20 FAQ’s for claiming Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) as per Income Tax Rules

FAQs on Leave Travel AllowanceFAQ’s for claiming Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) as per Income Tax Rules

LTA is the benefit given by the employer to employees. While employee would enjoy the trip, they would  also get benefitted with income tax benefit received through LTA. What is Leave Travel Allowance (LTA)? What are the income tax rules pertaining to LTA? In this article I would detail about LTA and some of the frequently asked questions about LTA.

What is Leave Travel Allowance (LTA)?

LTA (Leave Travel Allowance), is a benefit provided by almost all employers to their employees which provide income tax benefit. One can claim LTA for two times in a block of 4 years. Employees would take leave, enjoy their travel and claim this as reimbursement where income tax is not deducted. However, there are certain Income Tax guidelines to be followed to claim LTA.

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20 FAQ’s for claiming Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) as per Income Tax Rules

1) What is the amount that can be claimed for LTA?

LTA is a benefit provided by the employer. It could be any amount starting from ₹ 20,000 and above. The amount would be decided by the employer based on the grade and seniority of the employee.

2) When an employee can claim LTA?

An employee can claim LTA for 2 years in  a block of 4 block years. Means, they can claim first time in year-1 and year-2 and second time in year-3 and year-4.

3) What is a block year in LTA?

Income tax rules define block year for claiming LTA. Previously it was 2010-2013. Currently it is 2014-2017. Means you can claim first LTA in 2014 and 2015 and second LTA in 2016 and 2017.

4) How a year is defined by IT rules for claiming LTA?

For claiming LTA, it is a calendar year and not financial year. For e.g. 2015 means 1-Jan-2015 to 31-Dec-2015. 2016 means 1-Jan-2016 to 31-Dec-2016. So current block year (4 years) starts from 1-Jan-2014 and ends at 31-Dec-2017.

5) Which IT section exempts LTA amount?

LTA amount claimed as per IT rules is exempted u/s 10 (5) of Income Tax Act.

6) How many trips an employee is eligible to claim for claiming LTA?

The employee can claim LTA for only one trip in a year. One cannot claim multiple trips in a year to claim LTA.

7) If an employee does one trip, but visits multiple places, is he eligible to claim LTA?

Income tax rule indicates that LTA can be claimed for the shortest distance between the starting point and farthest point. In between, if there are more places to visit, you can do that.

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8) Who is eligible to travel along with employee to get LTA benefit?

The employee can take his spouse, kids and dependant parents, dependent brother or sister as part of travel to claim LTA benefit. He cannot take his friends / girlfriend (J) to get LTA benefit.

9) How many kids are eligible to travel to get LTA benefit?

2 kids are eligible for travel to get LTA benefit. In case there is triplet kid, due to twins, such twins would be considered as one kid for this purpose.

10) Can I claim LTA by travelling abroad trip?

LTA can be claimed for travel taken within India. You cannot claim foreign trip expenses for LTA benefit.

11) What expenses can be claimed under LTA Benefit?

LTA can be claimed only for ticket cost from starting point to the destination point and vice versa. One cannot claim food expenses, lodging expenses and other miscellaneous expenses under LTA claim.

12) What mode of travel is eligible for claiming LTA?

  • In case of air travel, economy class is eligible.
  • In case of train travel, up to first AC is eligible.
  • In case of road transport, rented vehicle / bus of any kind is eligible to claim LTA benefit.

13) In case spouse is working and spouse is also eligible for LTA, how LTA claim would work?

There is no change in IT rules in case spouse is working. However, smart way of claiming LTA is, one can claim in 1st year and spouse can claim in 2nd year. Similarly, one can claim in 3rd year and spouse can claim in 4th year. This way, they can enjoy 4 trips and also get the LTA tax benefit for the entire block year.

Also Read: Should employee negotiate on Gross Salary or Net Take Home Salary during job change?

14) Can we carry forward unclaimed LTA?

Yes. An employee can carry forward one trip to next block year. Means in a 4 block years, he can claim one trip and one trip he can carry forward to the next block year. During the next block year, instead of 2 trips, they can undertake 3 trips and claim LTA benefit. However, this has to be communicated to an employer so that they can make provisions in their books.

