How an individual taxpayer can claim tax benefits upto ₹ 4.44 Lakhs from FY2015-16

Income tax benefits ₹ 4.44 LakhsHow an individual taxpayer can claim tax benefits upto ₹ 4.44 Lakhs from FY2015-16

In recent budget speech, Finance Minister indicated that an individual taxpayer can claim tax benefits of ₹ 4.44 Lakhs from Financial year 2015-16 beyond the income tax exemption limit. This includes all tax saving options like PPF, Housing loan interest, health insurance premium, life insurance premium etc., What are these tax benefits which are available for individuals. In this article I would provide more details about these ₹ 4.44 Lakhs tax exemptions that are announced in recent budget and are applicable from financial year 2015-16 onwards.

How an individual taxpayer can claim tax benefits upto ₹ 4.44 Lakhs from FY2015-16

This amount of ₹ 4.44 Lakhs tax benefits is beyond the income tax exemption limit available for individuals.

Also Read: Top and Best ELSS Tax Saving Mutual funds to invest in 2015

1) Deductions u/s 80C – ₹ 150,000

Following are the eligible deductions u/s 80C.

  • Children tuition fees is allowed as deduction. No transport allowance / term fees is allowed as deduction.
  • Amount deposited in Public Provident Fund. You can open PPF account with any post office / SBI / ICICI Bank etc.,
  • Amount contributed towards the Employees Provident Fund (EPF)
  • Post office term deposit for 5 years / 5 Year Tax Saving Bank FD Scheme
  • National Saving Certifications (NSC) – 5 years and 10 years
  • ELSS tax saving Mutual Funds.
  • Senior Citizen Savings Scheme from post office / bank
  • Principal repayment of Home Loan amount
  • National Pension System / New Pension Scheme (NPS)
  • Life Insurance Premium

2) Deductions under 80CCD for contribution to NPS ₹ 50,000

Employees can contribute to New Pension Scheme / National Pension Scheme (NPS) up to 10% of their salary. In such case, an employee is eligible to claim additional ₹ 50,000 tax benefits over and above 80C. Hence max limit 80C + 80CCD would be ₹ 2 Lakhs.

3) Interest on house property loan ₹ 200,000

If you have taken home loan, you are eligible to claim interest on home loan (which is termed as loss from house property in your tax computations) to the tune of ₹ 2 Lakhs. This amount is only interest and any principal repayment would go in 80C only. You should note that this interest is only for first home loan. If you have taken second home loan, you can claim unlimited interest exemption as it would treated as let-out and you would show income from such rental property too. 

4) Exemption of new transportation allowance being revised to ₹ 19,200 per annum

Earlier, the exemption for transport allowance was ₹ 800 per month / ₹ 9,600 per month. Now from financial year 2015-16, it has been increased to ₹ 1,600 per month / ₹ 19,200 per annum. This is a straight deduction and no specific proofs required.

5) Exemption of allowable deduction for Health insurance premium – ₹ 25,000

Health insurance is becoming a basic need now as we do not know when a medical emergency would come. Exemption limit has been increased from next financial year to ₹ 25,000 per annum. Consider taking best health insurance plan and claim this amount as an exemption.

Also Read: What are the various ways where working couples can save income tax in India?

₹ 4.44 Lakhs tax exemptions explained with an example

Mr.Akhil Kumar, age 35, is working in an MNC company and gross income is ₹ 7 Lakhs. Assuming that he is not claiming any HRA etc., the following would be deductions

a) Total Income – ₹ 7 Lakhs

  • Less: Amount deposited in PPF (80C) – ₹ 1.5 Lakhs
  • Less: Deductions under 80CCD for contribution to NPS ₹ 50,000
  • Less: Interest on house property loan ₹ 200,000
  • Less: Exemption of transportation allowance of ₹ 19,200 per annum
  • Less: Health insurance premium – ₹ 25,000

b) Total deductions – ₹ 4.44 Lakhs

c) Taxable income = ₹ 2.56 Lakhs (₹ 7 Lakhs minus ₹ 4.44 Lakhs)

  • Tax upto ₹ 2.5 Lakhs nil
  • Tax from ₹ 2.5 Lakhs to ₹ 2.56 Lakhs – 10% (excl surcharge if any) i.e. ₹ 6,000 x 10% = ₹ 600.

d) Hence total tax applicable is ₹ 600 per year.

