Top Free Websites for Income Tax Return (ITR) filing online

Top Free Websites for Income Tax Return ITR filing onlineTop Free Websites for Income Tax Return (ITR) filing online

Its tax season now. One has to file income tax returns (ITR) before 31st July, 2016. If you can spend some few minutes, you can do it online through various free websites available for income tax returns filing. What are the documents required for you to do income tax return filing online? Which are the top free websites available for income tax return filing online in India?

Income Tax Returns (ITR) filing  and deadline

The due date of return filing is the last date on which the Income Tax Return can be filed by the assessee without any interest charges. The due date of return filing is 31st July of the relevant assessment year.

Also Read: Ways to pay zero tax upto ₹ 10 Lakhs of taxable income

What are the documents required for filing income tax return online?

1)     Pan card

2)     Form 16 (If you don't have Form-16, you can still efile income tax returns)

3)     Form 16-A

4)     Form 26AS

5)     Bank passbook and bank statements

6)     Fixed deposit statements

7)     Proof of investment under section 80C

8)     Proof to avail exemptions (house rent receipts for HRA, tickets for LTA, medical expenses receipts)

9)     Proof of investments under section 80E

10)    Proof  of home loan interest

11)    Proof of investments under section 80D

12)    Share transaction statement.

Also Read: How to file income tax return with Form-16?

Top Free Websites for Income Tax Return (ITR) filing online

There are many websites which make the process of filing the Income Tax Return online easier and simplified. These sites guide the user through step-by-step process for the Income tax return filing, from the calculation of the tax to the filing of the return and even in making the payment of the tax payable. E-filing through these sites is easier than thought.

The top websites for such easy online income tax return filing are:

1) Govt Income Tax Website (

Nothing can beat the govt. of India income tax website. This is free website where you can file income tax returns by registering it in few minutes. If you are existing user, you can login and file the income tax returns in just few minutes. 

You can file offline form by downloading XML, login to portal  and efile with upload return option.

You can file online by logging in and fill relevant details.

2) Cleartax (

Cleartax is a website approved by Government of India for the e-filing.

  • This website offers a choice to the user to either fill in the required data manually or to let the system fill the form automatically selecting the data from the scanned Form-16.
  • The site assists the user with step-by-step guidance on E-filing.
  • The site offers its service of e-filing for no charges for women, senior citizens and Indian Defense Personnel.
  • The site also offers the management, refund and liabilities and e-filing of NRI’s 
  • The site offers certain services on payment:
  • In case user wants, the site offers the service of collecting the data of return filing over telephone and email and the return is then filled in by the accountants of the site. The person has to do nothing except to provide the data. This is a paid up service provided by the website.
  • In case the user needs the assistance of CA’s that also can be asked for through the site. It is a paid service ranging between ₹ 499- ₹ 1800.

3) H&R Block (

It is a very user friendly site having a nice interface which makes it easier to use.

  • The site offers a simplified way of E-filing and the guidance is provided through a video and hence the E-filing is made easier and straightforward.
  • The H&R block offers its help over the call and site for free, i.e., if the user needs any help they can call the agents of the site and seek help for no charges.
  • The site also offers the option of getting the form filled automatically by system from scanned PDf From-16.
  • The site offers certain services on payment:
  • The site offers CA for checking of the Income tax return at the charge of ₹ 499 and in case of need for preparation of return by CA the site charges ₹ 999.
  • The site also offers face to face assistance over payment starting at ₹ 1999.

Also Read: How to claim last minute deductions / claims while filing income tax returns?

4) Taxsmile (

It is a very user supportive website as it provides dedicated helpline number for customer service, email option for help and also live chat for queries and thus an immediate support system is in place on this site.

  • This website provides for the free return filing of every person whose net taxable income is less that ₹ 5 lakhs.
  • On this Website all the data for e-filing has to be entered manually in case of free service.
  • This website is not clear as others and appears a bit more cluttered bit is not confusing.
  • The site offers certain services on payment:
  • The site offers the facility of entire e-filing by itself at a cost. The assessee requires only to upload the Form-16. The charge of  this service is ₹ 500.

There are a few websites like etc., which are offering free efiling, however upto ₹ 2.5 Lakhs of taxable income only. Means, they do not provide free services for tax payers, hence I am not covering them.

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Top Free Websites for Income Tax Return (ITR) filing online

Suresh KP

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  1. Dear Sir,

    I am having the income, loss from the sources mentioned below.

    1) Salary

    2) Short term Capital gain from Equity shares

    3) Longterm capital gains/loss from Equity shares, Dividends

    4) Interest from fixed deposits

    I have no income from any other sources.

    I want to file the tax return for AY17-18 through Govt. Income tax website. I am not sure whether I need to use ITR1 or ITR2. Please clarify

  2. Sir,
    I am an ex serviceman. I have income from Pension, Salary(re-employed in a private firm), Interest from FD. I am staying in a rented house at present job location, for which I am getting HRA. I have 2 houses in my name. My family is staying in one house and other one kept locked. Kindly advise me, which ITR Form to be filled.

  3. I have read your article carefully and realized that now I have full information about ITR filing, now my all doubts are destructed. So thanks for aware us through this article.

  4. Respected Sir,
    Myself working with a govt organisation since last 10 months . Recently my organisation has given me form 16 Where they have mentioned taxable income (from June 2015-March 2016) as Rs 2,17,000 . However sir just before working here i was working with a BPO company whr i earned about Rs 55,000/- from April 2015 to May 2016 which i did not tell to the organisation. Sir do i have to pay any income tax?If your ans is yes, then sir is there anyway that i can save it? I am living in a house owned by my mother.

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