Best Investment Plans and Investment Ideas for 2015

Best Investment Plans and Investment Ideas for 2015Best Investment Plans and Investment Ideas for 2015

Advance new year wishes to all our readers. I wish new year bring you all good health and prosperity. I wish many of you would become Lakhpathi and Crorepathis in this year by planning and investing in Best Investment Plans and Top Investment Ideas in 2015. While stock markets see some corrections and recovering, we are yet to see its clear direction. While there are several best investment options available, not all are suitable for every investor. In this article, I would analyze some of the top investment options, industry trend about them and where investor can bet for growing money. What are those best investment plans for 2015 that offer high returns? Which are those top investment ideas in 2015 where you can get superior returns?

Best Investment Plans and Investment Ideas for 2015

There is no particular sequence or ranking here, I have gone by various investment options.

1) Investment in IPO

One of the quickest way to grow your money is investing in IPO’s. In 2014-15, there were several IPO’s that came in, which are regular and SME IPO’s. Wonderla IPO has given stunning 133% returns from May-14 to Dec-14. Snowman Logistics has given 105% from Sep-14 to Dec-14. Overall, IPO’s have given more than 65% returns in 2014. However, we have seen that investor sentiment has reduced towards IPO's in the last 2-3 months. Shemaroo Entertainment and Monte Carlo Fashions are trading below its issue price. While fundamentals are good, these are trading below issue price. I still believe that picking up right IPO for 2-3 year investment horizon or wait for 100% returns and selling them could be good idea for investing in IPO.

Who should invest: High risk investors can pick-up best IPO for 2-3 years investment horizon. Keep reading our blog for complete analysis on IPO’s which are published few days before opening IPO. I feel this is one of the Best Investment Plans in India for those who want to risk and grow their money faster.

2) Investment in Stocks

Stock markets are reaching a peak. We are seeing some correction now and then. Markets are then recovering. New Government Policies are strengthening market sentiment. I would believe that stock markets would reach new highs in 2015 though it may see some corrections during the year. However, investors should pick-up good blue chip stocks for long term investment in 2015. Falling rupee would increase profits of Information Technology companies and some of the stocks like Infy, TCS, Wipro, HCL etc., would benefit from this. Falling Crude oil prices would provide opportunity for investors to invest in the aviation sector, painting industry etc.,

Who should invest: Long term investors with high risk appetite can invest in stocks. Smart investors can benefit by investing in specific stocks which would have an impact due to falling Crude Oil and falling Rupee.

3) Investing in Mutual Funds

One of the best way to grow your money and create wealth by any one is, investing in mutual funds through Systematic Investmetn Plan (SIP). Since markets are at peak, I keep getting messages from readers saying “is it right time to invest in mutual funds”. Since mutual funds are handled by experts who invest in various stocks based on their analysis, as an investor, you just need to pick-up right mutual fund suitable to you. There are several mid-cap mutual funds which have outperformed now. Banking Sector mutual funds going to rock in coming years. Instead of picking up some pension plans, ULIP Plans, Child Plans, Picking up top and the best mutual funds for 2015 would help you to grow your money faster.

Where to invest: You should keep investing in equity funds as indicated in our top funds for 2015 article. If you are a high risk investor, invest in pharma funds, Infrastructure funds, banking sector funds and mid-cap funds  in addition to equity funds.  However, these additional funds, you need to keep an eye and exit as appropriately. These sector funds are one of the good investment plans for high risk investors.

4) Non Convertible Debentures

One of the high return fixed income investment option are NCD’s. Invest in Secured NCD’s if you are high risk investor. You need to monitor the company and in case of decline in performance, exit appropriately if there is any option to sell them in the stock market.

Where to invest: I have analyzed some of the top rated NCD’s which are available at less bond prices in the stock market. You can review them.

5) Bank Fixed Deposits

Banks are reducing interest rates in the recent months. In my recent review of all FD rates, I have analyzed that most of the banks have reduced interest rates to 8.75% (average). In coming months too, I expect rates to come down further.

Where to invest: Check the latest bank FD rates and lock your money in long term FD schemes. Bank FD schemes would continue to be one of the good Investment Plan for investors in India.

