Top 10 Best Mutual Funds for SIP to invest in 2018
In the next 3 months, 2017 year would end. I have been recommending Top 10 Best Mutual funds to be invested through SIP every year. There are new additions based on the latest market trends. Some of the top SIP mutual funds recommended by me in the last few years gave as high as 30% annualized returns. Now its turn to look at Top 10 Best Mutual Funds for SIP to invest in 2018 in India. These Best mutual funds are filtered based on several key parameters and one can make it as a model portfolio and invest in these funds. These funds are suitable to moderate risk to high risk investors. Lets Review Top 10 Best Mutual Funds to invest in 2018 in India.
Also Read: Best Sector Mutual Funds to invest in 2018 in India
How I filtered Top 10 Best Mutual Funds for SIP to Invest in 2018?
These top 10 mutual funds to invest in India have been filtered, analyzed and shortlisted based on key parameters.
These mutual funds are picked based on highest returns received in the last 5 years, including when market was bearish / down trend.
Mutual fund Schemes rated by Crisil as Rank-1, Rank-2, Rank-3 and Rank-4 are picked for these top funds list which indicates consistent performance in all market cycles.
Value research Online (VRO) rated these funds as 5 star, 4 star and 3 star. Highest star rating indicates that these funds can perform well compared to its peers in various stock market cycles.
Filtered based on Mutual fund AUM (Assets under management) which has > 1000 Crores. This refers that more and more investors are investing in such funds create investor confidence about the fund.
Some of the funds would be a repetition from my earlier recommendations as they continue to perform well.
List of Top 10 Best Mutual Funds for SIP to Invest in 2018
You might be low risk investor or high risk investor. Since these Top 10 Funds are selected across various market capitalizations, you can go ahead and invest in these Top 10 mutual funds in India.
Top#1: SBI Blue Chip Fund
Fund Objective: The scheme would invest in stocks of companies whose market capitalization is at least equal to or more than the least market capitalized stock of BSE 100 Index.
Fund Performance: This is one of my favourite large cap fund. This fund has beaten all its peers and provided 18% annualised returns in last 5 years. If you have invested ₹ 1,000 per month through SIP for 5 years, your total investment would have been ₹ 60,000 and your investment value would have grown to ₹ 96,000 now. Since Inception it gave 12% annualized returns. If one would have invested ₹ 1 Lakh 5 years back, the invested amount would have grown to ₹ 2.3 Lakhs.
Why to invest: Fund performed well in various market cycles. This fund beats all its peers and provided 18% annualised returns in the last 5 years compared to the S&P BSE 100 benchmark of 12% in a similar period. Risk Grade is low and Return grade is high. Crisil ranks it as Rank-1 and Value Research Online (VRO) as 5-Star (5 out of 5). This is one of the best mutual funds to invest in for long term of 10-20 years.
Top#2: Aditya Birla Sun Life Frontline Equity Fund
Fund Objective: This mutual fund scheme aims to generate long term growth of investment, through a stock portfolio with a target allocation of 100% equity aiming at being as diversified across various industries and or sectors.
Fund Performance: This is another fund which is my favourite. This fund has beaten all its peers and provided 17.7% annualised returns in last 5 years. Even in the short term of 1 year, it gave 15% returns which proves it as good short term fund too. If you have invested ₹ 1,000 per month through SIP for 5 years, your total investment would have been ₹ 60,000 and your investment value would have grown to ₹ 91,000 now. Since Inception it gave 22% annualized returns. If one would have invested ₹ 1 Lakh 5 years back, the invested amount would have grown to ₹ 2.25 Lakhs. This has been one of the top performing mutual funds in India in the last 5-10 years.
Why to invest: Last year the asset size was ₹ 12,000 Crores and currently this is over ₹ 18,500 Crores. Fund performed well in bull markets and reduced losses during bear markets. This fund beats all its peers and provided 17.7% annualised returns in the last 5 years compared to the S&P BSE 200 benchmark of 13% in a similar period. Risk Grade is below average and return grade is above average. Crisil ranks it as Rank-2 and Value Research Online (VRO) as 4-Star (4 out of 5). This is one of the best mutual funds to invest in 2018 for SIP to invest for medium to long term of 10-20 years. If you want to just invest in Top 5 Mutual Funds for SIP, you should make this mutual fund scheme as part of your portfolio.
Also Read: Top Rated Equity Mutual Funds to invest now
Top#3: ICICi Pru Focussed Blue Chip Fund
Fund Objective: This mutual fund's objective is to invest in 20 large cap companies from the top 200 stocks listed on the NSE on the basis of market capitalization and since it has already crossed ₹ 1,000 Crores asset size, it invests beyond Top 200 Stocks in NSE.
Fund Performance: This fund has beaten all its peers and provided 16% annualised returns in last 5 years. If you have invested ₹ 1,000 per month through SIP for 5 years, your total investment would have been ₹ 60,000 and your investment value would have grown to ₹ 90,500 now. Since Inception it gave 15% annualized returns. If one would have invested ₹ 1 Lakh 5 years back, the invested amount would have grown to ₹ 2.1 Lakhs.
Why to invest: Fund performed well in various market cycles. This fund beats all its peers and provided 16% annualised returns in the last 5 years compared to the S&P BSE 100 benchmark of 12% in a similar period. Risk Grade is below average and return grade is above average. Crisil ranks it as Rank-3 and Value Research Online (VRO) as 4-Star (4 out of 5). This is one of the good mutual fund for SIP to invest for long term of 10-15 years.
Top#4: Reliance Small Cap Fund
Fund Objective: This scheme aims to generate capital appreciation by investing in smaller companies. This is just 6 years old scheme. However, in these 6 years, it has beaten its peers with high returns.
Fund Performance: This fund has beaten all its peers and provided 30% annualised returns in last 5 years. If you have invested ₹ 1,000 per month through SIP for 5 years, your total investment would have been ₹ 60,000 and your investment value would have grown to ₹ 136,000 now. Since Inception it gave 21% annualized returns. If one would have invested ₹ 1 Lakh 5 years back, the invested amount would have grown to ₹ 3.7 Lakhs. This is one of the top mutual funds india which proved its performance in just 5 years time frame. This is one of the best performing mutual funds in India in the last 5 years.
Why to invest: This smallcap fund has performed well in just 6 years of its history. This fund beats all its peers and provided 30% annualised returns in the last 5 years compared to the S&P BSE Small Cap benchmark of 18% in a similar period. Risk Grade is above average and return grade is above average. Crisil ranks it as Rank-2 and Value Research Online (VRO) as 3-Star (3 out of 5). This is one of the Top 10 Mutual Funds for sip to invest in 2018 for medium to long term of 5-10 years.
Top#5: Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund
Fund Objective: This fund aims to generate income and capital appreciation from a diversified portfolio predominantly investing in Indian equities and equity related securities of companies which are not part of the top 100 stocks by market capitalization and have market capitalization of atleast ₹100 Crores at the time of investment.
Fund Performance: This fund has beaten all its peers and provided 29% annualised returns in last 5 years. If you have invested ₹ 1,000 per month through SIP for 5 years, your total investment would have been ₹ 60,000 and your investment value would have grown to ₹ 128,000 now. Since Inception it gave 24% annualized returns. If one would have invested ₹ 1 Lakh 5 years back, the invested amount would have grown to ₹ 3.65 Lakhs.
Why to invest: This midcap fund has performed in various market cycles making this as unique fund. This fund beats all its peers and provided 30% annualised returns in the last 5 years compared to the NIFTY Free float midcap 100 benchmark of 18% in a similar period. Risk Grade is low and return grade is high. Crisil ranks it as Rank-1 and Value Research Online (VRO) as 5-Star (5 out of 5). This is one of the best midcap mutual fund for 2018 for SIP to invest for medium to long term of 5-10 years.
Top#6: Franklin India Smaller Cos Fund
Fund Objective: This fund’s objective is to generate long-term capital appreciation from a portfolio of mid-cap and small-cap companies. It invests upto 75% in smaller companies.
Fund Performance: This fund has beaten all its peers and provided 30% annualised returns in last 5 years. If you have invested ₹ 1,000 per month through SIP for 5 years, your total investment would have been ₹ 60,000 and your investment value would have grown to ₹ 120,000 now. Since Inception it gave 16% annualized returns. If one would have invested ₹ 1 Lakh 5 years back, the invested amount would have grown to ₹ 3.7 Lakhs.
Why to invest: This small cap fund has performed well in various market cycles. This fund beats all its peers and provided 30% annualised returns in the last 5 years compared to the NIFTY Free float midcap 100 benchmark of 18% in a similar period. Risk Grade is low and return grade is average. Crisil ranks it as Rank-3 and Value Research Online (VRO) as 5-Star (5 out of 5). This is one of the top mutual fund for SIP to invest for medium to long term of 5-10 years. This is one of the best performing mutual funds in india in smallcap segment.
I have recommended Principal Emerging Bluechip fund (part of midcap/smallcap) last year as part of top 10 funds. This fund too performed well by providing 29% returns in the last 5 years, however since the above 3 midcap/smallcap funds are comparatively better, this fund has been pushed to 4th position in midcap/small cap position. In case you have invested in this fund, continue to invest in such fund.
I have also recommended DSP BR Microcap fund last year which is running well. However since the size of the fund is increasing they have stopped fresh investments. Existing SIP's are continuing. Hence I have recommended this Fund now. If you are invested, continue to invest in this fund. This one of the top peforming mutual funds in India in small cap segment.
Also Read: Top 10 Sector Based Mutual Funds for 2017-2018
Top#7: Franklin India Higher Growth Companies Fund
Fund Objective: The fund seeks to achieve capital appreciation through investments in Indian companies/sectors with high growth rates or potential. It will focus on companies offering the best trade-off between growth, risk and valuation. The fund managers will follow an active investment strategy and will be focusing on rapid growth companies which will be selected based on growth, measures such as Enterprise value, growth rate, price/earnings/growth, forwardprice/sales, and discounted EPS.
Fund Performance: This fund has beaten all its peers and provided 22% annualised returns in last 5 years. If you have invested ₹ 1,000 per month through SIP for 5 years, your total investment would have been ₹ 60,000 and your investment value would have grown to ₹ 100,000 now. Since Inception it gave 14% annualized returns. If one would have invested ₹ 1 Lakh 5 years back, the invested amount would have grown to ₹ 2.7 Lakhs.
Why to invest: This diversified fund has performed well in various market cycles. This fund beats all its peers and provided 22% annualised returns in the last 5 years compared to the NIFTY 500 benchmark of 14% in a similar period. Risk Grade is average and return grade is high. Crisil ranks it as Rank-3 and Value Research Online (VRO) as 5-Star (5 out of 5). This is one of the top and best mutual fund for SIP in 2018 to invest for medium to long term of 5-10 years.
Top#8: Kotak Select Focus Fund
Fund Objective: The mutual fund scheme aims for capital appreciation from a diversified portfolio of equity and equity related instruments, generally focused on a few selected sectors.
Fund Performance: This fund has beaten all its peers and provided 20% annualised returns in last 5 years. If you have invested ₹ 1,000 per month through SIP for 5 years, your total investment would have been ₹ 60,000 and your investment value would have grown to ₹ 100,000 now. Since Inception it gave 15% annualized returns. If one would have invested ₹ 1 Lakh 5 years back, the invested amount would have grown to ₹ 2.5 Lakhs.
Why to invest: This is one of the best diversified fund. This fund beats all its peers and provided 20% annualised returns in the last 5 years compared to the NIFTY 200 benchmark of 13% in a similar period. Risk Grade is average and return grade is Above Average. Crisil ranks it as Rank-1 and Value Research Online (VRO) as 4-Star (4 out of 5). This is one of the good diversified fund among Top 10 Mutual Funds for sip to invest in 2018 for long term of 10-20 years.
Top#9: ICICI Pru Balanced Mutual Fund
Fund Objective: The scheme invests in equities and related securities as well as fixed income and money market securities. It invests 60% minimum in equity and balance in debt related instruments.
Fund Performance: This fund has beaten all its peers and provided 18% annualised returns in last 5 years. If you have invested ₹ 1,000 per month through SIP for 5 years, your total investment would have been ₹ 60,000 and your investment value would have grown to ₹ 92,000 now. Since Inception it gave 15% annualized returns. If one would have invested ₹ 1 Lakh 5 years back, the invested amount would have grown to ₹ 2.3 Lakhs.
Why to invest: This is one of the best diversified fund. This fund beats all its peers and provided 18% annualised returns in the last 5 years compared to the Balanced Fund category benchmark of 13% in a similar period. Risk Grade is below average and return grade is Above Average. Crisil ranks it as Rank-2 and Value Research Online (VRO) as 4-Star (4 out of 5). This is one of the top and best balanced mutual fund for SIP to invest for long term of 10-20 years.
Top#10: HDFC Balanced Fund
Fund Objective: The scheme invests in equities and related securities as well as fixed income and money market securities. It invests 60% minimum in equity and balance in debt related instruments.
Fund Performance: This fund has beaten all its peers and provided 17.7% annualised returns in last 5 years. If you have invested ₹ 1,000 per month through SIP for 5 years, your total investment would have been ₹ 60,000 and your investment value would have grown to ₹ 95,000 now. Since Inception it gave 15% annualized returns. If one would have invested ₹ 1 Lakh 5 years back, the invested amount would have grown to ₹ 2.25 Lakhs.
Why to invest: This is the second best balanced fund. This fund beats all its peers and provided 18% annualised returns in the last 5 years compared to the Balanced Fund category benchmark of 17.7% in a similar period. Risk Grade is below average and return grade is Above Average. Crisil ranks it as Rank-1 and Value Research Online (VRO) as 4-Star (4 out of 5). This is one of the good balanced mutual fund for SIP to invest for long term of 10-20 years.
Also Read: Best MIP Mutual Funds to invest now
Complete list of Top 10 Mutual Funds to invest for long term in 2018 are given below
Last year, I have recommended apart from some of the above listed funds. You should continue to invest in them. If you would like to add more funds, select some of the new funds indicated in this article.
Conclusion: These funds are the Best SIP to invest for highest growth for medium to long term. This is standard portfolio which is designed for all kinds of investors like high risk investors and moderate risk investor. If you are a high risk investor and expecting higher returns, you can add more funds from mid-cap/small-cap segment. If you are moderate risk investor, you can add more funds in balanced mutual fund category which are little low risk compared to other funds. If you simply want to invest in a diversified portfolio, go ahead and invest in these top 10 mutual funds to get high returns in coming years.