15) If an employee moves from one company to another company, how LTA can be claimed?

There are no specific rules if an employee moves from one company to another company. They need to go by the same rules and claim 2 claims in a block of 4 years.

16) If en employee travel at the end of the year and returns from a trip which falls beyond 31st Dec, how does it work?

In such case, employee need to consider starting date as a basis and claim for that calendar year.

17) If en employee travel at the end of the block year and returns from trip after 31st Dec which falls in a different block year, how does it work?

Block year for the current LTA period is from 1-Jan-2014 to 31-Dec-2017. Assume that you want to claim your 2nd LTA amount and planned your trip from say 25th Dec 2017 to 5th Jan 2018. Since 1-Jan-2018 onwards is a different block period, you can still claim this trip under 2014-2017 block period.

18) My employer does not provide LTA benefit, can I make a trip and claim LTA while filing IT Returns?

LTA is a benefit provided by the employer. This is paid as reimbursement to you when you claim as per IT Rules. In case your employer does not provide this benefit, there is no way you can claim LTA. You cannot claim this while filing IT Returns.

19) I missed to submit my first LTA claim in a block year. Can I submit 2 LTA claims in a block year later?

As per IT Rules, an employee need to claim 2 trips LTA in a block of 4 years. However, if you have missed to claim in first 2 years, you need to indicate this to your employer, so that they can carry forward to subsequent 2 years of the same block year. You can later submit the bill pertaining to the first 2 years (bill date should indicate that) and claim it. However, you cannot claim 2 trips expenses in subsequent 2 years of a block period (with bill dates pertaining to 3rd and 4th year of a block period).

Also Read: How to get ₹ 10 Lakhs and above a tax free Income and pay Zero Tax?

20) Do I need to submit a single bill for our trip or multiple bills would be accepted for LTA?

LTA benefit is given for a trip. Means, one family is travelling. Ideally, there would be one bill. However, there are cases where multiple bills would be received for a single trip (for airfare bills, where a family member agreed to join later and the booking was made later, but travel date is same of the remaining members). In such case, these are agreed by employers. It would be better to check with employer in such circumstances before proceeding further.

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20 FAQ’s for claiming Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) as per Income Tax Rules

Suresh KP

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  1. Sir, I booked my tickets from my cousins credit card also I paid him back in cash. Am I still eligible for LTA claim.

  2. If i travelled with family on 11th Jan. But due to school urgency me and my daughter returned few days early and Wife and son returned later.
    Can i still claim for whole family?

  3. Sir can you please reply its been outstanding for a month now. I understand you may be busy. BUt please respond if you are too busy to answer then I can stop following this thread

  4. Hello,

    I had a made a travel from 26 Feb 2020 – 1 Mar 2020 and tried to make an LTA claim with my employer . I havent made any previous LTA claims in the current block year.
    But i was told by employer that for the claim to be accepted the travel should be made after 1 Apr 2020 to be claimed in the current window and cant submit bills from last year.

    Is this true as per IT rules ? Could you help to clarify.

    Thanks in advance

  5. Hi
    In block 2014-17 I claimed only once. My question is the carryover based on travel dates or on claim dates
    Here are my journey details:
    1)16 jan 17 – 27 jan 17 (claimed in FY2017-18) -> Is this considered in block (2014-17)
    2)31oct 18 13 nov 18 (claimed in FY2018-19) -> Can this be considered a carryover of block 2014-17?)
    3)11 march 2019 -17 mar 2019 (claimed in FY2019-20) -> Will this be a first of block 2018-21

    4) Can I still claim LTA for travel dates 22 dec – 21 jan ? ( to be claimed in FY2020-21 and considering as second travel of block 2018-21)

    1. Sir can you please reply its been outstanding for a month now. I understand you may be busy. BUt please respond if you are too busy to answer then I can stop following this thread

      1. Hello Chandan, Block period is different from financial year. Current LTA block period is 2018-2021 i.e. Jan-2018 to Dec-2021. Your point no.1 is out from current block and not counted 2) You can have 2 claims in this block of 4 years. It can be consecutive, but it has to be under 2 years each. e.g. 2018+
        2019 you can have 1 trip and 2020+2021 can have 2nd trip. Your query is that can you claim two trips for 2018+2019 – Answer is NO. You can claim only 1. You can claim 2nd trip in 2020+2021 i.e. Jan-2020 to Dec-2021 period.

