How to start a preschool with Kreedo Preschool Solutions in India?

How to start a preschool with Kreedo Preschool Solutions in India?

The most important phase in a man’s life is his early years of education as during this period he undergoes several changes like rapid brain development, prominent and noteworthy physical development, and the child’s immense desire to learn the new concepts.  The preschools play a very significant role in shaping these young and sensitive minds. For the people who are really interested in opening up a preschool, Kreedo has come up as a solution provider. What is this Kreedo Preschool solution all about?  How is Kreedo different from other schools? How to start preschool with Kreedoo Preschool solutions in India. Let me do Kreedo Preschool Solutions Review in this article. This post is based on request from Ms Mounika on “Suggest a topic” who wanted to start a preschool business.

About starting a new business

Opening a preschool is a brilliant and highly profitable business idea but, opening and running it successfully is not everybody’s cup of tea. This field requires a lot of training, research, and hard work. If you are passionate and dedicated towards this sector, only then you can do it efficiently and fruitfully otherwise it is a sheer waste.

Many people take the franchise of the chain of a particular school but there are many factors that limit the effectiveness of the preschool. First of all, the franchise school calls for huge franchise cost and royalty fees. The practice of franchise is not bad but there are many limitations associated with it. If you go for the franchise, you cannot create your own brand. All your creativity, hard work and efforts are subsidized under the big name of the franchise and ultimately it is the brand name that gains more value, not your efforts. Hence many people are not opting for a franchise. For such people, KREEDO is the answer to all their worries and problems.

What is Kreedo Preschool Solutions all about?

Kreedo is a revolutionary preschool solution where it provides for extensive with men and material to help you in setting up a preschool in your own name. Kreedo provides you complete freedom to own and run your own school. It is a non-franchise and no royalty model with only one-time set-up cost. In simple terms it lies between creating your own preschool and creating preschool with franchise.

What Kreedo Preschool Solutions provide you in this model?

Kreedo provides you a complete preschool solution that enables you to establish a premium world-class preschool.

1) It is targeted for children between 2 to 6 years of age. Kreedo helps you to develop your own brand. 

2) It is not a franchise as it works on non-franchise and no royalty model where you have to pay only one-time setting up cost.

3) Kreedo provides you a developmentally appropriate curriculum that has been prepared by picking the best practices from various educational practices.

4) Right from the beginning where the name of the school is decided, logo and pamphlet, brochures, sign boards, banners etc. are designed; Kreedo is there to help you out.

5) It gives you detailed timetable for activities and themes.

6) It will also help you to train to talk to parents and explain them clearly the vision of the school.

7) It provides the innovative and scientifically designed learning material which is different from conventional methods of learning.  It enables teachers to implement the curriculum through comprehensive training. 

What Kreedo Preschool Solutions provide you in terms of infrastructure and software?

1) High-quality educational material

2) Furniture to create a high-class environment

3) A teacher training software that includes various videos on how the various concepts to be introduced to kids.

4) A Child Evaluation Software that enables the teacher to create an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for every child to track the development of the child.

5) Once the preschool is set up and starts working, Kreedo continuously works on the betterment of the curriculum by introducing new concepts, activity-based learning, etc. they are available to the existing clients as and when they turn up. Kreedo even arranges for special training sessions at the campus if required.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Kreedo Preschool Solutions

1) How is Kreedo different from other schools?

Kreedo works on a different methodology. The curriculum is based on informative children educational material that has been designed to teach various concepts to the kids. Books form a limited part of the curriculum and not the core. A majority of the concepts are taught through wooden educational materials rather than books.

2) Is there a traditional classroom concept?

No, there is no traditional classroom setup with chair and desk and teacher teaching on the blackboard. The methodology is to have a classroom where materials are arranged in such a way that the children will work with the materials and while doing so they will develop various skills on their own. Teachers perform the role of observers who just direct them as and when needed. A majority of the work is done on the ground with mat laid and low-level tables called ‘chowkis’.  

3) Which age group Kreedo targets at?

Kreedo provides for preschool solutions for age group 2 to 6 years. The solution offerings have been further broken up into two groups- age group 2 to 4 years and for 4 to 6 years.

4) How many students can a set of materials and curriculum accommodate?

The educational material or pieces of equipments provided with the solution offering for the age group of 2-4 years is sufficient to accommodate about 60 children. The furniture set up provided initially is good enough for 30-40 children. For the additional children beyond 40, the school may have to invest in a few additional furniture pieces.

5) What one needs from his side to set up the school?

One has to be passionate to work, tackle, communicate and mingle with kids along with few adults to work along with them. Physical infrastructure is also required in terms of building to run the school. Kreedo will give the inputs about how to recruit the teachers and what are the qualities you need to look into for them. But, it will not provide direct faculty.       

6) What are the government regulations to be complied with?

Different states have different rules regarding the registration of preschool. It is advisable to check the requirements with the local government offices before proceeding with the project.

7) Can we choose selected materials from the offerings?

The offerings cannot be broken up in piecemeal and there are lots of inter dependent materials to ensure the effectiveness of the offering. However, there are a different set of options to choose from.

8) Does Kreedo provide school uniform and stationary etc. too?

Kreedo does not provide for any school uniform or stationary as part of solution offerings. They will provide student kits which include workbooks for the students. 

9) What is the area required to run the preschool?

The preschool area required depends on the number of students the school will accommodate. Typically for about 30 students, we require a minimum of 900 to 1000 sq.ft. of space and as the number of students goes up, the area requirement will increase though not necessarily proportionally.

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10) What would be the cost for the solution offerings?

There are different options available for the solution offerings, so one has to contact Kreedo for the final costing. This is a one-time set-up cost and there is no mandatory recurring cost. Here is the address along with contact number-

Kreedo Early childhood Solutions

No. 70, G R Grand Residency,

 3rd floor J P Nagar 6th Phase

Jarganahalli Kanakpura Main Road

Bengaluru-560078 Karnataka


Ph. No. +91 8861001367

Or you can drop an email at

Conclusion: There was demand from businessmen earlier that they were not able to set-up preschool on their own and they cannot build their own brand if they go for franchise. If you want to go for a venture of opening up a preschool under your own name and no franchise, Kreedo is the best solution for you. It provides with all the tools required to run a preschool.    With the introduction of innovative and scientific ways of teaching, it makes learning through discovery and exploration. Gone are those conventional methods of blackboard teaching through books.

What is your view on Kreedo Preschool Solution? Do you feel such innovative solutions would work?

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Suresh KP

How to start a preschool with Kreedo Preschool Solutions in India

Suresh KP

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