Happy investing in best mutual funds in 2018!!!
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Top 10 Best Mutual Funds for SIP to invest in 2018
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Every investor knows that the Systematic Investment Plan is a best way of investing in the equity mutual funds that will give good growth over a long time frame. Besides from investing often, it imparts the financial discipline in lives of the investors.
I am regular follower of your page . I am investing dsp Small cap fund from 2 yr. And uti Mnc fund from 3 yr through sip of 2000 /. Dsp small cap not performing good presently. Can you please suggest me , shall I continue this 2 sip or exit..
Hello Rajib, DSP Small cap fund and several other small cap and midcap funds took beating due to SEBI reclassification of mutual fund schemes from Apr-18. It would take some time for these funds to revive. If you are long term investor, you continue to invest through SIP. However you should always balance between large cap funds, midcap/smallcap funds and balanced funds so that such fluctuations can impact you lower when you want to sell them
Hello Suresh Sir.
How long should a person invest in liquid fund. I have invested 50 k lumsum in quantum liquid fund .Can I invest it for a long period for good returns as i don’t want to use that money . Is quantum liquid fund good for returns or shall I go with Axis liquid fund or Essel liquid fund .Please suggest me something for lumsum for long term which will give good returns so I can use when I need it in future for daughter education .
Hello Suresh Sir
How long should we invest in liquid fund.even if we don’t need that money . Can we keep money in liquid fund for long term like 5 years .Is it worth in keeping money in liquid funds for good returns .
How is quantum liquid fund I have lumsum of 50k in it .Shall I continue with it or go for Easel liquid fund or Axis liquid fund
Hello Sudharshan, Liquid funds are only for keeping idle money for short term requirement. There is no harm in keeping them for 5 years, but for what? you can keep them in long term debt funds that can fetch higher returns than liquid funds if you want to keep it for 5 years.
Hello Suresh Sir
I am currently investing in few mutual funds . I am planning to invest for a long term of 15 or more years
Axis long term Equity fund – 1000
Mirae Asset Emerging blue chip fund -1000
Reliance Small cap fund – 1000
Quantum equity fund of funds -1000
My goal is to make 50 lacs and above . Am I investing in proper funds . Shall I invest in more other funds
Hello Sudharshan, All the funds indicated by you are good except for Quantum fund of funds which invests in another mutual fund scheme instead of investing in stocks. You can invest in largecap or diversified fund instead of this fund.
Thank you Suresh sir for your valuable guidance …should I invest in few more or continue with to achieve my goals
Hello Sir,
I am investing in quantum equity fund of funds 1000 rs SIP and lumsum of 25,000 in quantum liquid fund from last few 6 months Just want to know whether this company’s funds are good in future for good returns or shall I redeem and invest in others.I am ready to take risk for now for good return after few years . Can you please suggest on this ,shall I continue or not .
Hello Sudharshan, Quantum AMC is good. However the fund of fund what you invested, you may invest in directly in equity fund. Quantum liquid fund is also good, but it is only for emergency money or short term requirement.
Hi Suresh KP
I am 32 years old and I am investing dis 11 funds for last 2 years… And supposed to invest till 60 years…. Kindly suggest my selection or you may suggest any changes… I can take the high risk…. All are Direct Growth Plan….
1. MA Emerging Bluechip
2. CR Emerging Equities
3. HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities
4. FI Prima
5. K Emerging Equities
6. SBI Magnum MidCap
7. LT Emerging Business
8. DSP Small Cap
9. FI Smaller Companies
10. LT Mid-Cap
11. R Small Cap
Want to add 5 Large Cap in near future…..
I am responding to your comment on other article
Hi Suresh,
I am selecting total 3 funds (Large,Mid ,small cap) for my long term goals. Now the question is , i have 7 goals . How do i map these 3 funds to all 7 goals. or Should i create same 3 funds into 7 separate portfolio for each goal. I mean Different folio for same fund. Kindly clarify. Which is best and easier to manage portfolio. Single vs Multiple portfolio for goals
Hi Kalai, You should invest based on financial goal + Tenure. If all your goals have same tenure, your job is easy. You can just go ahead and invest in these 3 funds for that tenure. All would mature at same time, hence your planned wealth can be created. However if they have different tenure, my advice is to invest in them seperately.
Thanks Suresh,
All my goals tenure is differ by few years . As per your advice i have to invest them separately. In that case do i need to create more funds for all 7 goals. If i keep 3 funds(Large,mid,UST fund) per goal. Then for 7 goals, need to create 21 new funds. Is that correct approach. kindly advise.
Kalai, You can adopt several ways 1) One is what you said 2) Invest in 5-8 mutual funds. SIP value should be inline with the value of your goals. e.g. you have 2 goals Child Foreign education (10 years, Rs 10,000 per month investment required) and retirement (25 years, Rs 5,000 pert month investment required). Hence when you are investing in 3-5 funds, you can invest Rs 15,000 per month for 10 years and later on you can reduce if required 3) Create mutual fund account in your spouse name too. Now you can play with these 2 MF accounts and create SIPs of 3-5 funds based on goals. You can create 3-4 goals in your account and another 3-4 goals in your spouse account. These are only suggestions, there are several other ways even to do that.
Thanks Suresh. Kindly come up with article on how to manage Single vs Multiple portfolio for long term goals.
In your second point, Combine monthly required amount for 2 goals(child edu, Retirement) , i feel there is chance of mixture of corpus of each goal. suppose if i redeem for child education in 10 years, i should not overdraw from my retirement corpus amount.
Even reducing equity portion in overall investment amount can be tedious. Always the mix of corpus of 2 goals are unavoidable.
Thatswhy request you to come up with some methods in detail in your next post to educate investors .
All my goals are differ by few years in tenure . For each goal , i am selecting one Largecap ,One mid cap and one UST debt fund . For 7 goals, Should i create total 21 new funds. Is this approach valid.
I want to invest one and half lac in top tax saving scheme in one go now. Suggest good ones.
Hello AV Naidu, You can refer the article I am posting tomorrow about best tax saving options
Thanks Suresh for your valuable advice.
Is there any disadvantage in investing a lumpsum amount in mutual fund???
Is SIP is much better or safe than a lumpsum investment???Apart from it what is the best option to invest to have a good return and a withdrawal of money when in need?? Awaiting for your reliable guidance.
SIP is always better as you are not investing one time (markets could be good now, but become worse and vice versa). If you are looking to invest money and withdraw when you need (like emergency money), it would be better to invest in debt funds or liquid funds. Here your goal is to take out money faster then returns.
Hello once again Suresh,
I am interested for lumpsum investment in mutual fund for 50,000/-. Pls suggest the best option for it. I want to have a good return after 10 years.
Hell0 Aayeza, If you are looking for lumpsum investments, you can invest in balanced mutual funds. You can check for HDFC Balanced fund or ICICI Pru equity and debt fund etc.,
I am currently investing RS. 10000 via SIP in following MF.
I have started the SIP in last 1 year,
I can increase my SIP amount to RS. 20000 per month.
My questions are-
1. Are these schemes good or should I change (if so please advise)
2. I want to stop Tata tax saver sip and want to add non elss fund in place of this, please suggest me one.
3. My goals are – 40-50 lacs in next 5-7 years for my house; another 40 lacs in next 15-20 years for child’s education; and 3 cr in next 30 years for retirement.
So please advise me for the same.
Hi Ranuak, 1) You are investing in good funds. 2) You can invest in some of the large cap /diversified funds like Birla SL Frontline equity fund, SBI Bluechip fund etc., 3) If your goal is for long term of 15-20 years, keep adding large cap and diversified funds going forward
which are the best 10 direct mutual funds for investing through sip in oct-2018
You can invest in any of these mutual funds.
Pl tell me best SIP for
high investment
SBI blue chip -1000
Adtiy birla -500
Want start 5000 per month
wher I will invest
Hello Ravi, You can consider investing in large cap and diversified funds indicated in this article.
i am planning to invest in balance mf ICICI,Invesco,HDFC,DSP blackrock,Aditya birla,Edelwise,L&T Rs50000 each pls guide
Hello Arindam, You don’t need to invest in so many balanced funds. You can pick-up 2-3 funds. Here is the article which you can refer and invest.
Hi, i have the below SIPs.. My risk appetite is above average and thinking of long term (15 years).. Let me know if the MF selections are ok for above average return
DSP Equity opportunities – 4000
ICICI Multi asset – 4000
ICICI Equity and debt – 2500
HDFC Hybrid equity find – 2500
ABSL Pure value fund – 4500
L&T Emerging business – 5000
you also buy motilal oswal M35 Fund Its Very Higest Return in Mutulfund sector
Hi, thanks for the wonderful article. Very informative.. i have the below SIPs.. My risk appetite is above average and thinking of long term (15 years).. Let me know if the MF selections are ok for above average return
DSP Equity opportunities – 4000
ICICI Multi asset – 4000
ICICI Equity and debt – 2500
HDFC Hybrid equity find – 2500
ABSL Pure value fund – 4500
L&T Emerging business – 5000
Thank you Balaji. You have invested in good funds
I would like to invest Ten Thousand for 5 yr period. Investing 1000 pm for all the above is advisable or select any 5 is advisable.
Awaiting your reply.
Hi Sam, you can select any of the funds indicated in this article based on your risk appetite
Hello sir i want to invest at least 5000 pm in SIP for 20 years so please suggest me better mutual funds for better return.
Hi Kirti, Funds indicated in this article are good. You can invest in largecap and balanced funds to start with. As you go along, you can invest in other funds indicated in this article
Hello Sir .
Thank you for your valuable advice
As I am new and looking for investing into 5 Mutual funds which one are good above them please if u guide me so I can make a sip of 1000 .
Hello Sudarshan, you can invest in any of the funds indicated here. You can pick-up 1-2 funds from each category and invest in 5-6 funds over all.
Dear sir,
I want to invest 20,000 per month. Duration will be of long term 15-20 years. Please help me to choose the funds.
Hi Amit, You can invest in 5 funds. You can pick, largecap, diversified and balanced funds to start with.
I have invested in below MF. With the current scenario, pls suggest if I should continue or redeem any of these –
Aditya Birla SL Balanced ’95-G
Aditya Birla SL Equity-G
Aditya Birla SL Frontline Equity-G
Franklin India Smaller Companies-G
HDFC Balanced-G
HDFC HOF Series 1 1140D November 2017
ICICI Pru Value Discovery-G
Kotak Select Focus Reg-G
Reliance Regular Savings Balanced-G
SBI Bluechip-G
SBI Magnum MultiCap-G
You have selected good funds. Continue to invest in these funds
Dear Suresh,
Thank you very much for the detailed information and help with the queries.
With the help of your article i have invested in the below funds
Aditya Birla Sun Life Frontline Equity Fund
SBI Blue Chip Fund – Regular Plan
ICICi Pru Focussed Blue Chip Fund
Tata Equity P/E Mutual Fund
DSP Blackrock Opportunities Fund
Birla SL Infrastructure Mutual Fund
Now i would like to invest Rs 1000 in 4 more funds,Please help me in picking from the below funds.Please suggest if there are better alternatives.
Mirae Asset Emerging Blue-chip Fund – Regular Plan
Reliance Small Cap Fund
L&T India Value Fund (G)
SBI Magnum Multicap Fund
Birla Sun life Top 100 Fund
DSP BlackRock MIP – DSP BlackRock Regular Savings Fund
HDFC Midcap Opportunity Fund
Thank You
Surya Ch
good to hear about you and your portfolio. You have selected good funds. About additoinal funds, don’t go for MIP funds as they are meant for people who wish regular income. You can select reliance smallcap fund, L&T India value fund, HDFC midcap opportunity funds. These are high risk funds
Thank you for the suggestion and help Suresh, i will invest in those 3 funds.
Hi, I want to invest in Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund with SIP plan of 5000 per monthly for duration of 5 years.Please tell me will this give best returns after the term period. or Is there any other portfolio which give more returns then this portfolio.
It is good fund. However it is large and midcap fund, hence could be little risky to invest for 5 years. invest in this fund for 6-8 years
very thankful for such a good & unbiased article.
Thank you Poonia
Hi, would like to get some ideas on which funds to invest
Hi Varsha, You can invest in any of these 10 funds indicated in this article.
I want invest 5000 montly in sip . and I choose
1. kotak select focused fund -1000
Mirae Assest Emerging Bluechip fund-1000
SBI Blue chip fund – 1000
ICICI pre Balanced fund-2000
plz tell me is it ok?
Hi Geeta, You have selected good funds. You can invest in these funds
Hi, I am already invested in dsp blackrock micro cap fund (2000 sip from Jan 17). But now it’s performance is not good.
Please suggest me , should I continue sip in this fund or exit.
all midcap and smallcap stocks are taking beating now, hence you are seeing under performance in smallcap and midcap funds. You can continue to invest in this fund
Thanks, for your valuable reply.
Hai Suresh,
I am new to this. I want to invest around 5000 for 10 years. can i split and invest in two different schemes or should i invest in one scheme.
In your article Mirae has return of 29% for 5years and its ranked 1. But Reliance has 30% return and its ranked 2. What is the logic.
Is L&T Infrastructure fund worth investing when compared to the schemes mentioned above. What is the difference.
Please guide me. Thank You.
Good to hear about you Sravani. You can split this into 4 mutual fund schemes. Rank-1 is good, Rank-2 is better but not that good compared to Rank-1 and so on. Since you are new, you can invest in diversified, largecap and balanced funds to start with. Infrastructure funds invest in Infra sector only and high risk. As a new investor, you may skip this as of now
I come from a middle class family i am 28 years old now . i am a s/w developer. My ctc is 4.8 Lakhs per annum . I want to invest 6000 in mutual funds for 15 years . can you please suggest in which funds should i invest so that i will have good money with minimal risk. can i invest 3000 in aditya birla sun life tax relief 96 direct and 3000 in IDFC Tax Advantage ELSS Fund. or should i invest in any equity funds instead of elss. Please suggest i have minimal knowledge in equity funds.
Hi Pavan, Nice to hear about you. It does not depend how much you earn, unless you save and invest, one day a rich would become middle class. You can consider investing 4-5 mutual fund schemes through SIP. Invest in largecap, diversified, midcap and balanced fund (1 from each category) indicated in the article. You can invest in ELSS if you want to save tax, otherwise, go for largecap or diversified mutualfunds.
