Interview with a Crorepathi (Daily wage earner turned Crorepathi)

Interview with a Crorepathi (Daily Laborer turned Crorepathi)

Interview with a Crorepathi (Daily wage earner turned Crorepathi)

Recently I met a person in our residential colony who is a Crorepathi now. His name is Srinivas. In the last 2-3 years, I was analyzing Crorepathi ideas, so that, such good ideas can be replicated and we can achieve such goals faster.  I asked Srinivas to tell his success story and he was happy to share it.

Srinivas started telling his success story.

It is almost 10 years back when I started working as a daily wage earner. I used to go for the construction work and get daily charges of ₹ 30 to ₹ 60 almost 10 years back.  I always used to feel ashamed. I am illiterate. Every day I used to think, what the hell I am doing and how to improve my current situation.

How I changed my life style?

One day I went to a place which is 50 kilometers from my home and sat at a place for 3 hours to talk to ‘myself’. I put the question to me, what am I am doing now, how can I improve my current situation, how can I live a good life. I asked these questions for several times during that 3 hours time.  Finally I have decided that I need to work on a few points.

  • How can I increase my income?
  • How can I save?
  • How can I create wealth?
  • How can I create a wealth which provides income to me every month where I can lead a wonderful life?

Also Read: Strategies revealed by a Millionaire/Crorepathi

How I started working on my plan?

Thought I had a plan, I realized, it was not that easy to implement. I had tough time to convince my wife. It took almost a month for me to have several rounds of discussions on how to improve our life. Once my wife was convinced, I had two brains to work on the plan. We opened a small business and increased our income.

We always used to think on how to be better. We used to ask ourselves, how to save money and how to grow our savings. We decided to invest in Chits on monthly basis. We used to increase number of chits as our business was growing. Once we felt we are comfortable, we thought we should move to next step of looking for investments. We were illiterate. The only investment option, which we were known was investment in real estate. I could draw a small plan and shown to my wife. My wife gave some more suggestions and it looked like below.

1)     Buy a small house now (with the chitty amounts). This would save rental money which we are paying.

2)     Buy 1 or 2 residential plots for low cost where there is good potential growth. We would go for small loans to implement this plan.

Also Read: How to become Millionaire / Crorepathi – 4 life changing lessons I learnt

How our real estate investment has grown?

No doubt the real estate prices have gone up in the last 8 to 10 years. My current residential property value has grown by almost 5-6 times. The value of 2 residential properties which I purchased has grown almost 10 to 12 times.  Now, I get a rental income between ₹ 50,000 to ₹55,000 per month from all these properties. I a continuing to do the small business and my income is increasing year on year.

What are the key messages to our readers?

When I asked this question, Srinivas replied stating, “I am not a big person to give any message. But surely, I would advice a few things which every one thinks they know it. Increase income, save money and invest wisely. You may not see such high boom in real estate in future, but definitely investment in real estate is good for long term investment. The only asset which can generate fixed income and capital appreciation is investment in real estate”.

Thanks to Srinivas for sharing his success story.

Readers, I invite your valuable suggestions and feedback to improve future articles.

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Interview with a Crorepathi (Daily Laborer turned Crorepathi)

Suresh KP

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  1. A very informative article which is a lesson for all the readers. Saving your hard earned money is very important and that too in the right time which can enhance your future

  2. this article is so nice and very important for all Indian youth who has to learn earning and spending are equally important

  3. The article gave a hint on what some points to be considered to increase on our income, though its not required everyone has to follow the same but gave a pushup to think on. Thanks for sharing the idea.

  4. Hi


    I am Srikant form Karnataka i Like to start on online bussiness please help me please contact me to my mail id (s.*********@gm***.com)



    Thank you

  5. This article could have been improved and complete. It looks more like the tales of Arabia. Please provide details as to what they started, what they did, what they faced as hurdle, which year was it etc. 

  6. Hi,

    The interview is inspiring. I have a humble suggestion.

    You could have got more info about the small business they started, how much was the start up cost, what were the challenges they had to face, which would have added more value to your readers.

  7. The right investment at the right time always pays you. But, lot of patience is required. I agree, investing in real estate is always good investments in the long term, but proper scrutinization is required to select good plot/flat/house (perticulary in Hyderabad) as most of the properties may not be secured & safe properties. Lot of care is required to select the property. Thanks for sharing the inspired story of Srininvas.


    Ravi N

  8. Very inspiring indeed. I am reminded of a book titled "Rich Dad, poor Dad" authored by Robert Kiyosaki,  I read recently. Srinivas seems to have followed the advice given in the book meticulously. Though his humility prompts him not to gloat over his dedicated, committed, focussed, systematic efforts, coupled with his wife's total support,  Hearty congrats Srinivas! May your tribe increase in India.

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