        1. Dear Sir thanks for replying.
          On point no 2 Can i know if this can be treated as a carryover ? If not then why?

          Basically in 2018-21 I want to claim 3 times with the first one being treated as a carryover from 2014-17 block since I claimed only once in that block.

          I understand that you can claim one in 2018-19 but for carryover cant i claim 1 in 2018 as carryover and then in 2019 as normal.

          1. Hello Chandan, You cannot carry over for more than 4 year block period. At the end of the block period, such amount is paid to you and necessary income tax is deducted. You can reach out to your payroll department for more info.

  6. Hi Suresh,
    I have undertaken a journey to my native along with my family from 10th to 18th Nov. Travelled on 10th and returned on 21st. I have 3 consecutive days of paid leave in between (which is 10-12 Nov) and again on Nov 18th (return journey date). But worked from home for few days in between. I have only flight tickets to claim as LTA. Can I claim LTA for this journey ?

  7. Journey means what ?to and fro or one side. To and fro will be counted as one journey or two journey in block of 4 years.pl explain

  8. Hi

    If an employee is terminated on the grounds of misconduct do we still need to pay the Eligible LTA which got deducted from his salary please confirm as I have a situation where the employee is terminated and now we are paying the LTA to all employees as per our pay cycle

    1. Hello SK, Till LWD of the employee in the company, all eligible payouts should be paid. It is irrespective whether it is regular salary or eligible allowances like LTA

  9. I am not able to go on vacation but my family is going on vacation can I claim LTA for my family, while I am not with them on holiday.
    Please advise.

        1. Chandar, if this is the case, employee need not take leave (3 days mandatory leave which corporates are asking now) and this can be claimed any time as family travel can happen any time and need not be on vacation

      1. Hey this might sound silly,
        But I claimed LTA by mistake. Is there a way I can stop it? I came to know now, I wasn’t aware of what was LTA so I just filled it.

  10. HI,

    I see certain central government employees take LTA benefit by internation travel. But as per my understanding LTA is not allowed for international travel. Can throw some light ?

  11. Hi, I have travelled on Jan 2020 (last week) but in this FY 2019-20 LTA is not part of my salary however in the next FY 2020-21 I will opt LTA as flexible benifite (part of salary).. In this case can claim exemption in 2020-21 with Jan 2020 LTA bills? Because both are in different Financial Year,, please advise

  12. Question
    1) Can you claim LTA for multiple journeys within a single long trip (happened within two weeks)
    Travel Mumbai to Mangalore
    Mangalore to coimbatore
    Coimbatore to Kodaikanal
    Kodaikanal to Bangalore
    Bangalore to Mumbai

    2) Do your parents have to travel with you through all the journeys? Suppose they joined in at a later date and left on a different date.

    1. Hello ED, The guideline is that it should be one trip. If this trip is continous it is immaterial about no of days and places. Your parents need not be there from day-1 to last day of the entire trip.

  13. Hi! Can someone please clarify

    Me and spouse traveled by flight we did web check-in, after journey we lost our boarding passes can I submit the Mailed copies which are not having stamps or labels

  14. I have traveled on March 2018 and forgot to claim LTA on 2018-19.

    Will it be possible to claim LTA in 2019-20 for the travel did on March 2018?

    1. Bishnu, The block period is 2018-2019 and 2020-2021. Your bill would fall in 2018-2019 block period. Ideally speaking you need to taking leave during that period and submit the bill immediately. While there is no restriction on submitting the bills within specific limit, pls talk to your payroll department as it has crossed almost 1 year 9 months.

  15. I am my family traveled to native and back to work place via Go Air. Will this be considered as one trip or two trips.

    1. Ankit, If it is continous travel, it would be treated as only one trip. Since you went to native and returned back, it would be treated as one trip only. You can recheck with your payroll department too.

  16. How many leaves we have to take to avail LTA? Is there any rule for the same? My employer says you have to use 5 PL to avail .