6) Company Fixed Deposits

Investors want to invest in high return FD options. However, banks are offering 8% to 9% FD rates. Company FD schemes are offering almost 12% FD interest and annualized yield works out to be 15%. Hence, these are considered as one of the best investment plans in India for high risk investors who want regular returns.

Where to invest: Investing in high yield FD schemes like PNBHFL which offers 15% is a good idea. You can review other company FD schemes to before investing. It is one of the best investment plans to get fixed income by taking  some risk.

Best Investment Plan for 20157) Public Provident Fund

Another good investment idea is to invest in PPF in 2015. Since 80C exemption limit has been increased to ₹ 1.5Lakhs and PPF limit also been raised to ₹ 1.5Lakhs, investing in this PPF which offers 8.7% is a good option. Do you know that if you and your spouse can invest ₹ 1.5 Lakhs each totaling to ₹ 3 Lakhs per year for 15 years, you can create a wealth of ₹ 94 Lakhs which is tax free. Beyond this you would get 80C exemption to every year. This is one of the best investment plan to save tax, get tax exemption and tax free returns.

8) ELSS Mutual funds

One of the best way to get tax exemption u/s 80C and grow your money is to invest in ELSS Tax saving mutual funds. ELSS Mutual funds have a lock-in period of 3 years from the date of investment. If you are investing through SIP, each SIP would be counted as fresh investment and lock-in period would apply. ELSS funds provide 12% to 15% annualized returns, hence this is a best bet for those who are willing to take some risk, want tax exemption u/s 80C and aim for higher returns.

Where to invest: Invest in Top ELSS Tax Saving Mutual Funds in 2015 which I have recommended earlier. These are ELSS funds which have proven in terms of performance and are in the top ranking. ELSS Funds are one of the top investment plans where you get tax benefit and these can provide superior returns.

Conclusion: While there are several best investment Plans and Investment Ideas, not all are suitable for everyone. Invest based on your risk appetite, investment horizon and based on your financial goal. This way you would be able to achieve your financial goals faster than you thought.

Happy investing in best investment plans !!!

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Best Investment Plans and Investment Ideas for 2015

Suresh KP

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  1. Hi Suresh –
    What is your view/advise on Atal pension Yojana? Do you think returns are reasonable?
    Should one invest in it or should that money go to a mutual fund SIP?


  2. Hi Suresh ,
    My age is 26 . Now i am investing 4000 in three mutual funds and 2000 in ppf per month. i would like take a insurance plan that will give return + life coverage.

  3. Dear Suresh sir,

    I’m a 33 year old NRi, my investment as follows……

    15000 Rs/- RD at 9.5 % interest with indian bank starts from 2014 end in 2024.

    My wife (Hose wife) opened a sukanya Samruddhi Acc on 2015 for my daughter 60000 Rs / year…….

    Atal pension yojana monthly 752 Rs/- for 27 years………

    I have gold ornaments worth 12 L

    How about my current investment plan? i never invest in the mutual funds…

    I can also use 20000 Rs/- more per month for invest…….Kindly reply with a safe investment portfolio for
    this money? I wish to retire on age 48 …… my aim as follows…..

    My daughter education and marriage as she is now 3 years……

    My son education he is 1 year now and also for my retirement life…..

    Modification of my home (approx 15 L )

    Kindly reply me how can i achieve my goals……..

    Your prompt reply was much appreciable…..

    1. Ratheesh, Since your goal is retiremnet corpus and daughter education and marriage, son education, you can invest for atleast 8 to 10 years. Best way is to invest in top mutual funds. Check this article. You can invest in large cap, mid-cap and balanced funds.

  4. sir i want to invest some money for investment in mutual fund so if you could please suggest some mutual fund with good return

  5. Sir I am new and I wish to invest in sip 10000k/month for my child’s education and marriage. Where should I invest. Should I open my account through fundsindia or icicidirect

    1. Hi Arun, You can open either of them. Start investing in mutual funds in large cap and balanced funds to start with. You can choose funds like ICICI focussed blue chip or Birla SL Front liine or ICICI balanced fund. Start reading our articles and gain knowledge. Then you can pick up some more funds and increase your monthly investments.

    1. You should first understnad how ULIP works. I hope you have gone thru it. You need to check on ULIP’s which are available at low allocation charges

  6. Wonderful dedication Suresh… However I feel that you could have included NSC Savings scheme offered in post offices which offer 8.8% rate compounded on half yearly basis

    1. RKS, Yes, you can add them too. However they are more towards tax savings, hence I have not added. By the way, what do you do. How you are investing your savings.

