20 Profitable Healthcare Business Ideas in India

Covid-19 has taught all of us to live a different lifestyle across the world. Many small business ideas are getting shut down now, as people spending has almost come to halt. One of the evergreen sectors is health care. There are enormous healthcare business opportunities in India. There are small business to moderate business to large scale business which you can start in the healthcare segment. Which are the best Healthcare related business ideas in India? Which are the Top 20 Most profitable healthcare business with low to moderate investments?

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20 Profitable Healthcare Business Ideas in India

Here is the list of healthcare related business ideas and opportunities to start now in India.

1) Retail Pharmacy store

One of the evergreen healthcare business today is pharmacy store. In Pharmacy store, you would provide all kinds of medicines and healthcare products to the customers. You can add regular moving retail products too, which can add to your revenue. This is one of the evergreen healthcare related business ideas to start in India.

2) Ambulance services

While some hospitals would provide ambulance, these are not always available. You can start specialized services of providing ambulance on need basis. You can provide online booking or dial an ambulance service where you can pick-up the patients and drop them in respective hospitals or at their homes.

3) Corporate wellness centers

Profitable Healthcare business ideas in India - corporate wellness centresMany corporates want their employees to be healthy. They conduct regular wellness programs to ensure the employees are fit and healthy to avoid any disruption in their office work. Here is where they would approach wellness centres to conduct programs on a regular basis. You can start a corporate wellness business. You can approach corporates and your team of experts can visit their location and conduct wellness programs on a regular basis.

4) Fitness Centre

If you are fitness expert, this could be one of the best profitable healthcare business ideas. You may need to choose good location and nice equipment to attract customers.

5) Diagnostic Centre

Diagnostic centres would take samples from patients, diagnose / test with medical experts or doctors and provide diagnostic or medical reports. This is an evergreen healthcare business idea to start any time. One needs to maintain good hygiene, quick services to build the confidence with customers. If they can provide online medical reports, it would attract many customers to visit them frequently.

6) Disposable syringe production

If you can afford moderate investment, disposable syringe production could be one of the best healthcare manufacturing business ideas to start in India. Disposable syringes are made up of plastics. You may need to have a good location, approvals from medical authorities to set-up manufacturing unit for the production of syringes.

7) Open a Gym Centre

Due to increase in diseases, people want to be healthy and stay fit. If you are a good fitness trainer, you can try opening a gym. If you can find a good location and invest for gym equipment, this could be one of the top small healthcare business ideas in India.

8) Herbal products manufacturing

If you are looking for innovative business ideas in pharma sector, herbal products manufacturing be the best business idea. Healthcare products are mostly with chemicals that are doing harm to human beings. Many of us have already realized this and moving towards herbal products. You can check some of the herbal products like herbal oil, herbal soap, herbal cosmetics, etc. Once you decide which product you may think is best for production, you can take necessary approvals from local authorities and start herbal products manufacturing. This business idea requires moderate to high capital.

9) Production of Medical or regular gloves

Post covid-19, everyone is using gloves either at hospitals, pharmacy stores or even at corporate offices or at a small business to avoid contact with corona virus. The demand for medical gloves would continue for next 3-5 years on a high scale. If you are planning for some manufacturing business, gloves production could be one of the most profitable healthcare related business ideas in India.

10) Online Pharmacy Store

Profitable Healthcare business ideas in India - online pharmacy storeThese days, everyone is scared of going out of home due to virus. People are willing to order things over the phone and expecting to deliver things at home directly. Hence, opening an online pharmacy store is one of the best future business ideas for healthcare now in 2020. This is an extension of the regular retail pharmacy store. You would create website for online booking facility in your city or region. People would order medicines and you can deliver them to door step. You can provide special offers and discounts to attract customers. Online pharmacy store is one of the best healthcare business to open in India.

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11) Aerobics Centre

Aerobic exercise improves the efficiency of the body’s cardiovascular system in absorbing and transporting oxygen. Many have become health conscious and preferring to go to aerobics centres instead of going for medicines. If you love to train people, this could be a fantastic business idea to start now.

