Thank god, now you can do EPF transfer online

Online PF transferThank god, now you can do EPF transfer online

One of the pain points for employees when they shift to another company is to transfer PF account to new employer. Now PF transfer from previous employer to current employer can be done online by few simple steps. In this article, I would tell you step-by-step process on how to do Online PF transfer from your old employer to current employer.

Is there any need for Online PF transfer?

Every year there are more than 13+ Lakhs PF transfer claims received by EPF Office. Majority of the claims are coming from employees working from MNC and IT Sector field. There is high attrition (resignations) in such sectors. Online PF transfer process has come into effect from Oct-13. Beyond Oct-13, there would not be any manual transfer of PF transfers. Currently employers have been asked to provide digital signatures in EPFO portal which is pre-requisite for EPF transfers. More than 30,000 employers have already completed the process and others are on the way to do it.

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Steps involved in this process

Step # 1: Register at EPFO website as member

Step # 2: Check the eligibility whether you can do it online transfer or not. Since the process is getting completed now, not all accounts can be transferred at this moment.

Step # 3: Fill the PF online application form. Once it is approved, the transfer would get affected.

Detailed processes of all these above steps are explained below.

Step # 1: Process to register at EPFO website as member

  • Visit this link:
  • Under employee section, click on “Member portal”
  • At bottom left side, you would see “Register” option
  • Enter all mandatory fields, like mobile number, Date of Birth, Any document like Adhaar card, PAN number, bank account number etc. Enter the number as per the above document, name as per the document and email ID.
  • Click on PIN option. It would send PIN ID to your mobile number
  • Enter the PIN at bottom of the registration form and click submit button.
  • Your account would be activated and relevant confirmation is sent to your mobile number.
  • Now you are registered member on EPFO portal.

EFPO member registration

Step # 2: Check the eligibility whether you can do it online transfer or not.

  • Since the process is yet to be completed, not all accounts can be transferred.
  • Visit EPF website link
  • Under employees section click “Online Transfer Claim Portal (OTCP)"
  • Click on EPF Online transfer "check eligibility"
  • Enter previous PF account details like State, City, PF account number etc.
  • Enter current PF account details like State, City, PF account number etc
  • Click on “Check eligibility”. You would get message that you are either eligible or not eligible to do online transfer claim.

Online-PF Transfer-Check Eligibility

Also read: How to check EPF balance online?

Step # 3: How to fill online application form for PF transfer

  • Click on EPFO website link
  • Under employee section, visit  Online Claim transfer portal
  • Check link "Click here to login"
  • Login as member loginOnline-PF Transfer-Member-Login
  • Click on claim option. You would see “Request for transfer of account” and “View status of transfer claim”. Click on “Request for transfer of account”.
  • Fill Part-A – Personal information which contains your name, bank details and relevant information.
  • Fill Part-B – Previous PF account details. Enter EPF number and click on get details. Information available in EPFO database would be populated. Validate it and modify wherever required. Date of Birth and some of the fields are mandatory.
  • Fill Part-C – Present/Current PF account details – Enter EPF number and click on get details. You need to update the populated information
  • You can choose an option at the end to attest/verify with current employer or with previous employer.
  • Click on preview button
  • Review the details. If required modify the details.
  • Click Submit
  • You would see a printable transfer claim form
  • Print this document and send it to current employer or previous employer which you have chosen in point no.7

You can view the status of EPF claim in second option indicated in point no.3.

Please note that I have not tried the complete process personally. I have gone thru EPF website and took several inputs before providing the step-by-step process. In case you feel there is any additional step involved, please let me know so that I can update the same.

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Online PF Transfer

Suresh KP

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  1. Printed document after submitting to the present/previous employer is this only for their records or that shd be submitted to Pf office? pl clarify

  2. I want to know that whether  we can transfer previous company  PF fund to our bank account using newly introduced  Online transfer claim process ??

  3. Hi Suresh,

    Thanks for the article. I have applied for this transfer through online, and after one and half month, status says it is success and money is credited to my present PF account. But how to check whether this is done correctly. I am not able to see this balance in my present account. And if I try to check the old PF balance online, it is clearly saying that account has been closed.

    1. Hi Sudhakar, Account would be closed after the transfer of amount is done. There would not be any balance left out before closing the account. If you still have some doubt about this, the only way is to visit local PF office and enquire with PF number.

  4. Hi Suresh,

     I have same issue which NItin Gaur has faced. Registered with member portal, but while trying to logging in OTCP, it gives invalid credential error. Please suggest.


  5. Hi, I registered on Member Portal and able to login there fine but not able to login to OTCP. It gives "Sign in login error – Invalid Credentials" though it says to use same credentials as Member portal. Sadly, there is no contact number or feedback form to complaint this. EPFO sucks as ever!

      1. HI ,

        I keep getting invalid credentials in the epf site . The same  work in member portal.

        It is frustrating .. PLEASE HELP !!



  6. Hi Suresh


    Can I transfer my previous Company PF amount to my PPF Account i.e. in SBI & in Post Office via online.




  7. Dear Suresh

    I work for a very reputed organisation wherein my PF is deducted & accumulated in Company's Trust. All benefits are same like that of GPF.

    Would like to know just in case if I change my job, will it be possible to transfer my PF to the new account?



    1. Swapnil, Any amount paid under EPF (Employee Provident Fund) trust only would be able to get transferred when you shift to new company. Please check with your employer whether your trust EPFO.

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