Good afternoon Sir,
I’m just a beginner. I have never invested in mutual funds till now. I’m looking to start with tax saver Sip investment. Below are the funds i got suggestion from ET MONEY app. Please let me know if this is good.
1. IDFC tax advantage regular growth – 1000
2.Aditya Birla sunlife tax relief 96 growth – 1000
3.DSP tax saver fund growth
Or let me know what is the best.
Thank you for help in advance. Keep up the good work.
Hi Michael, These are good Tax Saving Funds. You can invest in these funds
Thank u Sir.
Currently I have invested in Mirae Asset Mid Cap Fund and the permonth amount is 2000.
I plan to continue for atleast 3 years, Should I continue for the same fund or split between multiple funds?
Also Is it a good idea to have Large cap and debt funds also in the same portfolio?
Hi Shreyas, I hope you are referring mirae asset emerging mutual fund which is midcap fund. This is a good fund, stay invested. You should add large cap funds and diversified funds
I am having SIP in BNP Paribas Mid cap Fund(G)since two years..what is your outlook in continuing the same..
BNP Paribas midcap is under performer. You can review and exit and invest in better midcap funds. You can refer this article for best midcap mutual funds to invest in 2018.
I am 31 and own following MFs through monthly SIPs (all direct growth options) since last 2.7 years. Planning the same for long term. I need reconsideration on my portfolio if at all required as I do not see good growth in portfolio. plz suggest how should I proceed,
SBI Pharma – monthly 4k
ICICI Pru Exports & Other Services – monthly 5k
DSP BR Micro Cap – monthly 5k
Axis ELSS – monthly 4k
ICICI Money mkt fund (liquid) – monthly 30k (so far INR 745000 invested)
Sir, please review my portfolio and advice which ones should I hold and which ones should I switch? I also need specific views on my pharma fund which has been under-performing since a year. what is the long-term outlok on this sector and is it good to hold and continue SIPs in this fund?
Good funds. Pharma is under performer now, however I am expecting that this sector would revive in next 2-3 years. You can continue to invest in that. Last month is liquid fund, are you sure you want to invest in liquid funds. What purpose? If your purpose is to use this for any down payment or any other specific expense, it is okay, otherwise, you should invest in largecap or diversified funds
Yes Sir, this is for a down payment within an year, that's why keeping the amound in liquid fund.
Thats Great
Hi Sir,
Can you please advise me on some good Multicap/ diversified (not very sector specific) fund to start monthly SIPs of 5k. I am also looking forward to a good Midcap fund too. plz advise on that too.
Hi Shivani, you can refer this article for some of the top and best diversified multicap mutual funds to invest for long term.
Thanks so much for the advice! confused between Tata Equity P/E, L&T India Value and Motilal Oswal Multicap 35 Funds. Plz help
All are good funds. you can invest in them
I am planning to invest in
1. Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund – 15000
2. Reliance Small Cap – 15000
3. SBi Blue chip – 12000
3. ICICI Pru Balanced Fund – 12000
So, from the 2 options in 3, which one should I choose.
And is the combination correct, or should i choose something else from all of the above.
Objective is Fund Growth
Note: I will be doing this SIP for around 26 months, after which I will withdraw fully and then
start new SIPs in place from that point of time.
Hi Jagan, In option 3, SBI Bluechip is largecap fund (high risk) and ICICI Balanced fund is balanced fund which his moderate risk. It depends on your risk appetite. You can invest based on your risk appetite. You should not invest in equity funds for 26 months indicated by you as you may or may not get good returns. You should invest atleast for say 5 years to get good returns
Is SBI Tax Magnum Direct Growth a Good Tax Saver option. I see Some sites have downgraded its rating. Is it worth Continuing in the Scheme or Can you please suggest a Similar one.
Hi, This fund has been underperformer. you can refer this article to invest in top performing tax saving mutual fund schemes.
Hey Suresh,
How have you been?
Suresh, I have a lumsum amount of say upto 2 lakhs. I am thinking to invest in a small property like buying a small plot as a long term investment for 10 -15 yeras. Will that be a better option than investing in market??? If NO, then where and how to invest? Please suggest.
Hi Aayeza, There are several investment options, however it would depend on your risk appetite and tenure of investment. 1) You can invest in plot for 10-15 years, however identifying a good appreciable place is challenge 2) You can invest in Liquid funds and do STP to Large cap or diversified mutual funds for say 10-12 months. You can invest in these equity funds for 10-15 years. You may get 12% to 15% returns which may not be guaranteed. However here too identifying good mutual fund is key. If you are willing to invest in mutual funds, you can refer this article and invest in some of the good mutual fund schemes indicated in this article.
I read a many articles and different post from this website. I really
admire your quality of service and guidance you are providing to all.
I have some questions regarding my investment.
Due to sudden dismissal of my father, I received 2 crore from
insurance company. So, I am looking for investment options for this
I am 36 years old, having stable job and house owner, my profile is
very aggressive investor and I am not going to use this money for next
15/20 years.
So now my questions are :
1) With current market situation, should I go with lump-sum investment
of 2 crore ? or do SIP for next 2/3 years ?
2) Which funds to invest ?
Thank you so much in advance for your help and assistance.
Thank you.
Invest in liquid or debt funds and do Systematic Transfer Plan (STP) to some of the large cap and diversified funds through SIP for next 2-3 years.
Thank you so much Suresh for your replay.
I am planning to invest in below funds with monthly SIP of 9 lakhas for next 2 years.
Is my choice correct ?
– ICICI Pru Nifty Next 50 Index Dir Gr
– ICICI Pru Focused Bluechip Equity Fund(G)
– Mirae Asset India Opportunities
– Mirae Asset blue chip
– Reliance Equity Opportunities
– SBI magnum midcap
Should I add more funds ?
Thank you so much again for your help.
Hi Rohit, Good funds except for ICICI Pru Nifty Next 50 Index which is under performer. You can review and then invest in any other fund.
Hi Sir,
I am investing in below funds.
1. Axis Long Term Equity – 4500
2. Sbi Blue chip – 3000
3. Tata India tax saving – 3000
Please review it. I am investing for a long term.
Hi aruna, If your objective is tax saving, Axis long term and Tata India tax saving are ok. Otherwise, invest in largecap or diverisified mutual funds.
hello sir,
i want to invest monthly 5000 in SIPs. which fund i should choose to balance risk of SIP investment plz guide.
Hi Sameer, If you want to balance risk, best way is to invest in balanced mutual funds and large cap funds. Balanced mutual funds are on little lower side of risk and large cap, there is some element of risk. Invest in both these combinations, can help to reduce risk.
Mine & my wfie's current collective SIP portfolio is as follows:
hdfc balanced fund
Axis Long term Equity
icici Value discovery
Uti Equity fund
dsp Small cap fund
kotak Select focus
Aditya Birla sun life MNC
mirae asset emerging blu chip fund
icici pru long term equity fund
Aditya Birla sun life frontline equity fund
DSP Black rock tax saver fund
Kindly review & suggest if any changes are needed to be done, also I want to invest 7,000/month more through SIP's, pls suggest which fund should I choose.
I am currently 32 years old & want to make a corpus of 1 cr in next 8 years.
Good funds. You have tax saver funds and I hope you are investing to get tax exemptoin u/s 80C. If not, invest in large cap funds in place of them
Hi sir,
Sir m investing in following
1. Axis long term equity fund regular plan (G) – Rs 2000
2. Reliance tax saver (ELSS) fund (G)- Rs 2000.
Sir should I go continue with these two? Plz suggest investment horizon is for 20 yrs
Hi Arun, These 2 are tax saving mutual funds. You may invest in largecap and diversified mutual funds if you are investing in long term for 20 years.
Hello Sureshji
I am investing 1 k each in below SIP
Aditya birla sunlife frontline equity
dsp blackrock Mid Cap Fund
Franklin India smaller comapies Fund
ICICI prudential Value discovery fund
Mira asset emerging bluechip fund.
Do stay invested or switch any of the above? My investment horizon is for 5 yrs min.
good funds, you can continue to invest
Hey Suresh, I have come to this from Top 10 Liquid Mutual Fund thread of yours wherein in one answer the link of this thread was provided by you for Lumpsum investment.
Its my humble request if you could guide me for my investment it would be deeply appreciated.
I have 5 lakh spare in my account and want to invest since it was pointed that it is risky to keep such large amount in one account. So as seen from the amount i want to invest that amount as a whole, i would like to have opinion in what medium should i invest.
What i think and my opinion is.
Invest 2L in Bank FD- Wherein the interest is added back. (tenure 1year 6.75% interest rate)
Invest 3L in Mutual Fund- Debt Long Term. on which i am still figuring out.
Invest 3L in Liquid Mutual Fund – As noted in the recent thread on 13April.
I would like to have your opinion is the plan correct and medium chosen will yield in better returns. Also, if those are correct could you suggest how to partition the amount 1L x 3MF’s | Or 50k x 6MF’s.
Thank you once again for bringing out the hottest topics and chalking them down meticulously in simple words.
Dear Sir,
Greetings !!
I already started to invest 24k in 4 mutual funds for long term i m planning to start small amount for GOLD ..I will have to buy gold in 4-5 yrs. (approx 8 sovereigns). To achieve this what is the best option to invest?
1. Purchase 1g coin every month.
2. Invest in Gold ETF
3. Invest in Balanced or Diversified MF Funds (SIP-3000/-)
4. Gold Bonds (nothing to know this).
Please kindly provide your suggestion to take a good decision.
Hi Siva, Your aim should be to buy more gold in 5 years. If you invest in gold coins or gold ETF, you may buy gold but your invested money would not get benefitted. I would advice you to invest in Balanced Mutual Funds through SIP every month in 2-3 funds and after 5 years you can redeem and buy gold
Thanks a lot, Sir !
I have been investing 1000/- in Franklin India smaller companies for the past one year , so i can use that. Apart from this , i would like to go for another SIP on Principal growth or Principal balanced fund – 2000/-..Please advise sir!!
You can invest in Reliance Smallcap fund if you are looking for smallcap segment
Hello Suresh,
I have below mentioned MFs-
Kotak Select Focus Fund – Regular (G)– sip (6k)
L&T Emerging Businesses Fund-RP (G) — sip (6k)
Principal Emerging Bluechip(G) — sip (6k)
Please help me understand are these funds good to accumulate wealth, I want to have atleast 15% interset on these.
Please suggest if I want to invest more shall I invest in the same fund which I have or can choose any new fund for another 6K. If new fund then which one shall I opt for?
Good funds. However DSP BR Tax Saver is ELSS fund. Unless you want to invest for tax saving, you can switch to equity fund. You can consider taking another 2 funds so that your total portfolio of funds would be 8.
In my opinion large cap such as ICICI focussed bluechip, kotak select focus, mirae opportunities fund, and mid cap such as HDFC mid cap opportunities, L&t emerging, mirae emerging may be considered by way of sip.1000 each .
How to create portfolio of these funds fpor long term?
Can we have some core funds and some tertiary funds in Overall Portfolio.. to maximise returns?
Hi Suresh, lovely and easy site to understand for newbies like me. Thank you!
I have lump sum of about 10 lac which I would like to get a monthly or quaterly income from and something that also helps the capital to appreciate. What do you suggest as I am not a SIP?
Thanks in advance 🙂
Hi Sural, You can opt for Monthly Income Plan (MIP) Mutual Funds which can give you regular income though not guaranteed.
Hi Suresh,
Starting this April, Planning to Invest for this two purposes.
Based on your article and other articles I have went through,
Selected this set for a Monthly investment of 5000 in this two categories
Is this combination is correct to start with Mutual Fund investments?
Child Hr Education
ICICi Pru Focussed Blue Chip Fund — 2000
Frankline India Higher Growth Companies Fund — Diversified — 1500
Reliance Small Cap Fund — Mid Cap — 1500
Aditya Birla Sun Life Frontline Equity Fund — Large Cap — 1500
Kotak Select Focus Fund — Diversified — 1000
HDFC Balanced Fund — Balanced — 1500
Mirrae Asses Emerging Bluechip Fund — Mid Cap — 1000
You have selected best performing mutual funds. Go ahead.
Dear Sir,
I have 4 funds and current value is more than 400000/-..My friend suggested to get the money before Apr 1st 2018 to skip the 2018 Budget 10% tax(believe its called LTCG).
And also i have one more query, (As per recent Paper article) can we get relaxation if we start SIP for kids and give to them once they crossed 18 as Gift, so we can avoid that Tax. Is it a good move? I have started my SIP just a year before and need money now.
If you reply above my queries , i can withdraw my money and start SIP for my son/daughter…Please advise Sir!!
Hi Siva, what your friend said is correct that if you sell your mutual funds before 31-Mar-18, LTCG is zero. If you sell after 1-Apr, you need to pay 10%. If you don’t need money now in coming months, you can still continue to invest. Regd second query, yes you can do that by gifting them after 18 years
Thanks a lot , Sir!! thanks for your clarification!!
My gain would be around 30-40k only in that FY from equity investment, so i believe there will not be any tax.Isnt it Sir? (Just get this info…)
Yes, I need money for Real estate purchase so i can get & invest in that and start fresh SIP for my kids marriage & my retirement. I believe below funds can be useful for me and it can be average my risk – Please kindly advise , Sir.
=>Mirae Asset emerging Blue chip or Reliance small cap – 5k
=>Tata Equity P/E ratio fund or Invesco India Contra Fund – Growth – 5k
=>Tata retirement savings fund or Principal Growth Fund– 3k/-
Just add, my current funds…
Franklin India Prima Plus
Mirae Asset emerging Blue chip
DSPBR Micro cap
Reliance small cap
Should i continue my current funds?? or i can start new sip as i mentioned earlier?
Good funds, stay invested
Hi Siva, If you are doing profit booking of 30K to 40K in a year from your LTCG, yes it would be exempted within 1 Lakh exemption and is not taxable. First 2 funds are good. 3rd one, why you want to invest in retirement savings fund, select couple of good diversifieds or large cap funds for your retirement.
Ok Sir, thanks for your valuable update !!
Sir i have invested 15000 each (lumsum) in reliance tax saver & DSP black rock tax saver (for tax saving purpose).
In addition i am looking to invest in MF's with 15000 to 20000 per month SIP (total amount).
Please suggest funds for:
1. short term (2-3 years)
2. medium term (3-5 years)
3. Long term (7-10 years)
Your views are highly appreciated.
Vijay, You can invest in balanced funds for 5 years period and for 7-10 years go for diversified and large cap funds indicated in the article. For 2-3 years, I would advice you go for short term debt mutual funds
Hi, Need to know do the list is still valid or any changes?