12) Senior Homecare services

Women are no more restricted to home. They are playing powerful roles in corporates and business. If there are some elderly people at home, taking care of them along with any medical assistance is a painful thing. A few startups have come up with the unique idea of senior home care services. Customers would request for assistance and you need to provide 1-2 experts who can provide services to seniors at home on need basis. You can charge fees for those specific services.

13) Weight loss clinic

Indian’s have become food lovers. People do not have time to go to gym or fitness centres. There is an increase in obesity due to this. Such increase in weight would lead to increase risks of diabetes, blood pressure, etc. Here comes weight loss clinic. Such weight loss clinics would provide the services to reduce weight by way of diet, medicines, etc.. This is one of the best profitable healthcare related business ideas to start in India.

14) Fitness equipment marketing

If you can afford moderate investment, you can start supplying fitness equipment. You need to find people who are in need. You can open an online web store and provide special offers so that people can get attracted to buy. This is one of the best medical equipment business opportunity in India.

15) Create a healthcare blog

If you have good communication skills and have good knowledge about healthcare, you can start a website that provides tips about health care. You can provide various tips on how to stay fit, yoga, home remedies, etc., You can monetize such website in multiple ways. You can apply for Google Adsense and place advertisements and earn money. You can do health care product reviews and earn money through affiliate marketing i.e., referring products and if anyone makes purchases, you can earn commissions.

Profitable Healthcare business ideas in India - nutritionist or dietician16) Nutritionist or Dietitian

Many of us keep falling ill due to lack of proteins and vitamins in our body. One would consult nutritionist or dietitian to have healthy food. If you have good knowledge about healthy food, you can do nutritionist certification course or dietician course and open a small business around this idea.

17) Marketing Health insurance Plans

There are several health insurance plans in India. However, many are confusing as they come with lots of features. In this case, you can start marketing health insurance plans that have good and unique features. You can explain the various plans along with health insurance premiums to customers and they would pick-up the one that is best suitable to them. You would earn commission on such health insurance plans directly from insurance companies.

18) Travel Planner for medical treatments

There are people who may need to travel different cities or either abroad for medical treatments. They do not know whom to approach. You can create a small business around the concept, making travel arrangements for such people who are going for medical treatments across places or across countries. Your business expertise can provide advices people where to stay, which flight to book etc.,

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19) Specs store

Due to increase in mobile and television usage, many are spoiling their eyes. At small age itself, kids are getting spectacles too. You can open spectacle store and offer them at an affordable cost. This is one of the top  profitable healthcare business ideas in India.

20) Surgical equipment marketing

There are several small to medium hospitals who might not approach companies when buying surgical equipment. With this idea, you can start marketing surgical equipments directly to such hospitals. The commissions are decent even if you can make a few sales in a month. Medical equipment business opportunity in India needs moderate investment, hence one should prepare a small business plan before starting this business.

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Suresh KP

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  1. Thanks for information, I basically want to start domestic medical equipments retail business like BP Apparatus, knee brace, walkers, wheel chairs etc. Need the guidance for the same.

  2. I want to start my business of medical equipment and disposable syringes. Need your guidance. Thanks

    1. Hi sir. Want to start my ownstart up with surgical items like disposable gown and towels and sheets. Pls advise.

  3. Hello Sir,

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  4. i want to start medical relative low investment business.how can i start it. please help and guide me. and please tell me,how to connect with you.

  5. Hello sir
    I want to know about start up with minimum investment in medical field.please help me.how can I contact you.

  6. Gym & Fitness center might required more investment and innovative ideas to deal with pandemic like Corona Virus. But starting a Pharmacy or Pharma Wholesale, PCD Pharma Franchise are more profitable and cost effective ideas to start.

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        Best Regards

  8. Please advise me, how to start disposable synthetic products and its Investment,, place and other formalities required.

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