    1. Hello Sanmay, As per my knowledge there are no specific mandatory rules about leaves to be taken. You need to approach your payroll to check any company specific policy. What I heard is generally all corporate say 3 days travel is eligible to claim LTA.

  17. Sir,

    I am traving with AC couce bus to fgoa can the bus ticket can be claimed as LTA, if yes what would be the procedure

  18. Hi,

    I traveled in Oct-2018 (Trip 1) and in Dec-2018 (Trip 2). While I claimed LTA for Dec-2018 Trip (Trip 2) by Dec-2018 itself, I did not claim the one for Oct-2018 trip

    My questions are:
    (1) Can I claim LTA for Oct-2018 trip (Trip 1) now before Dec-2019?
    (2) If not, can I claim for this trip (Oct-2018) in 2020/21 slot because it is in the same block of 4 years?

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hello RC, Employees can claim 2 LTA trips in a block of 4 years. However they can claim only 1 trip in a year. Since you had two trips and already claimed one trip, you cannot claim 2nd trip. Regd your second question, if you travel in 2019 or 2020, you can claim them. You cannot claim Oct-2018 as you already claimed for Dec-2018 in that year (Only one trip eligible in a year)

  19. Can LTA be claimed for 2 trips in same FY but different calendar year?
    Example: I go for trip in Dec 2019 and Jan 2019. Can both be claimed in FY 19-20. If I do not claim any other LTA in 2018-21 block?

  20. Hi! Can someone please clarify if I can claim for my dependents travelling on a different date and flight with same source and destination.

    Ex: I am travelling from Mumbai to Delhi on 12-Sep and returning on 19-Sep.
    My wife is travelling Mumbai to Delhi on 05-Sep and returning on 23-Sep.
    My father and mother are travelling Delhi to Mumbai on 28-Aug and return to Delhi on 19-Sep.

    Can I claim for LTA for all? Please substantiate.

  21. Hi ,

    Please tell me can i use Ship/water mode of travel so it is eligible for claiming LTA?

    Please confirm ASAP.

  22. Hi All;
    I need some clarification regarding LTA claim.
    In Air ticket, I forgot to mention MRS. before putting my wife name.
    Instead of using MRS,I used MS. MS means it is not indicating Marital status( Married/Unmarried).But in LTA declaration, I have mentioned that I traveled with my wife. Will it create any issue while LTA claim? Or it is okay to submit LTA claim.

  23. Hi All;

    I need some clarification regarding LTA claim.
    In Air ticket, I forgot to mention MRS. before putting my wife name.
    Instead of using MRS,I used MS. MS means it is not indicating Marital status( Married/Unmarried).But in LTA declaration, I have mentioned that I traveled with my wife. Will it create any issue while LTA claim? Or it is okay to submit LTA claim.

  24. LTA tax benefit can be allowed only when we take leave for travelling.
    So my question is if i board one day before official holiday in this case can we claim tax benefit because we cannot claim when boarding on official holiday.

  25. Can i make one LTA claim in 4th year of block period and take benefit of 2nd claim in next block period?

  26. I took travel in end of march 2017 and couldn’t submit documents for LTA for financial year 2017-18. Can I claim it in 2018-19 financial year? Also, I have claimed LTA for 2017-18 for my travel in October

  27. I work for a software firm and traveled for 3 days which Thursday , Friday and Saturday which is 3 days when applied claim with all the bills, it is rejected stating that 3days leave is required as per the policy. I have a question is this considered even for state government employees also as they even work on saturday.When MNC employee has 5 days a week can’t we club our leave plan with saturday to travel.
    Are saturdays not considered for LTA

  28. hi i have booked tickets in Nov 2017 and travel in Jan 2018. Can i claim the LTA for current calendar year.

    If not then whats the way of getting this reimbursed.

  29. Can a person travel in September 2017 and claim LTA in March 2018 ? Within what duration should the person submit his LTA claim after he has travelled ? 

  30. Hi,

    I didnt utilize my LTA in a Block of 2013-2017. Will I be able to carry forward the trips to next Block/Calendar period?




  31. if person takes leave in dec 2017 which the last month of particular 4 years block (i.e 2014-17) then should it be taxable or tax free in next block if that person cliam LTA in next block i.e 2018-21

    Can any one help me with this ?