No change Kaliprasad, you can go ahead and invest in them
Thanks Suresh
Dear Suresh,
I have been following your article for while, they have been helpful and educational to many people like me who have very basic idea on mutual funds.
With the help of your articles i chose the below few months back. Can you please suggest if these are fine.
Good funds, stay invested
Hello sir,
I am a new investor. Want to start SIP as long term investment . Please give me your suggestions and recommendations if any.
Hi Ayush, Since you are new to mutual fund investments, I advice you to start with balanced funds. Check some of the best balanced funds indicated in this article and invest them thru SIP
Dear Sir,
I am a new investor. Want to start SIP as long term investment plan as per below. Please let me know your suggestions and recommendations if any.
ICICI Prudential focused bluechip equity fund direct plan growth : 2500
SBI Blue chip fund direct growth : 2500
Reliance small cap fund Direct growth plan : 3000
L&T Emerging Business Fund Direct Growth :2000
Aditya Birla Pure Value Fund Growth Direct Plan : 2000
Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund Direct-Growth : 3000
Waiting for your reply.
I am new to this mutual fund /SIP and want to do two kind of investment in mutual fund sector. First one is getting monthly interest of one time invested amount(Say Rs 2 Lacs) which can further re-investent in SIP growth plans for 5-10 years. Suggest plans based on your experience and future market which can give gud returns. Second one is investment in SIP growth plans of monthly of Rs 2000 which can have gud returns with average or low risk for future aspect. Hoping for your valuable reply.
Regards, Kaliprasad
Hi Suresh,
Thanks for sharing nice article. I am 35 years old. I would like to start SIP for 2000/month. I am very much confused to select a mutual fund which will give good output after 15years. Please suggest.
I know one SIP –ICICI Pru Focussed BlueChip Equity
Please Notify me new updates about MF.
Hi Sir,
i 'm planning to start SIP monthly in following funds,Please Suggest if this portfolio would be good or not.
1 Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund -Direct Growth
2 Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund – Direct Plan – Growth
I want to Invest for 20 Year.
Hi Satish, Good funds, however these are midcap / smallcap funds, hence high risk. You should invest in largecap, midcap/smallcap and balanced funds so that overall portfolio is always performing better
Hello Suresh,
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful article.
I am 35 year old , want to start a SIP of 1000 or 2000 . My motive is to get good education fund for my 4 years old for his higher education. Pls suggest name of the fund.
Which mutual fund I should go for and what option should I opt for while investing as growth or dividend?
I had SIP with reliance growth fund almost 6 years back but I withdraw the amount without closure of account as the fund was no t performing well. Will that impact on my portfolio if I re-start a SIP with other funds apart from Reliance ?
Additionally, please answer , I have some gold jewelry say 50-60 gms , Is this wiseable to sell it and invest the money or should I keep it for better sale price in future??
Awaiting for you valuable feedback.
Hi Aayeza, Good to hear about you. You can invest in 2-3 mutual funds like ICICI focused blue chip fund, Birla SL Frontline equity fund and SBI Blue chip fund. You can invest in growth optoin as you don’t need regular money back and you need only for higher education for your child. You can restart the SIP, it would not have impact. However, invest in 2-3 funds and don’t just invest in single fund. Regd query on jewellery, don’t keep that as investment. If you are still keeping that as investment, you may dispose and invest in mutual funds that can give better returns
sir, still waiting for your reply..
Hi Ravi, Currently markets are volatile, hence investing lumpsum in mutual funds would be risky. You can invest in liquid funds and do systematic transfer plan (STP) to some of the balanced funds indicated in this article.
Please do add my name in ur subscription list for mutual fund articles.
Hi Sir, I’m planning to start SIP monthly in following funds, please suggest if this portfolio would be good or not.
Reliance Tax Saver (ELSS) Fund – Direct Plan (G)
Tata Equity P/E Fund – Direct Plan (G)
HDFC Small Cap Fund – Direct (G)
ICICI Pru Balanced Fund- Direct (G)
Good funds. But why you are investing in ELSS fund? Unless your goal is to invest for tax saving, you should invest in large cap and diversified funds
Yes, you're right. I've chosen ELSS for tax saving and intend to choose another fund too in same category(Tata Tax Advantage fund(G)) after a salary hike in few months.
Good evening sir. I need your assistance regarding sip. I am a salaried person, I don't know about the sip investment. Please tell me if I invest in sip for 10 to 15 years, how much should I get a minimum guarantee amount.
Thanks Sir
Please reply me back.
Hi Krishnan, You can invest as low as Rs 500 per month through SIP in a mutual fund scheme. Since you can invest for 10-15 years, you can expect 12% to 15% annualised returns if you can select good mutual fund scheme and good portfolio of MFs.
Hello Sir,
My self Amit, I am soft eng. From past few days, I am planing to invest in mutual funds. But i have no idea about this. How to start investment in mutual fund. I have created online account on HDFC mutual funds and SBI Mutual funds, there is option to invest minimum 5000. I have no idea, which plan is better for me in HDFC or SBI. I want to inverst for 3-5 years. Please suggest me hdfc/SBI best mutual funds plan or sip plan for this duration. You can also suggest me better plan expect to HDFC and SBI.
Thanks & Regards
Sir I have planned monthly SIP based on your article as below:
Please let me know your comments on investment: Good or need to do some changes:
Fund Scheme
Relaince Small Cap Fund-growth
SBI Blue Chip Fund Regular Growth
Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Growth
HDFC Balanced Fund Growth
ICICI Prudential Balanced Fund Growth
Reliance Diversified Power Sector Fund – Growth
IDFC Infrastructure Fund – Plan A – Growth
L&T Infrastructure Fund Growth
DSP BlackRock India T.I.G.E.R. Fund – Regular Plan – Growth
Good Portfolio. Go ahead with your plan
can we still consider the MFs in each category for investment after the market crash which is still going on?
Will the small/midcap Funds suggested fetch good returns?
Yes Nitin. If you are investing thru SIP it is immaterial about market state, you can go ahead and invest in this diversified portfolio. today midcap/smallcaps are not in limelight, but tomorrow if they suddently jump up you can’t invest at that time where NAV would be at peak. Hence it is always best to invest for medium to long term through SIP
Hello Sir,
I have the monthly SIP as per below: Please let me know your suggestions and recommendations if any:
Relaince Small Cap Fund-growth : Rs 5000
SBI Blue Chip Fund Regular Growth : Rs 4000
Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Growth: Rs 4000
HDFC Balanced Fund Growth: : Rs 2000
ICICI Prudential Balanced Fund Growth: Rs 2000
Reliance Diversified Power Sector Fund – Growth: Rs 100
IDFC Infrastructure Fund – Plan A – Growth: Rs 1000
L&T Infrastructure Fund Growth: Rs 1200
DSP BlackRock India T.I.G.E.R. Fund – Regular Plan – Growth: Rs 700
Please let me know how does it look as long term investment plan.
The funds selected by you are best mutual funds. You can invest
Dear sir,
I got a return from HDFC life a sum of Rs,4.50 lac. I want to invest around 5 lac in any short term fund for easy liquidity for my son’s higher studies. pl suggest me the best option. I am happy to inform you that I am a sincere follower of your blog and a new line investor i started some SIPs suggested by you and now my portfolio is around 1.2 lac. first of all I thank you for your kind guidence. Expecting your reply
good to know about you Ravishankar. You have not indicated time frame, hence I am assuming that you want to invest in short term debt funds. You can consider investing in Franklin India Short Term Income Plan or Franklin India low duration fund, Baroda Pioneer Short Term Fund, ABSL Short Term Opportunities Fund etc, Invest in 2-3 funds
Sir I need to invest 35 lakh
Which are best fund to invest and whether it’s good to go for lump sum or Sip route.
Also I have some investment in following funds amounting to 30 lakh.
Funds name
Absl frontline,Absl top 100,Reliance small
Cap, Motilal Oswal 35,Franklin blue chip,Franklin small co,Franklin Prima plus,hdfc prudence,Equity,top200 and mid cap opp,Sundaram smile,Sundaram small and midxcap,Tata Equity pe,Dsp opportunities,Dsp small and midcap,kotak Selan t focus,Sbi blue chip,mirae emerging,mirae India opp,icici Bluechip focused,
Also 3 lakh in ICICI Pru discovery funds.
Sir your suggestion needed whether to churn the portfolio or the funds are ok.
My Sip
Absl top 100 3000
Absl frontline. 2000
Motilal 35. 8000
Mirae Asset emerging 6000
Sbi Bluechip 1500
Icici focused Bluechip 3000
Hdfc top 200. 2000
Hdfc Equity 1500
Axis long term 2000
Franklin tax shield 2000
Pls reply sir I am your big fan sir
Rakesh, good to hear about you. Investment in lumpsum in funds indicated by you are good. However few are under performers like HDFC Top 200, DSP Opps fund, sundaram midcap and small cap fund etc., Keep an eye on these funds and in bull run you may exit and invest in better funds. Regd SIP funds, these are good funds, continue to invest.
Thanks for your reply sir.
Sir what are the best option for 35 lakh to be invested
Sip or stop or lump sum.
You should go for SIP. If lumpsum, invest in debt funds and try to do STP for 6 months to 9 months into equity funds
hi ,
my portfolio contains
2-SBI Blue Chip Fund – Regular Plan – Growth—(from 1 year)—2500/month
3-HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund – Regular Plan – Growth—(from 2.5 yeras)—2500/month
4-Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund – Direct Plan – Growth—-(from 8 months)—-2500/month
5-Franklin India High Growth Companies Fund – Direct -DIVIDEND—-(from 8 months)—-2500/months
6-DSP Blackrock Opportunities Fund—-(from 3 months)—-2500/month
i am ready to take higher risk as i want to maximize my returns…apart from these funds i have budget for 2 more fund 2500/month each. i dont need elss as i have other investments like LIC and PPF for my TAX saving.
please suggest if i need to rectify my portfolio or should i continue these with these funds.
also suggest me 2 more fund based on my requirements as i can invest in these 6-8 funds with 2500 rupees per fund monthly for next 3-5 years.
waiting for your suggestion.
good funds. Since you are high risk taker, you can look for few sector funds also as part of your portfolio. Refer my recent best sector mutual funds which can help you
Dear sir, I have 2 lakhs Rs . So I want invest in mutual fund but I am new investor. So please suggest me in which type fund best for me. I need 5 lakh rs in 5 yrs.
Since you are new investor and your investment horizon is only 5 years, you can look for balanced mutual funds. However, you cannot expect your Rs 2 Lakhs to become Rs 5 Lakhs in 5 years. You can expect 12% to 15% annualised returns. However keeping it for longer period, you can get higher returns
Sir, I want invest in lump sum mode in mutual fund. So what fund scheme best for me
Hi Manish, Currently investing in lumpsum is not advisable as markets are highly volatile. If you still want to proceed, you can invest in debt mutual funds and do STP (Systematic Transfer Plan) to balanced mutual funds for 6 to 9 months period. This way you can reduce your risk of investing thru lumpsum. You can select balanced mutual funds like HDFC Balanced fund or ICICI Balanced Fund etc.,
I want to invest Rs.5,000 per month in a good Fund, I am aggressive Investor, so please suggest 2 Funds.
Also suggest funds for kids for their future Education, horizon is 8 to 10 years.
I am an NRI so please dont suggest any Tax saving fund.
Hi Suresh,
Thanks for your support regarding all kind of queries.
As per budget 2018 now all MF is taxable (10 -30% brackets).
So will it be taxable in total return value?
Deb, I would provide an article with complete details next week so that it is easy for every one to understand.
I aim to have corpus of 3 crore on retirement which would be 13 years for me and 17 years for my wife. Please advise on the amount to be invested by way of SIP to achieve this. Also what funds should we invest in and do we need a financial advisor. Both of us are professional pilots.
Reliance small cap fund are good to invest ? and can anyone why we should invest in large cap funds and diversified funds ??
Akshay, reliance smallcap fund is good. However, smallcap or midcap stocks are high risk. For stable portfolio one has to invest good portion in large cap and diversified funds
I want to make SIP of Rs. 1000/- in 2-3 Mutual fund. Which fund u will suggest me?
Hi Prajakta, You can start with large cap and diversified funds indicated in this article.
How to get SIP for ABS and SBI
I could not get your question. You mean, how to get SIP funds details of ABS and SBI? There are several funds from these fund houses.
Sir i mean how to invest SIP From ABS and SBI
Vineet, your questoin is not clear. Are you looking for investing in SIP funds through SBI Platform? My advice is open a mutual fund account and start SIP thru that
Dear sir
I want to invest money through sip Rs. 3000 But I do not know about mutual fund. Plz help me. Which mutual fund is best for me?
I want to invest Rs 50,000 in mutual fund. Which is best. I am 25 year old
Hi Manjay, You can invest in large cap funds and diversified funds to start with. Choose 3 funds from this list of best mutual funds for 2018
Who is three fund best for me.
1. Sbi blue chief fund
2. Sun birla sl frontline equity fund
3. Frankline india high growth cos fund
4. Kotak select focus fund.
What is groth and divided.
Who is three fund best for me.
1. Sbi blue chief fund
2. Sun birla sl frontline equity fund
3. Frankline india high growth cos fund
4. Kotak select focus fund.
● What is groth and divided?
● Can I invest
All 4 are good, you can invest in any 3 of them. Growth option is where you would get your money along with returns when you sell it. If you choose dividend option, mutual fund scheme would paid you dividend periodically and you would get your capital back when you sell the mutual fund (with any small higher or lower amount added to your capital)
Which is best for sip investment or
If you can do your kyc on your own and track it regularly, you can go for direct, otherwise you can go through 5paisa or any other mutual fund broker
Helpful topics.
Thank you Ranjit. Where are you investing your money?
pls advice for best 3 mutual fund co. invest Rs 50000/-
Hi MJ, If you want to invest in lumpsum, you can choose balanced funds. However try to invest in 3-4 lots.
Sir I am 35 yrs presently I am investing in sip 13000/month and want to continue for further 10yrs my folio is
1 ABSL top 100 fund- 2500
2 ABSL small and mid cap fund-1500
3 ABSL front line equity fund-3000
4 ABSL gennext fund- 2500
5 L&T emerging business fund-2500
6 L&T mid cap fund-1000
Sir should I continue with same funds or change is required
Pls suggest
With regards
Good funds DK.
I m new to SIP ..i want to invest 3000 per month in sip…kindly suggest in which mutual fund i invest my money which gives higher returns.
