1. the govt has increased ppf limit to 1.5 lacs for the financial year 2014-15 but sbi has not yet increased this limit in their web site, hence i am not able to deposit additional amount of Rs 50K That means I am loosing the interest for this month as interest is calculated on the balance held between 1st to 5 th of the month

    can i have open another account in another bank  so that i  get benefit of full exemption

  2. Dear Suresh,

    i am working at Dubai, married and have three kids. apart from PPF kindly suggest me the other good investment options which is helpful for their education and marriage etc. look forward to your prompt response. much appreciated.

    thank you


  3. Dear Suresh,

    with reference to your article about PPF, you have mentioned that NRI cannot open PPF account, then how comes a person working at UAE can open it. please clarify as i am also working in Dubai.

    thank you

  4. Pls , I would like to Confirm , is NRI Income treated as taxable income weather I hv NRI A/c or NO…..  and can I open PPF to get benefit of under section 80C,….

    1. 1) If you have earned income in India, your income is liable for tax irrespective whether you are in India or not 2) You can open PPF account and claim 80C exemption.

  5. Hi Suresh, Can i deposit 1.5 lacs for this financial year in PPF . I have already deposited 1 lac in PPF and want to deposit 50 K more in that . Please let me know.

  6. HI, I am not a salaried person, I have only FD and NCD interest income less than 2 lacs. I know if the annual income is less than 2 lacs, I dont need to file the returns. But last year I sold a residentail apartment and in that I have Long term capital loss. Since there is no Gain, Do I need to file the Return. If Yes, Which ITR I should use to show both Interest income and Capital Loss??

  7. Good info sir.

    Is there any other bank you can suggest besides ICICI?

    Also can I put in all 1.5lks in one go every year or does it have to be every month?

    Thank you

  8. Hi Suresh,

    I dont remember that any PPF account is there on my name or not – as all finance related tasks were handled by my parents prior.

    Is there a way that I can check that if I already has PPF account anywhere or not?

  9. Good article on PPF.Thanks! Can I open another PPF account after completion of normal period of 15 yeras & 05 yers of extended period.

  10. Hello Suresh,

    Hope you are doing well and thank you for coming back with a good post. Coming to this post I've some queries which are below hope you will clarify my doubts.

    1. How far is it safe to open a PPF account with a private sector bank when Nationalised banks are offering the same like SBI?


    2. Believe the interest rates will be decided by Govt. of India else is there any deviation from bank to bank?


    3. Any extra charges will be there on maintianing this PPF account? and a savings account is mandatory with the bank?


    4. Finally if you compare opening PPF account with SBI and ICICI which will be the best? 


    Hope I haven't asked too much queries 😉  Please respond when you are free and take care of your health. 

    Thanks again

    Kishore Bitra

    1. Thanks Kishore 1) Ministry of finance has given approval after considering various aspects. Hence it is safe to open account here 2) Interest rates are decided by Govt 3) As per my knowledge there are no extra charges 4) I do not see any difference as both are available online and we can transfer money online to these accounts. However I heard that money transferred from some other account to SBI PPF is not getting transferred correctly. I have seen 3 comments on this blog about this. I do not know whether we need to really worry about it or not

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