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How an individual taxpayer can claim tax benefits upto ₹ 4.44 Lakhs from FY2015-16

Suresh KP

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  1. First time I have seen such a nicely elaboration on tax rebate, I just want to have a clarity that I am regular employee of Private Power Company and I superannuated from PSU, then how should I get 80CCD benefit.

  2. Sir,
    If my CPS amount is Rs 75000per year can I claim this u/s 80CCD Rs50000 and u/s 80C Rs25000?
    Thanks for your valuable information.

  3. Sir,
    I’m govt employee, my savings is above 150000(including CPS, insurance, ppf). May I claim additional amount of CPS under 80CCD. I mean, if total CPS per year is 75000 can i claim under 80CCD rs 50000 and under 80C rs 25000?
    Thanks for your valuable reply.

  4. Interest on home loan upto Rs 200000 is exempt under section 24 but to claim the Income tax refund for this,which income tax form should be filed?In ITR-1,does it give provision for income tax refund claim under section 24?

  5. An useful information for me. A small clarification in 80ccd is to deduce directly in deduction………
    please give me a clear cut about the section 80ccd.. i want a detailed explanation for 80ccd.

    thanks for your valuable information….

    1. if you are investing any other eligible 80C investments for Rs 1.5 Lakhs and over and above if you are investing Rs 50K in NPS, this would be eligible to get exemption u/s 80CCD. The amount of eligibility depends on what you are investing in 80C. 

  6. Nice article. Master Health check up to parents can be included in 80-D other than Medi-claim policies. It is capped to Rs.5000.

  7. Dear Suresh

    Thanks for your immediate article in line of Income Tax. Very nice and useful.

  8. Hi Suresh,
    This Transport allowance is not but conveyance allowance right? Also if it’s increased to 1600 from 800 means, in the CTC the 800 will be deducted from special allowance/personal allowance right to account for this increase?

  9. Hi suresh.. NPS amount comes under 80c savings upto 1,50,000.. If its included in 80CCD upto what amount we can claim through NPS?

  10. Hi Suresh,

    I guess you missed out mentioning “5 year Term Fixed Deposit” under deduction u/s section 80C

  11. Nice article.

    To avail benefit of housing loan interest of Rs 2 lacks, how much loan will be required to avail and how much EMI will be required to pay at interest rate of 10.50% ?

    Kindly advise.

    1. Kartavi, If one takes approx Rs 35 Lakhs home loan, interest payable would be Rs 2 Lakhs (approx) at 10.5% interest rates at teh beginning of the loan period. However year on year this would reduce as principal repayment would happen.

  12. If one is paying 2L as interest for home loan, how much he would have been paying for principal amount? He will not be left with anything.

    1. Krishnan, Rs 2 Lakhs interest amount is for the year. If one takes approx Rs 35 Lakhs home loan, interest payable would be Rs 2 Lakhs (approx) at 10.5% interest rates at the beginning of the loan period. However year on year this would reduce as principal repayment would happen.

  13. Mr Suresh, Kindly educate me about NPS and which among the schemes available are best suited for
    me a PSU employee aged 53 years. I am not risk averse.

  14. Hi Suresh,

    Nice Article !!

    just one doubt.. for claiming the additional 50,000 in NPS above 80C, How much one have to invest in NPS

    50,000 or 1,50,000 ?


    1. Shyam, if you are investing any other eligible 80C investments for Rs 1.5 Lakhs and over and above if you are investing Rs 50K in NPS, this would be eligible to get exemption. The amount of eligibility depends on what you are investing in 80C. 

  15. Thank you for good information about tax exemption. Can you explain more about second home loan unlimited interest claim under let out scheme

    1. Hi Sharada, I would provide an article in coming week to explain this more in detail. For first home loan, you are eligible for Rs 2 Lakhs interest as exemption, however for second home loan, you are eligible to claim unlimited amount as interest claim. However you need to show even income generated from such loan.

  16. Hi Suresh,
    I think the flaw in the NPS(for the 80CCD Rs 50,000 deduction thing) here is that you are just delaying the payment of tax. Ultimately, in the end, when you withdraw the NPS amount or when it matures (60 years of age), the whole amount is taxable. So it looks good now, but later at the end we still need to pay tax. Isnt that right?

    1. Thomas, Yes you are right. However tell me, even any other investment option eligble u/s 80C like 5 year bank FD scheme or Post office NSC etc., all the returns are taxable. 

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