  7. Thank you Suresh on the article FD Vs Lfunds.

    I have one other confusion. When to go for Short term Vs Liquid Fund Vs Balanced funds? Is the difference only in-terms of timeframe/charge on exit loads? Otherwise, how does it benefit the investor wrt these fund categories??

    Thank you.

  8. Hi Suresh,

    Thanks for the great article. I have Rs. 1 Lakh to invest and out of which 15K will go for Term Insurance Plan. I am left with 85K. Where should I invest this?

  9. dear sir

  10. hi suresh

    your article is really nice and useful. can i believe to invest in mutual fund. i don’t want to take any risk. suggest me. thanks and wish you happy new year

  11. Dear Suresh,

    Happy New Year and Thank you very much for the informative and very well analysed article.

    I am new to the MF world and as a first step I am planning to start an investment of 5000Rs/month in UTI Mid Cap Fund. I am also looking at Reliance Small Cap Fund as a secondary option. The main aim of the investments is savings for my 1yr old childs future education.

    Please suggest if you think any other fund suits my needs.

    Thank you again.

  12. sir,
    can you suggest some good mutual funds for new investor i was planning to invest 3000 per month in different mutual funds in SIP of 1000 for long time for my marriage and for my house purpose i am too confuse to invest please suggest

  13. Hello suresh…!
    First of all thanks for sharing your ideas.
    I’m a NRI and looking to invest 5 lakhs in total.
    For FY 2014-15, I have maintained my Nri status, but for FY 2015-16, I will not be able to maintain my Nri status.
    Owing to above condition pls help me out with the best investment options I’m left with.
    Also I have looked on for Nre Fd but same cannot be done due to my status for next FY.

    Your response will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks ankit.

  14. Dear Suresh,
    My bank often calls me to suggest investment into Liquid funds. Is Liquid funds better or Balanced funds better?
    My view is that FDs are better for short term (6month to 2yrs). Balanced funds are better for 2yrs to 3yrs. Equity funds for more than 3yrs.
    Pls give me your views on this
    Thank You & Regards,

  15. Hi Suresh,
    Till now I have invested my money in low risk saving funds but now I want to switch over to high risk so where do you think I should invest my money, except IPO’s and Stocks.

  16. Hello Suresh ,

    I have a sum of Rs 6 Lacs which I am planning for investment and these are money which I want to invest in safe assets.

    I was thinking of investing 2 Lacs in Liquid Fund for urgent money , 2 Lacs in MF and 2 Lacs in FD or Buy Gold

    The time frame for MF is around 2-3 years and I would like to invest in lumpsum amount.

    Could you suggest if the amount divided would be appropriate ? And Can you suggest good MF I can invest into.

    Thank You for your excellent site this would be a daily read for me.

    1. It is appropriate. Howevever 2L of mutual funds would be an issue as you cannot invest 2L in regular equity / hybrid mutual funds for such short term of 2 years. You can consider short term mutual funds for this purpose.

  17. A best site i have ever seen on investment ideas… great work Mr.suresh…keep going…A very happy new year…

  18. Hi Suresh,

    Welled articulated investment ideas. Thanks for sharing.

    Just to check, why you have not included real estate investment in the article?

    Happy New Year. Keep blogging!


    1. Satya, There is no specific reason. Real estate is good investmetn option, however it depends on city to city. Investing in real estate in Andhra Pradesh is good now, where as for Telengana, we need to wait and watch. Hence this option may not be applicable for all investors.

  19. Nice article Suresh. Thanks a lot for sharing your ideas and keep us posted and encouraged with all your inputs time to time. Wish you and your family a great, wonderful and prosperous new year 2015.

    Best regards,

  20. Hi Suresh,

    Thanks a lot for sharing such useful information. Been waiting for this. I will definitely share this info to my friends and families. Couple of my friends has started reading your blogs already.

    Wish you happy and prosperous new year to you and your family.

  21. Hi Suresh,

    Wishing you and your family a very happy and a prosperous new year 2015.

    Thanks for your valuable time for posting the above investment ideas for the next year.

    Take care.

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