Future Generali Health Super Saver Plan – 80% discount on Premiums – Should you opt?

Future Generali Health Super Saver Plan – ReviewFuture Generali Health Super Saver Plan offers 80% discount on Premiums – Should you consider this health insurance Plan?

Future Generali is providing a 80% discount on its heath super saver health insurance plan. Health insurance provides coverage over high medical bills when the policy holder is hospitalized. Such plans can protect your hard earned savings. Future Generali health super saver is a health insurance plan. What are the features of Future Generali Health Super Saver Plan? What is covered and what is not covered in this plan? How they are able to provide a 80 % discount on its health insurance plan?

Overview about Future Generali Health Super Saver

Health is wealth. We all need to have a health insurance plan to ensure that we are well covered in case of medical emergencies and health issues. If you do not have health insurance plan, you can ruin your finances with unforeseen medical bills. Future Generali Total Insurance Solutions have health insurance premium payment benefits to provide lucrative offers in case of claim-free policy years. It has recently launched Health Super Saver 1X plan and Health Super Saver 2X plan.

Features of Future Generali Health Super Saver Plan

Various options are available under this policy regarding the sum insured.

These variants are 3 lacs, 5 lacs, 6 lacs, 10 lacs, 10 lacs, 15 lacs, 20 lacs, 25 lacs and 50 lacs.

The entry age of the proposer can be from 18 years after the age of 70 years.

The entry age for a child can be up to 25 years and can start as early as his or her birth.

This health insurance can be renewed lifelong and the insurance has both individual or family floater options.

In the case of a family floater plan, the family would be defined as the individual, spouse, after four children, two dependent parents or/and two dependent parents in law.

Pre-insurance medical examination will be conducted if there are any medical declarations done in proposal form. Insured is eligible for 100% reimbursement of pre-insurance medical tests charges, subject to policy issuance and 64 VB compliance.

Various plans in the Future Generali Health Super Saver Plan

There are two policies under the Super Saver health Insurance plan:

1) Health Super Saver 1X Plan

2) Health Super Saver 2X Plan

These plans offer up to 80% discounts in the future premium payments in case there is no medical claim in a particular year.

Health super saver 1X plan makes the policyholder eligible for an 80% super saver discount in the 2nd year, if the first year of the plan tenure as claim-free.

Similarly, if the first two years of the plan are claim-free the policyholder becomes eligible for the super saver discount of 80% for two consecutive years or up to the first claim (whichever is earlier). This discount would apply to the individual if the policy is taken on a personal name and in the case of floater policy the discount would be applicable to the total policy.

What is covered in the Future Generali Health Super Saver Plan?

The various expenses covered under the future generally held super saver insurance plan are:

Inpatient expenses which include room rent, nursing, boarding when hospitalized for at least 24 hours.

Pre-hospitalization expenses of 60 days

Post-hospitalization care treatment for 90 days.

This policy also covers the maternity expenses which would start after nine months waiting period from the inception of the policy. It covers the expenses which are incurred 90 days prior to the date of delivery as well as the post-natal expenses which are born till the next 45 days after the delivery.

It covers alternative treatment, hospitalization regarding are Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Siddha, or Unani.

Emergency ambulance expense up to ₹1000 per hospitalization.

Home health care services through the impaneled service providers.

What is not covered in the Future Generali Health Super Saver Plan?

The policy covers a lot of health benefits, but there are a few exclusions that should be carefully studied to ensure if this policy is suitable or not to add an individual or at a floater level.

Any treatment for, Alcoholism, drug or substance abuse or any addictive condition and consequences thereof.

This policy does not reimburse or pay for the expenses which are related to any disease which is pre-existing at the time of taking the policy until the expiry of 24 months.

Any disease which is contracted within 30 days from the date after commencement of the policy would not be included. However, an accidental injury is an exception to the 30-day norm.

Certain conditions like joint replacement surgery or listed mental illness would be covered after waiting period of 24 months.

Other diseases like tumors, cataracts, hernia shall be covered after a waiting period of 24 months.

Any expense which is born in the treatment of gender change or hazardous or adventurous sport, sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS would also be excluded from this policy.

For complete exclusions, read the product brochure carefully.

Should you buy Future Generali Health Super Saver Plan?

Future Generali Health Super Saver Health Insurance Plan provides almost all the benefits which are provided by the other health insurance plans. Additionally, there are added discounts in health insurance premiums in the upcoming years in case there are no claims. Although there are some loadings on standard premium being 5% for monthly payments, 4% for quarterly payments and 3% for half yearly payment, it might help for those who cannot manage to pay the entire premium amount at once. One should consider the items which are not covered in this plan and those which has waiting period before opting for such plans. Based on this one can choose a Best health insurance plan.

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Suresh KP

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  1. Thanks for the article Suresh. It would have been good if you had included the insurance amount for different slabs/sum insured. I guess price wud be the main thing one looks for when they are searching for Insurance.

    1. Thanks for the comment Kumar. The premium would depend on age, sum assured and other riders, hence it is difficult to put them in article. Going forward, I can provide some sample premiums for specific age and specific sum assured. Thanks for the suggestions

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