in Differential Voting Rights (DVR) Shares that offers additional dividends?

Differential Voting Rights (DVR) Shares of companies are catching attention to investors these days. DVR Shares are nothing like ordinary shares, but have fewer voting rights. These DVR shares offer additional dividends compared to ordinary shares dividend. What are these Differential Voting Rights (DVR) Shares? Which companies are issuing these DVR Shares? Should you invest in such DVR shares that offers additional dividends?

What are Differential Voting Rights (DVR) Shares in India?

DVR Shares are like ordinary shares, but have fewer voting rights. Company can dilute equity without reduction in Promoters stake with this option. DVR shares are for small investors who rarely exercise their voting rights. Small investors invest in shares only to make money and not to exercise any management control. In such case, they can invest in DVR shares.

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What are the features of DVR Shares?

  • Company can issue DVR shares to small investors for equity dilution.
  • DVR shares offer additional dividend compared to ordinary shares. E.g. Tata motors DVR offers 5% additional dividend compared to ordinary shares dividend. If they declare 4% to ordinary shares, DVR share holders would get 4.2% dividend.
  • DVR Share are traded at lower the price of ordinary shares. The gap is as high as 30% to 45%.
  • There is high correlation between DVR share and ordinary shares. They generally go hand in hand in share price, however with the gap.
  • DVR Investors would have fewer voting rights.
  • DVR Share trade at discounted prices and the gap can increase in future. E.g. Tata Motors ordinary share price is Rs 418 and Tata Motors DVR share price is Rs 294 (gap of 30%)
  • DVR Shares are trading at low volume.
  • Investors lack awareness about DVR shares, hence they are not fancy yet in the market.

Which companies have issued DVR Shares in India?

Currently, Tata Motors, Pantaloon Retail, Gujarat NRE Coke and Jain Irrigation has issued DVR Shares in India.

  • Tata Motors ordinary share price is Rs 418 and Tata Motors DVR share price is Rs 294 (gap of 30%)
  • Pantaloon Fashion ordinary share price is Rs 218 and Pantaloon Fashion DVR share price is Rs 120 (gap of 45%)
  • Gujarat NRE Coke ordinary share price is Rs 2.94 and Gujarat NRE Coke DVR share price is Rs 2.10 (gap of 29%)
  • Jain Irrigation ordinary share price is Rs 67 and Jain Irrigation DVR share price is Rs 43.5 (gap of 35%)

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Should you invest in Diffential Voting Rights (DVR) Shares?

There are several factors that affect our decision to buy DVR Shares. These are like any other ordinary shares, but offers high dividends. You can expect around 5% additional dividends. In foreign markets, DVR Shares trade at 10% gap compared to ordinary shares. However in India, these are trading at gap of 30% to 45%. This is only due to lack of awareness. When the awareness among investors increase, the gap would reduce and share price appreciation would happen. If you feel any of these stocks would appreciate in future due to good performance and if they are currently available at huge gap, you should invest in such DVR Shares.

E.g. Tata Motors DVR is trading at 30% gap compared to ordinary share price. Once the awareness is created and it is in par with international markets, the price gap may reduce to 10%. You may get profits to the tune of 20%. But you need to have patience.

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Differential Voting Rights (DVR) Shares that offers additional dividends

Suresh KP


  1. Hi Vimal,

    The response to your queries is as follows:

    1. No. Each stock/share doesn’t have its equivalent DVR. It is upto the company to decide if they want to issue another class of shares like the DVR. In the Indian markets, there are only 4 DVRs listed as mentioned by Suresh – Tata Motors, Pantaloon Fashions, Gujarat NRE and Jain Irrigation. All these 4 companies also have their ordinary shares listed, so u can choose which one u want. Rest of the companies only have ordinary shares issued.
    2. The biggest disadvantage currently is not due to the nature of the share (DVR) but due to lack of awareness. And this is that these shares are listed at a discount of anywhere between 29 to 45% to the ordinary share, as given by Suresh. Other than that, there is no demerit that u can really find here. On the contrary, retail investors should only go for DVR as they give a better dividend/share than the ordinary one, which wud make a difference to the retail investor, who is anyway not interested in attending the AGM of the company in a far away place and voicing his/her opinion.

    1. Suresh, You can buy like any other stock, however when picking up the stock, just see the word DVR is added at the end of the stock.e.g. Tata motors shares are indicated as Tata Motors DVR

  2. Great information Suresh. I have couple of queries:

    1. Will each stock/share have its equivalent DVR share? If that is the case, why are people not buying DVR shares? I understand there is lack of awareness, still considering the gap and discounted price of share, people will always buy the low cost share which is not the case
    2. I understand the features and advantages from your article, but there might be some disadvantages/demerits of DVR shares. Can you enlist them too, please?



  3. Dear Mr. Suresh

    Thanks for your writing of DVR Shares. As you said, with the hope of expecting awarness increase in DVR Shares, I also have TATA MOTORS, but unfortunately this price is not moving expected upward – coming downwards only. (Buyed on Sep.’14 and now the price of mine after average comes to Rs.341). Why and What’s happening in Tata Motors???

    s. ravi chandiran

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