Hi Kunal, Since you are new to mutual fund investments, you should start with balanced mutual funds and some portion in diversified/largecap fund. You can invest in Birla SL Front equity fund, ICICI Balanced fund, HDFC Balanced etc., Invest Rs 1,000 in each fund
Dear sir,
I am a 36 years old public sector employee. I am planning to build a portfolio through SIP investment of Rs 40000 in following mutual funds for next 05 years.
Large cap fund:
1. Mirae Asset India opportunities Fund- Rs 3000
2. SBI Bluechip Fund- Rs 5000
3. ABSL Frontline equity Fund- Rs 3000
4. ICICI Prudential Focussed Bluechip Fund- Rs 4000
Multicap Fund
5. Franklin India High Growth Cos fund- Rs 3000
6. Motilala Oswal Focussed 35 multicap fund- Rs 4000
Mid cap Fund
7. HDFC mid cap opportunities fund- Rs 3000
8. Mirae Asset emerging Bluechip fund- Rs 5000
Small cap fund:
9. Reliance smallcap fund- Rs 3000
10. Franklin India smaller cos fund- Rs 3000
Balanced fund
11. HDFC balanced fund- Rs 4000
I have no immediate requirement of money as already have own house. Want to remain invested for atleast next 15-20 years. Out of above SIP list HDFC mid cap opp fund and Franklin smaller cos fund SIP is already running since 03 years.
Please give your valuable input about my choice of funds and allocation.
Good portfolio. I also like your portfolio balancing where you are not going overboard in any of the market capitalization. Go ahead and start investing in these funds
Dear Sir,
I am 42 and planning to invest 1000 / month against 2-3 funds for 5 years
Will U please suggest which is the best plan to get high returns?
Hi JD, You can invest in mutual funds for 8-10 years atleast as they can give high returns. If you still want to invest for 5 years tenure, you should invest in balanced funds. Select the funds I indicated in this article.
Can you please let me know which small cap is better between – Reliance Small Cap or Franklin India Smaller Cos ?
This is for long term investment.
Both are good funds. You can invest in any of them
To start SIP how to choose which is better can I get some sugessions
I am 64 years presently I am investing 5 k each in the following MF from last 2 years
can you pl suggest one more for 3 years
with regards
S.Sreedhar Rao
Good to hear Sreedhararao garu. 3 years time frame could be very low for mutual fund investments. You should look for debt funds. However if you still want to proceed, you can invest in balanced funds like ICICI balanced fund or HDFC balanced fund, but it would be risky considering only 3 years tenure
I am 39 and want to invest in Mutual funds through SIP. Can you please suggest the best options and amount each month so that I am able to accumulate a wealth of 30 -40 lakhs at the end of 12 years.
Hi Divya, There are several ways where you can accumulate Rs 30-40 Lakhs. Let me explain with few cases 1) You need to invest Rs 10,000 per month for 12 years which can fetch you 15% annualised returns and accumulate Rs 40 Lakhs 2) You can increase your SIP value every year and invest in mutual funds. You can start with Rs 6,500 per month and gradually increase Rs 500 every year for 12 years. You can achieve Rs 40 Lakhs easily. If markets are good, you may even earn higher returns. Considering investing in 3-4 mutual funds mostly in large cap and diversified funds indicated in this article. All the best
I am planning to invest 10k per month in SIP for around 15-20 years of plan. My age is 32 at present. Do you suggest I should invest in one MF or in combination of 2 – 3 ? Please advice.
Kind Regards
Hi Manu, You can consider large cap and diversified funds indicated in this article to start with.
Dear Sir,
Today 22nd Jan 2018 ,I would like to invest 100000 (1 lakh) lumpsum for a year,looking at returns around 20 %,please suggest one.
Hi Sir,
I am awaiting for your response. could you please suggest me the best plan if above plans are not good.
Hi Sir,
I am new to SIP and not much aware about this. but i have seen some videos and read some online information, I am planning to invest 1500 in L&T Midcap Fund – Direct Plan (G) (Midcap) and 3500 in largfe cap but i am confused between ABSL Top 100 – Direct (G) and SBI Blue Chip Fund – Direct (G). and I am looking for 5-10 yrs investment so could you please suggest me the best plan out of it?
Thank you in advance
I am 50 and have invested equilly in following balance funds
1. HDFC prudence
2. ICICI Prudential
3. DSP Blackrock and
4. Birla Sunlife
I am also doing SIP in L&T India Value Fund Growth and Frankline India Fund which I propose to do for atleast 8 years.
Is above allocation ok?
Can you suggest few more funds option wherein I can start SIP. My Goal is to create wealth in next 10 years.
Balanced funds invested by you are good. L&T fund indicated by you is also good. Other one I think you are referring as franklin Build India fund. You can invest in this too, however both are high risk funds.
Hi Suresh
I am planning to invest lump sum in one of each large mid and small cap funds.
Lump sum- 8 lakh
Which sector will be in good/better state in 2018 so accordingly will look portfolia of funds.
Hello sir ,
I want to invest RS.10000 per month for long terms eg.10-15 years.can you please suggest me which investment will better.I am the new.Till now i did not invest in any one.And also is it possible invest online?
Good to know that you are new to mutual fund and planning to invest now. Since you are new, my advice is to invest through a mutual fund broker like icicidirect or fundsindia or any other broker. Select 4-5 funds from this list for Rs 2,000 each per month and invest thru SIP. Keep reviewing them periodically. You can also invest without any broker on mutual fund direct plans by visiting mycams online. However, you need to your own KYC (which is easy, but some effort goes there). In direct plans, returns are higher as there is no fees paid to broker.
Will you advise best two three SIP plan ,our monthly investment plan is 50000 for 3 to 4 yerars
Hi Ashraf, Best SIP Plans for 3-4 years would be difficult. You should invest in mutual funds atleast for 5 years minimum. If yes, pls proceed and invest in HDFC Balanced fund, ICICI Balanced fund and Tata Balanced Fund etc.,
How can we see our Fund statement(polio statement) daily .
Pls suggest some site links/ site address which r secure. To check our polio statement by using polio number.
Thank u sir.
Hello chandrasekhar, If you are investing thru some MF broker like ICICI direct or fundsindia or scripbox etc., you can just login and view your portfolio every day. If you are investing in direct funds, you may need to struggle little bit to view them on daily basis.
i am a newcomer towards mutual funds and sip… i never invested before .. i want to invest 12 K per month for 10 to 15 years through sip.. so, kindly suggest which all fund i can invest and in what ratio so, that i can get more returns..
as well i have around 10 lakhs F.D. is there which i want to invest to get more returns.. kindly suggest ?
Hi Ravi, Good to hear about you. First you should open Mutual fund account with any of the MF broker (e.g. icicidirect or fundsindia et.,). Then section 5-7 mutual funds from the list what I indicated. Invest periodically through SIP. If you want to invest lumpsum, split that money in 3-5 lots atleast and invest in those funds
Kindly suggest have invested Rs.1000/- as a SIP on below funds for 5 years
HDFC Balanced Fund -Growth
Aditya Birla Sun Life Balanced 95 Fund
ICICI Prudential Balanced Fund -Growth
Hi Deb, you are investing in balanced funds which are good, however may expect little lower returns. Add a flavor of diversified or midcap funds (if you are moderate to high risk taker) so that you are balanced in your portfolio
I have been following your articles for the last 2 years.
I am 40 years old with 2 kids.
Below is my portfolio (all long term investments for more than 5 years) with fund name and monthly SIP amount. Currently investing around 43K per month
Franklin India High Growth Companies Fund GROWTH – Rs 2000
ICICI Prudential Blue Chip – Rs 5000
ICIC Prudential Value Discovery – Rs 2000
Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund GROWTH – Rs 11000
Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund – Rs 1000
Can you please have a look at it and revert with your suggestions.Really appreciate your suggestions.
Looking forward to hear from you
good funds nilesh, stay invested in these funds for long term
एनालिसिस अत्यंत कुशलता से किया गया है। निवेश के लिये प्रेरित करनेवाला है। आप धन्यवाद के पात्र है
Which funds r giving good returns for investing Lump sum Amount.
Iam new comer to MFs.
Is this right time to invest Lump sum Amount?
Many people told that at present market is in high .
If correction may occurs u may lost ur money.
Pls suggest some best MFs for Lump sum investing.
i want to invest 50000/- per month for 5 years , kindly advise 2-3 funds for sip.
plz ack
ram vir singh
I have not received any response so far.. Kindly look into this..
Your Ideas and articles are very helpful.Thanks alot for your time
One small clarification on this article.Could you please suggest whether we need to select regular or direct funds for the top 10 funds mentioned in this link
If you are investing thru MF broker, there is no option excpet for regular funds. If you are investing thru online from AMC websites or Mycam or Karvy website you can invest in direct funds
Thanks for prompt response.I got it Direct funds are available only with AMC or mycam.My question is whether I need to select regular or direct funds for the top 10 funds mentioned in this link so that I will decide whether I have to go to broker or AMC .As you know,expense ratio and returns will vary for direct and regular funds for long term.
Since you are investing in direct funds, you need to select “direct” funds when you are investing
Do u mean all 10 funds mentioned in this link are direct funds?
sir i want to invest INR 5000 through SIP in more than one schemes for atleast 1-3 years. which scheme should I choose
What r the best FUNDS For investing Lump sum amount.
I will keep this Amount for 4 years.
Pls suggest best MFs.
Hi Chandrasekhar, You can invest in lumpsum, however investing for short term of 4 years could be risk. You should invest atleast 6-8 years to get good returns. If you still want to proceed you can invest in some of the best balanced funds indicated in this article
Hi Sir,
I am 30 years old and married.
Below is the portfolio of my investments.
1. Axis Long Term Equity Fund – Direct Growth – Rs 1000/month
3. ICICI Prudential Long Term Equity Fund (Tax Saving) – Direct Plan – Growth – Rs 500/month
Equity Mid Cap Fund
1. SBI Magnum Global Fund – Regular Plan – Growth – Rs 2000/ month
I intend to add the below Funds to my portfolio via SIP and Divide Rs 5000 in between these funds. Also, i wish to do these investments via in direct plan. Could you please check all my portfolio with your expert eyes and give your advice.
1. HDFC Balanced Fund
2. Kotak Select Focus Fund
3. Mirae Asset India Opportunities
4. SBI Bluechip
5. Aditya Birla Tax Saver Fund ( little confused if I should start SIP in this or add money to Axis long term MF which is already running)
All my investments are for long term ( more than 10 years). Also, check if the few funds will overlap with each other, I will remove in such case.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Many Thanks,
Kind Regards,
Hi Saurabh, Good to hear about you. Funds indicated by you are good and proceed and invest in them. Regd Aditya Birla Tax Saver, you can add some more SIP in Axis long term equity or invest in new funds like Franklin India tax saver fund or Reliance Tax saver fund
I am investing in Birla sunlife frontlife, SBI bluechip fund growth direct, DSP black rock top 100, and Reliance Regular Savings Growth Equity from last 7 years. How do you think these funds are? I am investing Rupees 20,000 now in all these. I want to invest another 5,000 rupees. Please advice. Thank you for the help.
good funds. Stay invested
i would like to invest SIP mutual funds as large cap to mid cap and i want get best returns as 20% above so give me advise best mutual funds please ,
Hi Vishnu, You may or may not get returns of 20% per annum if you invest for short term. However, if you can invest for 5-10 years, there are higher chances that you may get good returns what you are expecting
Hello Sir,
I am a newcomer in mutual fund sip pattern and i have some queries.
I want to start with sip with 3k per month for long term say 5 to 10 yrs so what you suggest me.
Secondly my son has started with the job and he also wish to start with sip for 3 years with 3k per month. He’s thinking for 3 years becoz he will move for his further studies and at present he doesn’t want to get stuck.
Awaiting your kind and valuable advice.
Good decision Shubhangi. You can invest in any of these funds. Investing in equity funds for just 3 years may not be advisable. If you still wish to proceed, he can invest in balanced funds.
I am very new to SIP and invested Rs9500/monthly in different 4 SIP’s for minimum 8-10 years. Kindly check and suggest if my SIP’s selections are correct or overlapped. Also I want to invest another 2500 in HDFC Midcap opportunity fund or HDFC Equity Fund. Kindly suggest me which one should I take.
1. Birla Sun life Frontline equity – 1500
2. Birla Sun life small and mid cap fund – 3000
3. Kotak select focus fund – 3000
4. Mirrae Asset Emerging blue chip fund – 2000
Good to hear that you are new comer to Mutual Funds. Welcome to the world of mutual funds. Funds indicated by you are good except for Birla SL Small and midcap. Though this fund is good, there are better funds like HDFC Midcap opps fund or Franklin India smaller Cos fund etc.,
I am very new to SIP, want to invest around 5 to 10K depend on returns. If i want to invest for 1 year, is that good as per present situation? If good, suggest me some good investment options
Hi shiva, Don’t invest in equity mutual funds for 1 year. You can invest in debt funds if your investment horizon is short.
Hi Team,
I am looking for best SIP investment plan for 5 or 10 years. My budget for investment is yearly 50000 Rs.
Kindly suggest on the same.
Suresh K
Good to hear that. You can select 5-7 funds from this list and start investing in them. Since your goal is 5-10 years, all the funds indicated in this article are suitable for you.
You may consider L&T Emerging business Fund and L& T Midcal Fund with Reliance small cap for 2018.
After 2019 election you can decide whether to go for Equity, debt or Large cap, Indian market is bullish, good till 2023, please study the market before investment.
I am a beginner,I am willing to start a SIP of Rs.1000 per month for 05 years. Whether I will invest in ELSS scheme or mututal funds?
i am a beginner and i ma looking with 1000/- as initial in first year than add 1000/- i.e 2000/-
pls suggest for how much year should i go and where to invest…..
i am beginner,
i can start my sip with 3000-4000 rs
can you suggest me which scheme is good for me?
and how much return got after 5 year or 3 year
You can invest in large cap and balanced funds indicated in this article to start with. Pls do not invest for short term of 3-5 years. You should invest atleast for 5-8 years to get good returns.
If some one have invested in Reliance small cap on 5th Jan 2013, till 4th Jan 2018 it became 7,39,910/- SIP Investment Returns (CAGR*): 38.19%
You can get the calculation on, you may get more or less in some other Mutual Fund
Hi Suresh,
As you have mentioned above, Reliance Small Cap fund is just 6yrs old but have given good returns. Based on the number of years in the market, would it be feasible to invest in the Reliance Samll Cap fund for next 5yrs starting 2018?
Kindly let me know.
Ajay, In medium term of 5-6 years, such fund has performed well, hence it is figuring in our top 10 list. You can invest. The idea of looking for long term performing funds is you would know the performance in various market cycles and you would be able to judge the fund strategy working well or not
Thank you Suresh, this helps!
My PPF account is getting matured shortly. I alrady extended it 3 times during my 30 years of service. I am looking for other options since PPF rates have reduced. Since debt is having high taxation and 3 years waiting to get indexation benefit, does not look attractive. Please suggest alternatives.
Hello sir,
I am Govind(25 years ), am planning to invest in mutual fund as SIP. but I am new to this field.
I am planning to invest 2000 per per my understanding SBI Blue chip mutual fund is doing good.
Could u please advice me on the following things
1.In which mutual fund should in invest.
2.which one shall I prefer to invest whether large cap or midcap scheme.
Hi Govindaraj, Best Mutual Funds for New Investors are diversified or large cap funds. You can select these funds from this list.
Hi Sir,
I am a new investor in MF. I have planed to invest below mutual funds for coming 3-5 years. Please let me know your thought.
Lump Sum invest
1)Kotak Select Focus Fund – Regular Plan (G) —-> RS 15k
2)L&T Emerging Businesses Fund – Regular Plan (G) —> 10k
3)Motilal Oswal MOSt Focused Multicap 35 Fund – Regular Plan (G) —>15k
Waiting for your response.
I want to invest in mutual funds, please suggest some good mutual fund
Hi Sir,
I have started SIP investment for last few months now. I have been trying to learn a lot new things from your blog these days. I am a 32 years Male with below details:
ABSL Top 100 Fund – 1000
HDFC Small Cap Fund – 1000
Reliance Small Cap Fund – 1000
SBI BlueChip Fund – 1000
** Please suggest wheter to continue on the above funds Or to switch over with others funds for term of 15years.
** I wish to invest 3000 more in SIP from next month onwards for 10-15 years term. Kindly suggest the best funds to invest to attain better returns and diversify my portfoilo of investment.
Hi Suresh
As many mentioned above i too new to MFI, I need your valuable opinion on this.I would like to invest 5000 monthly in Aditya Birla Sun Life Frontline Euity Fund or Franklin india smaller Cos.Could you sugesst me which is better.?
Hi Sir,
I am 30 yrs old now and planning to invest 5K montly in SIP plan for 10 yrs. could you please suggest me the best plan for me. I have heard about SIP plans with Insurance are they really profitable? I am confused because I do not have idea about this.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Suresh Sir,
This is the first time I am reading your blog. It gives me a good input regarding SIP vs SEP. Now seriously thinking to invest in SIP for 3 to 5 years.
1. SBI DSP Black Road sip – 2000
2. SBI Blue Chip fund – 1000
3. Reliance Small cap – 1000
4. Mirae Asset Emerging Bluchip – 2000
Please advise shall I proceeed further or suggest best one.
Hi Premnath, The mutual funds are good except for 1 where the fund name is incorrect. Specify the correct fund name.
It is SBI DSP blackrock balanced fund
Hi Premnath, SBI and DSP Blackrock, both are different mutual fund companies. Hence the name is wrong. If you are looking for balanced funds, you can check for HDFC Balanced fund or ICICI Balanced fund
Hi All,
I am also new to MF, want to invest 5k per month for 3 years. But i am confused to make the list in which i need to invest. largecap, muticap balanced. I am ready to take the risk of 60 %. I want to start investing from this coming year 2018.
Please suggest.
23rd Dec. 2017
I want to invest through SIP in
IDFC Tax Advantage Fund for Rs. 2000/-
L & T Emerging Business Fund for Rs. 2000/-
HDFC Balanced fund for Rs. 2000/-
Wheater my selection is proper?
good funds. 1st one is tax saving fund, i hope you are aware
I wish to buy mid cap Mirae Asset Engineering Bluechip fund and large cap ICICI Pru Focused Bluechip Equity for 1 year.Can you please suggest on investment
Good funds, however, equity mutual funds are not good for investing for 1 year
Hello Sir,
I would like to invest 15000per month in mutual fund starting for Jan 2018 with 2 large cap & 1 Midcap fund.
I have short listed same mutual fund kindly suggest which fund is best to invest.
Large Cap
Aditya Birla Sun Life Frontline Equity
ICICI Pru Focused Blue-chip Equity
Kotak Select Focus Fund
L&T India Value
Motilal Oswal Most Focused 35
SBI Magnum Mulicap Fund
Also Suggest my decision is right for going 2 Largecap & 1 Midcap. I am ready to take risk.
Manish Desai
Good to hear that you are planning ot invest in mutual funds. Yes, you can go ahead with your approach. 2 funds in large cap and 1 fund in midcap means, 67% in large cap and 33% in midcap. You are giving higher weightage for large cap which is good.
Hello Sir,
Please suggest which 2 funds in Large Cap & 1 Midcap fund is the best.
Large Cap
Aditya Birla Sun Life Frontline Equity
ICICI Pru Focused Blue-chip Equity
Kotak Select Focus Fund
L&T India Value
Motilal Oswal Most Focused 35
SBI Magnum Mulicap Fund
I would vote for all funds. you can select any of them
Hi Sir,
I am new to mutual fund and I am leaning he things online and from your blogs, thanks for sharing this less known information. I have started some of the investments recently only nov 2017. I am 30 years old married man please review my portpholio all plans are direct taken from my cams online .
SIPs ->
1. ABSL tax relief 96 – 4000
2. DSP black rock tax saver fund – 4000
3. HDFC small & mid cap fund – 300
4. L&T emerging business – 3000
5. IDFC Infrastructure fund – 3000
6. Kotak select focus – 3000
One time investments (not stated SIPs.)
1. ICICI Prud. banking & financial fund – 5000
2. ABSL small & mid cap – 5000
Also, Please suggest should I switch one time investments to other existing SIPs. I have some short term and some long term goals so which SIPs should be taken for respective goals.
couple of comments 1) I have observed that a fund which invests in midcap and small are under performers compared to funds that only invests in midcap or small cap. Hence you need to reconsider your ABCL small and midcap fund and HDFC small and midcap fund. You can invest in Franklin india smaller cos fund, or DSP BR Microcap fund, HDFC Midcap opportunities fund etc., which invests only in one particular category (and not both). Others funds are good. Regd one time investment to SIPs, ICICI Prui banking and fin services fund is good, however it is high risk. If you are willing to take high risk, you SHOULD invest in such funds. These sector funds can double your money in 3-4 years itself
Thanks Sir, for the valueable advice.
1. One point is clear regarding HDFC small & mid cap I will switch it to HDFC midcap opportunities fund.
2. I am thinking to move\switch the one time invested amount i.e. 5000 from
+ ICIC Prud Bank –> IDFC infrastructure fund.
+ ABSL small & mid cap –> ABSL tax reliefe 96
and will stop the ICICI and ABSL small & mid cap funds. Please suggest if I am thinking is currect.
I agree with your views.
Hi Suresh,
Thanks for the detailed information, now I know where should I make my SIP.
However, I wanted to ask you another question. I currently pay a yearly once LIC premium (1 lakh)for which I make an RD for 12 months and then pay at the end of the year.
Considering I make RD of 10K every month, does it makes sense to keep it as RD only? OR invest in some balanced MF which can give me better return than RD?
Hi Vinod, Not sure which LIC you are paying. If you are satisfying with 6% returns, you can go ahead. Otherwise, consider taking term insurance plan and invest in mutual funds based on your risk appetite and tenure. You can invest in best peforming funds for 10 years or 15 years or 20 years which can fetch you 12% to 15% annualised returns. Pls review what you are doing. Regd the fund indicatd by you, it is good fund, however this fund has around 5 years of history. You can invest in good performing funds atleast in the range of 10 years. Regd your other question, don’t invest in balanced funds for less than 1 year. you can invest in short term debt funds for 1 year and pay LIC premium (if you still want to continue with LIC).
Hi sir,
Iam new to mutulfund investment. Iam thinking to planning 1000rs montly in Motilal Oswal MOSt Focused Multicap 35 Fund – Regular Plan (G) for 20years. So Please guide me it is good fund ti invest or not?
Hi Rajareddy, Good to hear that yoiu are new to mutual fund investments. This fund is good. However it is less than 5 years. You should invest in consistent performing funds which can be better. In future when you add funds, add funds that has high history period and which are performing well in various market cycles. In such case there would be limited downside
excellent eye opener to me. thanks
Great. Give me FB / Twitter like
Can i add sbi small and midcap fund in small and midcap category? and principal balance fund in balamce fund category?
Hi sir, I am new to mutual fund. Iam planing to invest 1000rs in Motilal Oswal MOSt Focused Multicap 35 Fund Direct-Growth for 20 years. Please guide me it is good fund invest or not?
I want to invest
I have franklin blue chip fund which is not giving good return. I want to switch let me know good fund
i want to invest 5000/month in sip
i have already invested in reliance index fund, dsp blackrock mid cap and small cap and in sbi blue chip fund
please guide me the safe and most beneficial funds.
with regards
You can invest in the funds indicated here. These are top performing mutual funds for next 10 years
Thanks surya
Thanks Suresh
Dear Sureshji,
Very informative, and at the same time I just need your advice. I preferred to take high risk with micro/small cap fund to select. Is there any new one to invest OR could you suggest 2 or 3 existing MF in these category.
Consider 2-3 funds. That is always better
Hi… i have invested in below two funds
1. Axis long term equity- 2000 p.m. Since last 2 yrs
2. Lumsum in Axis hybrid series 19 fund for locking period of 42 months
Should i exit or stay.
also I wanted to invest 5000 in various 5 SIP. Plz suggest company in which i invest.
Also i want to invest lumsum amount of 4 Lakhs in various 4 mutual fund for long term. Plz suggest in which company I invest
Dear Suresh,
Thank you verymuch for the well documented infromation.Really appreciate the way you respond to each and everybody queries.
You have been really hepful to many people.
Thank you Surya
Hi… i have invested in below two funds
1. Axis long term equity- 2000 p.m. Since last 2 yrs
2. Lumsum in Axis hybrid series 19 fund for locking period of 42 months
Should i exit or stay.
also I wanted to invest 5000 in various 5 SIP. Plz suggest company in which i invest.
Also i want to invest lumsum amount of 4 Lakhs in various 4 mutual fund for long term. Plz suggest in which company I invest
Rakesh Jee I am new invester to mutual fund .pls suggest to me high return mutual fund . invest 5000/monthly
Hi… i have invested in below two funds
1. Axis long term equity- 2000 p.m. Since last 2 yrs
2. Lumsum in Axis hybrid series 19 fund for locking period of 42 months
Should i exit or stay.
also I wanted to invest 5000 in various 5 SIP. Plz suggest company in which i invest.
Also i want to invest lumsum amount of 4 Lakhs in various 4 mutual fund for long term. Plz suggest in which company I invest
Hi Vicky, Axis long term equity fund is good tax saving fund. Stay invested. Other fund is close ended fund, you cannot exit as there is lockin period of 42 months. You can invest in diversified and large cap funds indicated in this article.
First of all a big thanks to you that because of you people are getting good suggestions and support on investment.
Sir I need your help for making my portfolio.
I need to invest @35 lakh in MF.Which route shall I follow lump sum or sip.Also my horizon is more then 5 years.Please advice funds to invest roughly % wise allocation of amount.I am well aware of the markets ups and downs,Hence will keep funds for longer durations.
Also I am having SiP infollowing
MOST 35-8000 rs
Mirae Asset emerging blue chip 3000rs
Kotak sect focus 2000rs
mirae India opp 1000 rs
axis long term 1000 rs
Ft tax shied 1000 rs
hdfc top 200 1000 rs
hdfc Equity 1000 rs
icici Bluechip 2000 rs
sumdaram select mid cap 1500 rs
dsp micro cap 1000 rs
sbi Bluechip 1500 rs
birlo top 100 2000 rs
birla front line 1000 rs
Sir need to kno any changes to be done in SiP or to reduce the SIP.
Suresh Sir pls reply my querry of 11th dec 2017
Hello sir iam new to mutual funds and investment i want to start mutual funds sip for 20 years monthly 10 to 12 thousand which plans should i go for please guide me sir thank you..
Hi Raj, invest in all the funds indicated by me. You can choose 5-7 funds and then start investing in them
Thank you sir…..
I want to invest Rs 1 Lac one time for 2 years. Plz guid me, which plan give me high return ?
I can invest upto 15000 every month. . I want to diversify it in 3 different mutual funds. Kindly suggest 3 different funds. . . . .
You can select the diverisfied funds indicated in the article
Thanks for all the great info… My monthly SIP is as follows.. While I am not trying to get best of everything, all I want is a decent long time return over 10 to 15 .. Can you please let me know if the below makes sense for my requirement (all Direct – Growth)
DSP BR Opportunities Fund – 2000
DSP BR Top 100 Equity Fund – 1500
DSP BR Balanced Fund – 1500
ICICI Prudential Dynamic – 1000
ICICI Prudential Balanced Fund – 1500
HDFC Balanced Fund – 1500
Hi Balaji, Good Funds, stay invested. Looks you are fan of DSPBR. Try adding other funds in diversified category in future.
Please advise on the below funds.
HDFC TOP 200 – LARGE CAP – Rs. 2500
HDFC Top 200 fund was underperformer for sometime, however it is recovering now. Others funds are good.
Hi Suresh,
I am 61 and after retirement want to invest in Mutual Funds SIP basis. Should I invest in the above funds?
Myself Nandkumar first time wanted to start SIP investemnt with time horizon of 5-10 yrs with 50000 per month with objective of growth for my childerens education and career please advise me to select and distribute the money in best performing MFs.
Please read my amount 50000 per month
Myself Nandkumar first time wanted to start SIP investemnt with time horizon of 5-10 yrs with 5000 per month with objective of growth for my childerens education and career please advise me to select and distribute the money in best performing MFs.
I have selected few MF with different parameters
Hdfc balanced fund (balanced fund)
Returns 12.89 last 3 year
Mirae asset emerging blue chip (small and mid cap)
Motilal most focused fund multicap 35 (diversified equity)
All returns are 3 years cause all direct fund started few years before
Motilal ko change kar ke kotak select focus fund thinking
kotak select fund comes in large cap I check in money control
and if I select how much to invest in what planning for 25000
15000 for 5/6 years
10,000 for 10/12 years
I am intetested to invest in mutual fund from jan2018 . pl suggest how can i stated and which fund is better for investment.
Hi Sujit, Good to hear that you want to invest in mutual funds. You can first open MF account. Select some of the funds indicated here. You can start with diversified funds and balanced funds to start with. Keep increasing your SIP amount every year. Invest in mutual funds through SIP for long term. All the best.
hi,i m planning invest 12000 pr month next 5 years through SIP,which fund is best for me?plz suggesst me.
Good to hear Dipendra. If you want to invest for medium term of 5 years, go for balanced funds indicated in this article
can i invest reliance small cap fund for long term or for short time
my current portfolio is below
sbi bluechip direct plan g (lumpsump)
sbi magnum multicap fund sip-1000
birla sunlife frontline equity sip 3000
Good funds. Stay invested.
Hi… i have invested in below two funds
1. Axis long term equity- 2000 p.m. Since last 2 yrs
2. Lumsum in Axis hybrid series 19 fund for locking period of 42 months
Should i exit or stay.
also I wanted to invest 5000 in various 5 SIP. Plz suggest company in which i invest.
Also i want to invest lumsum amount of 4 Lakhs in various 4 mutual fund for long term. Plz suggest in which company I invest
i am planning for 15000 for 5 years
and 10,000 for 10 years
and selected funds
hdfcbalanced funds
mirae asset emerging blue chip
motilal oswal focusedfund multicap 35 (diversified)
i read your artcile which mention kotak select focused fund it comes in diversified but when i check in money control its comes under large cap– (and i have selected this kotak select focus fund) for large cap.
and how much i should invest in each fund i cannot figure it out yet.
mr suresh waiting for reply.
i check again kotak comes under large cap not diversified.
in diversified i copmare
principal emerging bluechip
absl advantage
motilal focus multicap 35
but got confused about kotak
Hi Surya, Don’t worry about MC classification. You can invest in that. Apart from this, go for principal emerging bluechip and motilal focus too.
Sir pls give your valuable suggestion
i will go accordingly with your solution
Its very important for me Sir
Awaiting for your response.
I have taken sbi banking &finance G sip 3 months before.i have visited branch twice for KYC. Till date KYC has not done by branch. I have wrote to the custmer office ; they have replied that KYC will be done by branch. Plz help me how to get KYC
Dear sir,
please suggest i am investing sip mutual funds low risk and good return so please suggest icici sbi and kotak mutual funds
Vineet, You have not specified the fund names, pls specify the same.
I want to know if investing in mutual funds can be an alternative source of income if someone like me does not want to work in a 9 to 5 government office. How much should be invested, for how long and what are the best schemes/brand/companies?
There is no hard and fast rule how much to invest. You cannot get fixed income from mutual funds. You can invest some amount every month through SIP and accumulate over a period of time. Mutual funds can perform well in long run.
my portfolio is as followes –
Reliance small cap fund Rs.1500
Motilal Oswal Most Focused 25 Equity Fund Rs.2000
Aditya Birla Sun Life Tax Relief fund Rs.3000
HDFC Tax Relief Rs.2000
please review & comment
Hi Sanket, Aditya birla sun life tax relief and HDFC tax relief, you can exit as there are better funds (if crossed 3 years, you can exit). Others are fine
Thanks a lot.
I would like to add SBI Mid & Small Cap fund to portfolio. Please given your valuable inputs on the same.
Good fund, you can add it
Hi, I would like to invest in SBI Bluechip Fund, which one should i choose the from the below
Krishna, If you want to accumulate money and if you can do KYC on your own, you can select direct plan growth option. If you are going thru some broker, you can select reg plan growth option
Thank you.
I am investing SIP(2000 PM) in Franklin India smaller company fund(direct). it has started 3months ago based on your suggestion. so far so good. i need your suggestion for L & T emerging business fund.
Good funds, stay invested
Another fund i.e. HDFC mid cap opportunities. What do u think about it.
Hi Karan, It is good fund. You can invest.
Hii!! I hv been investing in SIP in HDFC top 200(2500per month), DSP Black Rock focus 25 (1500 per month) since last three years. Last month I hv started one more SIP for 1500 per month in SBI blue chip. Further, I intend to invest 1500 per month. Pls review my portfolio and suggest me a gud fund for a new SIP. My investment period is for 5-7 yrs.
Hi Ajaypal, HDFC Top 200 was underperformer for couple of years, however it is recovering now. You can keep an eye on this fund. Other 2 funds are good. You can add diversified funds indicated in this article for further funds which you want to add. These are the best funds to invest for next 10 to 15 years
Thnx for valuable information..
Good fund selection. Informative and useful. Thanks.
Thank you Karan. Which mutual funds you are investing now?
Kotak select focussed, ICICI focussed bluechip, Franklin smaller companies, mirae asset emerging business, Mira asset opportunities fund, L&T emerging business, HDFC prudence, l,&t prudence.
Wow, good funds. Keep invested in these funds
My age is 44. I have many LIC policies with total sum assured of different policies = 40lakhs. All are endowment policies. Now I want to invest in SIPs to get maximum income after retirement. I want money for my son's higher studies ( who is studying in 6th grade now) and for his marriage as well as to lead a comfortable life after retirement at the age of 56. Please suggest me the best SIPs. Can I invest in SIPS online ?
i can invest 30k per month. can you please suggest a investment plan for a good amount.
My age is 36. My main moto is purchasing a home ASAP, target amount 1Cr.
Hi suresh,
I want to replace ICICI prudential value discovery fund with kotak select focus.How do you suggest?
Sorry. But, it seems that your analysis is only based on 5-years performance. As I understand, the market has outperformed in last 4-5 years, so undoubtedly these funds must perform well.
Have you looked at other things – say Fund Manager history, fund sharpe ratio/ investment ratio etc. while giving your recommendation.
Hi Vineet, Check the performance in the last 10 years too. Come back with your analysis if any of them are not that good MF plans
Dear Suresh,
Is ICICI Pru value discover performing good now ?
Hi Suresh,
Thanks for your valuable info. I am a NRI. I have 50 lacs to invest in mutual funds and need 1.5 crore in 3 years for an important medical treatment. What is your advice?
Since Jan 2017, i am investing 2,500rs for below mentioned fund using SIP mode. Currently my kid is studying 5th std and below mentioned fund is using for her marriage and higher studies. Except few fund (Reliance Regular Savings Fund and Sundaram rural india fund) if analyze other funds , i think performming well. Shall i continue same or please suggest ,what i 'll do to make changes.
Please review and gude me. Thanks in advance.
BSL FRONTLINE EQUITY FUND-Growth , SBI Blue Chip Fund – Regular Plan – Growth
RELIANCE SMALL CAP FUND-Growth Plan Growth ,ICICI PRUDENTIAL VALUE DISCOVERY FUND Growth, Reliance Regular Savings Fund – Equity Option (G),ICICI Prudential Balanced Fund (G)
Funds invested by you are good. Continue to invest.
Hi Sir,
Can you suggest the good Mutual funds at this time. I can invest 2500/- per month. Planning to invest in multiple MF's for this amount. Expecting your reply.
Many thanks,
Hi Srinivas, Consider investing in large cap, diversified and balanced funds indicated in this article.
Dear Sir,
Myself Rohit, I am 29 years old now and i seriously want to start my investments in mutual funds. I am wasting my time since 6 months on how to invest and where to invest. I have recently downloaded a app investca and my KYC has been verified too. Plz suggest me some good mutual funds
My goals are
1) By a dream car (Skoda Octavia Current price is 14 lacks) after 7 years:- 20 Lacks
2) For Daughters higher education:- 25 lacks after 15 years
3) For daughters marriage :- 25 lacks after 22 years
As you know common man has lots of ambitions and dreams so do I. I also want to buy a home for myself (after 5 years maybe!!), Want to plan for foreign tour with family after 10 years. And up above the all I want to die as a "carorepati.
I know these all sounds too much but still i want a better guidance from your side.
My current salary is 6.5 lacks /annum
Hi Rohit, Every human being dreams. However only few would make their dreams possible. This is possible only if you have “real dream”. 1) If you need Rs 20 Lakhs for SKoda car after 7 years, you need to invest Rs 14,000 per month to achieve this. 2) If you need Rs 25 Lakhs for daughter education after 15 years, you need to invest Rs 4,000 per month for next 15 years 3) If you need another Rs 25 Lakhs in 22 years, you need to invest Rs 1,500 per month. All these computations assuming you would get approx 15% annualised returns. Now you may need Rs 19,500 per month to invest to achieve your goals in 7 years, 15 years and 22 years. You can invest them from today or you can invest less amount and keep increasing every year e.g. invest Rs 10,000 per month now and after 1 year, increase to Rs 11,000 and after 2 yeaers, increase this to Rs 12,000 and so on. You can select 5-8 mutual funds to achieve your goals. You can pick-up large cap, diversified, midcap/smallcap and balanced funds which I indicated. Even in worse case only 5 (out of 7) funds perform well, you would be still able to achieve your goal. All the best
Dear suresh
I want to invest Rs 5000 / month in mutual fund SIP. I am new investor . Please suggest some funds.
Hi Pradesh, since you are new investor, invest in large cap funds and balanced funds indicated in the article.
DEAR sir,
I have invested RS5000/- IN dsp blcak rock natural resoucres and new energy fund (growth regular) in 2008. SHOULD I REMAIN INVESTED or reddem my units.
Hi Shoba, DSP BR Natural resources and energy fund is sector fund which is high risk. This gave 14% annualised returns in the last 9.5 years which is good. You can continue to invest in this for couple of more years.
Dear Suresh,
Good info for investors !!
I need your valuable comment on my investments. I have been investing 36000/m in the below funds for monthly SIP for the past 10 months , except Mirae & Reliance all others are moving slowly. Please suggest whether i need to change my funds?
Mirae Asset emerging
Reliance small cap
DSP BR Micro
ICICI Pru Value discover
Franklin India Prima Plus
Quantum Long term equity
Please kindly suggest me !
Except for ICICI Pru value discovery fund, all others are good funds, stay invested.
Dear Suresh,
Thanks for your quick response!!
This is what i am expecting to make important decision on my investments !! thanks !!
I am going to stop & start SIP on Mirae India Opportunities fund or Kotak select focus fund !!
wait for some time you will recieve good returns in icici pri value discovery fund .
Dear Sir,
I am NRI and want to invest lumpsum 50 Lacs in mutual funds. I am agressive risk taker and want to stay invested for 7 years. Please suggest 10 best mutual funds where I should invest.
Many thanks.
Go for infrastructure and pharma funds …. now the time for these sectors
I am an NRI and currently investing in the following funds-
ABSL Frontline Equity Fund -Direct (G) 5000
ICICI PRU TOP 100 -Direct (G) 1000
UTI EQUITY FUND -Direct(G) 5000
Frankline India Smaller Companies Fund-Direct(G) 5000
Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund-Direct(G) 5000
HDFC Balanced Fund -Direct (G) 5000
SBI Magnum Multicap Fund -Direct(G) 5000
ABSL Tax Relief96 Fund – Direct (G) 10000
Total 46000
Can you advice me if I should continue with this portfolio or I should stop investing in any of them? My horizon is 7-10 years.
Also, if I would like to increase this investment from 46000 per month SIP to say 1.5 L, can you advice me the good funds. Again for 10 years.
Hi Suresh,
I am following you since last 3 years. But, this time not getting reply from 🙂
Can you please reply on my above request?
Sorry for that Bhushan. The funds indicated by you are good except for ICICI Pru value discovery fund which is underperformer and recovering now. You may review and exit this fund.
Want to invest 7000 per month for long term in SIP
Age 34 yrs
Pls suggest
I want to invest Rs.5000/ Month in each of the top 10 funds suggested by you .
I am an NRI having NRE account in one of the Nationalized bank of India .
Need your kind advice .
Your above report is very interesting and informative but I have no knowledge of how to whom to approach for the mentioned SIP investment.
Please send advise on my email ID
Hi, i want to invest total of 5000 in sip/month
Hdfc Balanced fund—1500
MOST 35 Multicap (or) Franklin India Prima Plus Growth Multicap–1500
Mirae Asset emerging bluechip Midcap—1000
Have another 1000 to invest..Pls suggest
Does it look idle..Also please suggest me which of these multicaps to go with..Also if you guys can suggest any changes…will be more than helpful…
I am planning invest 2000 pr month for next 10 years thoruogh SIP,Can you pls recommend whih fund is suitable to me,My residentat puducherry requst advise to start the investment.
The category of Kotak Select focus is gives as Large Cap in some websites where in it was published as Multicap fund in other websites. Please help me identify whether its a large cap fund or multicap fund
It is divesified large cap fund. Hence some classify as multicap fund. You can make this as part of your portfolio
Hi Sir,
I am Ashutosh Adhav and am 19 years old, i am planning to start my very first sip of 2000 per month (right now and will be increasing it gradually per year) for a time duration of more than 20+ years (30 to 40 Years) from now. I am confused between the three funds which i have selected. As i am a beginner please advice me. The three funds are:
1. Motilal Oswal MOSt Focused Multicap 35 Fund – Direct Growth (MultiCap)
2. Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund – Direct Growth (MidCap)
3.HDFC MidCap Opportunities Fund – Direct Growth (MidCap)
So please advise me and help me to invest and also advice me how do i invest like should i invest in all these three funds and if not please tell the best among these three. Also suggest me any others as a beginner for long term duration (Low risk, high returns strategy funds).
Should I pick a Large Cap fund in my Portfolio? And finally how many funds should i keep in my Portfolio and which Ones?
Waiting Eagerly for your reply.Please assist me in making my Portfolio. Hope so u will reply me as soon as possible.
Thanks a lot Sir.
Very nice article.Thank you
Thank you ramarao. Which mutual funds you are investing?
Hello Sir,
I am planning to invest Rs. 30,000 per month for next two years only. I would like to start a SIP for the same. Can you please recommend me mutual funds and how should i distribute them. Also, after two years (till Dec 2019), will I be able to withdraw the amount or should i have another year for withdrawing the amount? Your guidance would be valuable. Looking forward for some inputs. Thanks!
Hello Sir, your advise will help me a lot for taking the decision comfortably.
Given the thrust and spending on Infrastructure, it would be great to see a list oof the best Infra funds one can invest in! Look forward to it!
hi ,
I am willing to invest 65000 per month for next 5 years.
Can you please advise what would be best way and what amount I can achieve.
Hi Suresh. Pls suggest me goof mutual fund for getting return after 10 years. I have already purchased 2 ULIP long term plans for HDFC (Super Youngster & Progrowth Plus). Both are long term plan. Now I want to invest something for shorter duration like 5-10 years to achieve my near term goals. I can invest 10K per month. Advise some good SIP. Thank you.
Hi Suresh
I’m a 30 year old..Earning 70k per month ..Having a term plan in Bharti AXA..
I am investing 1.5k in ICICI long-term equity
1.5 k in axis long term
And 2k in Franklin India small companies fund from 1 year..
And saving limit of 150000 had reaches with my of and term plan..
Now should I continue in above elss plans
Aparna, Tax saving mutual funds still provide good returns between 12% to 15%. Unless you have other tax saving options, you should continue ELSS funds
Hi Suresh,
I am 37 years old. I would like to start investing in MF. I would like to start investing on all 4 categories you have mentioned. Can you suggest me how much percentage of amount I have to invest on 4 categories on SIP? Like if I would like to invest 20,000 monthly via sip, how much I should allocate on large cap and how much on midcap, etc.
there is no standard %ages. If you are high risk investors, add more in midcap/smallcap along with largecap and diversified funds. If you are moderate risk taker, invest more in large cap fund or diversified funds. If you are moderate to low risk taker, add more in balanced funds
Hello sir
Your articles are inspirational I need to know aht to add or remove from my portfolio. I have Icici value discovery Fund (50%) SBI Blue Chip (25%) and ELSS Aditya Bilra Tax Saver 96 (25%) I am 45 years and my goal is another 10Plus years to stay invested. Please advise.
Sir I realy need advise , pls help.
Anil, SBI blue chip fund is good. ICICI Pru value discovery fund is under performer for the past few weeks. Aditya Birla Tax Saver is also good, but there are better funds. You can check best ELSS funds to invest like Axis long term or DSP BR Tax saver fund or Franklin India Tax shield fund
Hi Suresh,
Im 34 years old married and i have started earning about 50000 every month in BPO firm. The only savings i have is 2 lakhs of PF and my wife has started putting in 1000 every month on L&T Emerging Business Fund – Direct-Growth and we are planning to continue this for next 25 years. I need to plan my retirement and when i look at websites they look scary when talk to me about the amount of money they ask me to invest every month. As per TATA Retirement Savings Fund – Progressive – Direct, i need to accumulate around 5crs in next 25 years and asking me to put in 5800 every month for this. Please advise. I can only put in 3k every month for my savings. Im only bread winner in my family and has 3 dependents on me and we are planning to hhave kid next year.
Sandeep, Couple of comments from my side. 1) Looks you don’t have term insurance. since you are the bread earner in your family, what happens to your familiy in your absense. Pls take a good term insurance plan lik ICICI term insurance or HDFC click 2 protect or LIC e term insurance plan 2) You are investing only in L&T Emerging Business Fund. This is midcap/smallcap fund which came 3 years back only. Invest in consstent performing funds which are there for some time 3) You don’t need thousands of rupees to create wealth through mutual funds. You invest whatever maximum you can invest every month. Keep increasing your SIP values every year. e.g. you can invest now for Rs 3,000 per month. Next year, try to increase this to Rs 4K or Rs 5 K. This way the burden is not on your today. All the best and I appreciate that you and your spouse are working to make your future brighter.
hi want to know I have dsp black rock micro cap fund from last year this is good or switch into another and which have choose
Vijay, This is good fund, stay invested. Since the size of the fund increased drastically, they are not accepting fresh invesments. There is no point in me recommending a mutual fund where an investor cannot invest, hence I have removed this from the top 10 list. Even I am doing SIP in this mutual fund 🙂
I want to invest in MF for my daughter's marriage presently she is 18 yrs old and preparing for medical (MBBS). So i have 7-10 yrs. Please suggest which type & how much amount for SIP, if we target 20.00 lakh.
Hi Rajni, You need to invest Rs 6,000 per month for 10 years where you would be achieving the target of Rs 20 Lakhs in 10 years (@12% annualised returns). If market goes well, your amount of Rs 5,000 per month itself would be reach you to this target (@15% annualised returns). So, go for 6,000 and select 3-4 mutual funds (preferably in large cap and balanced funds)
The highlighted funds are good – But i have my doubts about investing in the balanced fund catagory now. Particularly ICICI Pru Balanced fund – Nobody today is talking of the term RISK – If markets fall than nothing in this portfolio will be able to protect your downside – Balanced funds have 65-70% exposure to equities. So they will fall have no doubt.
I would advocate a Balanced Advantage fund for the next 1 year, they can go down to as low as 30% allocation to equity. They will protect your downside. ICICI Pru is a tried and tested stratergy, although the fund manager has changed – Naren should be able to hold ship. In fact he spoke about risk at the recent conferences he addressed like Morningstar & the ET Now Diwali Masterclass.
Everyone has forgotten 2017/18. There is an element called RISK – Stocks that were bellweathers at that time are nowhere today or still recovering. Check out charts of Airtel, Reliance, ICICI Bank, Larsen – You will see what i am talking about. Reliance Power / Adani Power are other good examples – today's Insurance IPO's may suffer the same fate. Better study what you are buying. Learn to have realistic expectations and learn to divercify risk using asset allocation. Rest is up to chance. The funds mentioned are good but mind you valuations do matter eventually & the idea is to multiply your money. So be aware of RISK before you take decide on a stratergy.
Hi Vivek, I agree your views. Mutual Funds are not risk free. By investing through SIP one can reduce the risk to some extend.
Dear Suresh,
My age is 30 years and I have the following SIP going:
a) Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund (G) -5 years- rs 5000
b) Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund (G)- 5 years -rs 3000;
I would like to add two more mutual fund 5000 each. Should I add 2 large cap or 1 large cap and 1 midcap. I am 30 years old…. Kindly advise.
Good to hear about you Dilip. You can add large cap funds indicated in this article in your portfolio
Thank you to give us golden tips. Thanks a lot.
Thank you Bharatbhai. Which mutual funds are you investing now ?
Sir what about Birla Sunlife Advantage Fund in Diversified category and Mirae Asset Opportunities Fund inLarge Cap category ? I think they should be in top mutual funds list
Hello Sir. Im a 35 year old PSU employee married with 2 year old kid(son)
I have the following SIPs going
HDFC Mid cap opp fund – 3500 – Monthly
Franklin India Prima Plus – 3500 – Monthly
Canara Rebe Em Eq Fund – 6000 – Monthly
DSP Small & Midcap fund – 3000 – Monthly
DSP BR Tax Saver Fund – 5000 – Monthly starting from Nov 2017
My financial goals are my sons education and my retirement.
Im aware my portfolio is predominantly Equity.
My investment horizon is 20 years and planning for sons education and my retirement so Im not worried about being in equity.
Pls let me know if i need to alter my portfolio.
Im planning to invest another 5K permonth is SIP in LargeCap or Small Cap. Can you suggest some good fundsin either catagories.
Sundeep, Overall your portfolio is good except for DSP BR Small and midcap. Its peers are performing good, you may review, exit and invest in better fund. You can invest in largecap/midcap/smallcap funds indicated in my article for the additional sum you are planning to invest
I like to invest 1k to 2k in sip which is best mutual fund to invest
Hi Deepal, Invest in diversified and large cap funds to start with.
Hi sir. 2 years back you suggested icic pru value discovery fund . I started sip for the last 2 years . Now performance is poor. Now monthly SIP of this fund is 12000. Now investment amount is 2.3laks value. Should I continue SIP?Or should I switch or just cancell the SIP and hold the NAVs. Please advice sir. My investment planning is 8 more years.
Binoy, bad to hear about that. Thats he reason I keep saying that you should invest in 5-7 mutual fund schemes so that 80% to 90% funds can perform well and may be 10% of the mutual fund schemes may be underperformer. You can exit such funds now and invest in midcap/small cap as you are high risk investor.
Please elaborate what u mean by poor performance. How has this been calculated? And what has this been compared with?
ICICI Pru Discovery has been a consistently top-perfirming scheme. So this comes as a surprise.Some data will surely help.
Poor performace is compared with its benchmark and its peers.
Hi Suresh,
This is a very nic eand informative article!!! Thank you so much.
I have a question: Since most of teh pharma sector stocks are down, do you think that Pharma Funds could be a good investment option for the coming years say for example an investment period of 5-8 years. Investment for SIP or One-time investment in Pharma Funds. If yes, which Pharma Sector fund would you recommend.
Investing in Pharma at this point is high risk. Instead, you can select good diversified mutual fund which can provide good returns which also might invest in Pharma. Let me review about Pharma sector one more time and let you know in case there are any good pharma funds which we can invest now
I am investing Rs 15,000 SIP monthly, in Quantum equity long term growth for the past 1year. Can I continue the same
Hi Subramaniam, Quantum Equity longterm is good mutual fund scheme. However don’t invest in single fund. Select 5-7 funds in large cap, diversified, midcap/smallcap (if you are high risk taker) and balanced funds. This way you are balancing your portfolio.
Hi Suresh,
I have been investing 6 funds including Quantum long term & icici pru value discover..but current performance is not that much good compared its peers, should i continue or stop and start SIP for below funds(any 2). Is this make sense?
Principal growth Fund / Mirae india opportunities / Kotak select focus fund.
Please advise me, Sir !!
Quantum long term fund is good, you can stay invested, other fund you can review and exit. Mirae india opps fund and kotak select focus funds are good funds
This is a very nice article, really appreciate your effort.
I am planning to invest through SIP in a mutual fund to achieve my long-term goal in 20 years, would like to arrange corpus of 6-7 Cr..
I have prepared a list of schemes and total SIP amount would be 31k monthly. My confusion is, i have been listening lot of financial advisors suggestions and they always say that don’t invest in too many schemes and suggest not to use more than 5 schemes in a portfolio.
What is your suggestion on this point ? Do I need to cut schemes from my list?
SBI Blue Chip Fund – 5000
Kotak Select Focus Fund – 5000
Birla sun life frontline equity – 5000
Franklin India Prima Plus Fund- 4000
Mirae Asset India Opportunities Fund- 4000
Principal Emerging bluechip- 4000
Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund-2000
Franklin India smaller companies fund-2000
Hi Shashi, If you invest in too many schemes, you may not track properly. Thats the main problem. Otherwise no harm in investing in good number from various market cap. Your portfolio is good, continue to invest
Very nice article Suresh! Also, i follow your articles.
But the problem with suggested schemes, if you take the top 10 holding for the suggested funds in many cases they duplicated. Hence, your portfolio will be concentrated. If one stock goes down your whole portfolio goes down.
Hi Dattatrya, Fund managers may follow a strategy which could look duplicate among other schemes. e.g. ICICI Bank stock is good and investd by one of the fund manager. It does not mean that other mutual fund schemes should not invest. Hence there are greater chances that fund managers picks could be common stocks in some cases especially in large cap and balanced funds.
Hi Suresh,
Alway thanks to you to provide valuable update on Money matter. I enjoying your most of posts and keep informing to friends about your website.
Recently i have started investing MF schemes via. SIP mode for long term goal.
1) Reliance small cup 1000 rs.
2) Reliance pharma 1000 rs.
3) Hdfc midcap opportunities fund 2000 rs.
4) Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund 1000 rs.
5) Mirae Asset India Opportunities Fund 1000 rs.
Kindly check, i have selecting the right funds or not.
Thanks you reading my comments.
Happy to hear that Manish. Thank you for that. Funds selected by you are good except for Reliance Pharma. Currently pharma is down for the past 1 year. However since you invested only one 1 fund, you can still continue to invest, however you may need to wait for some time to get good returns. In future, you can add more in large cap / diversified funds if you are investing in new mutual fund schemes.
which funds you are investing Amit ?
Sir please suggest me to investment of 12k or 14k monthly through SIP on mutual funds for just 1 year period only. At present my goal is enough for 1 year period only.
Hi Balakrishna, There are no short term equity mutual funds. You can go for debt mutual funds, however they can provide low returns if you want to invest for 1 year that too through SIP
Thank you very much… For your advise.
Really appreciate your time for me.
Thank you Dominic, Where are you investing now ?
Nice article Mr. Sureshjee which will help many of them who wish to plan in 2018.
Thank you Ravi. Which mutual funds you are investing? Pls share on your FB as this article might be useful for several investors who might be looking or similar data.
Really appreciated for the very good informative article and your valuable time to spend for this.
I am planing to build my home @ 2025 and it estimation amount (current) 30 Lakhs.
As I calculating inflation rate @ 6 percentage, it will be required amount that time 48 – 50 Lakhs.
I can invest MUTUAL FUND through SIP monthly around 40K to 50K. OR Lamb sum within 4 month.
Please advise me… whether my planing is good idea? and achieve my target within the period.
OR I should go with share market to direct invest with equity diversified.
I think should I go mutual fund with above you specified every fund of one (Like Large cap, Mid cap, Small cap and Balanced fund) to invest 10,000 x 4 =40,000 or 12,500 x 4=50,000.
Please advise me. All investment my responsibility and I will take care. (I will do not blame you guided wrongly for latter any correction for these mutual funds) Also I will check related mutual fund benchmark according their performance six month once.
Thank you.
Hi Dominic, Your goal is in 8 years. If you invest in direct stocks, you may or may not achieve your goal. However by investing in top performing mutual funds indicated in this article, your goal would more or less would be achievable. Pls invest in these funds and increase the investments every year. This way you would be sure shot of achieving your goal
Good evening Sure she sir. I read your articles regularly… 2 names are missing from the list as included by you regularly in the past 2-3 years are DSP blackrock micro cap fund and Principal emerging bluechip fund. Sir should we stop sip in dsp-blackrock-micro-cap-fund as this fund has not shown good return as compared to category and benchmarking in the last 1year?
Hi Bir, I have given comments after Franklin Small India funds, pls check. These funds are good ones. If you are already investing, stay invested in these funds
Hi Alphons, I have given comment of DSP BR Microcap fund in between the article. It is good fund. Since it is not accepting fresh investments, I thought no point in giving this as recommendation for new investors. Pls continue investing in this fund
Dear Sir
Please review the ICICI pru focused blue chip fund objective. It seem carried forward from last year. Fund net asset and comment has disparity.
Ashish Dalavi
Hi Ashish, Funds objective is updated now. Thanks for pointing it out.
Thanks for the list
Good and accurate analysis…
Thank you Siva
Thank for valuable information