  32. I booked the Train tickets for June 2017 but the tickets were in Waiting Lists for both Ways which both got confirmed after Chart Preparation. So, Can I claim the LTA for those Tickets because on paper it is showing WL and I don't have other proofs that those tickets were actually got confirmed ? Please help 

  33. I have traveled in October 2016 but did not claim LTA in that year – Can I claim the LTA benefits in 2017 using the Oct ’16 bills?

  34. i travelled in dec-2016, raised lta claim in Jan-2017 and was reimbursed thru payroll in Feb-2017 salary. 

    will this claim be treated as CY 2016.

    1. Hello, I  have travelled in Jan – 2016, raised first LTA claim in 2015-2016 Finacial year and was reimbursed thru payroll in March-2017 salary.   Now can I raised second LTA claim this year 2016-17 if I travelled before 31 dec 2017

      1. Hello, I  have travelled in Jan 2016, raised first LTA claim in 2015-2016 Finacial year and was reimbursed thru payroll in March-2016 salary.  

        Now can I raised second LTA claim this year 2016-17 if I travelled before 31 dec 2017.

        If not , how can i claim my second LTA?

  35. Hi,

    If i start travel on 25 th Mar 17 and come back on 4th Apr 17, i have to claim the exemption in which financial year. FY 16-17 or FY 17-18.

    Thanks in advance..

  36. I joined my organisation on January 4th 2016 and left the job on 14th December 2016. My previous organisation is not ready to settle the amount claiming that I have a few more days to complete a year. It sounds unreasonable for me. Please help


  38. If i avail carry forward LTA benefits after retirement, what is income tax provisions? Pl CLARIFY.

  39. my Employer paying my LTA component in April month (the LTA component is fixed for FY16-17), due to this i am not able to get full exemption. Example : my 2015-16 LTA is 26000, which was paid in the month of April 2016. i got the promotion and LTA is increased in FY2016-17 as 36000. this year i taken LTA and submitted the bills. As per the company this increased amount is going to pay in april then they are considering my LTA limit is 26000 only. becuase they are paying this LTA in April payroll. please let me know how to get the max benifit. becuse thia i am loosing 3000 tax benifit.

  40. Sir,

    I didn't claim LTA in 2014-To till date but I declared LTA for 2016-17. In this case, I was told the amount declared would be carry forwarded to 2017-18. Meanwhile, If I change my company in 2017 June, would my employer settle the amount (OR) make provision to carry forward that amount via my future employer. Please let me know.

  41. Hi,

    Is there a time limit within which I need to claim LTA from the date of travel?
    Can I claim LTA after 3 months or more from the date of my travel?

  42. Dear sir,

    I have not claimed LTA FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2015 AND 2016. How now i can claim IT exemption for above two years as of now. Please provide the details to claim and to get exemption from income tax

  43. Thanks for your inputs. One query I have, does expanses of local tours (sight seeing) in visiting city can be covered under LTA? Please clarify.

  44. I got eligible for LTA reimbursement from this current FY only ,Please guide me how it will be accounted .Can i claim reimbursement for this year(2016) and next year(2017) keeping into consideration the block years.

  45. Is it possible to get LTA if I travelled as per the following sequence  : Howrah – Delhi – Agra,-  Gwalior – Agra – Delhi – Howrah.



  46. I have claimed my LTA this year as taxable for the year 2016. Can I get tax free LTA next year…?

  47. ya, u are eligible for LTA , but make sure tax benefit is thre , if u are claiming LTA. otherwiaw you can claim in next year


  48. Dear Sir,

    I have joined my organisation 6 month before and company is providing LTA.

    Am I eliglble to claim LTA ?

    Is there any specific time period to serve 1st  for the company, then only one can claim LTA ?

  49. Dear sir ,

    i have travelled from mumbai – banglore – by air
    banglore- tirupati – by bus Destination-1
    tirupati – puttparthi – by bus Destination -2
    puttparthi-banglore by bus
    banglore-mumbai by air

    please guide me how to claim LTA for this journey .

    my parents also travelled with me . but from puttparthi they have taken train for nagpur (my native place ) . can i claim this journey in LTA.

  50. Dear Sirs,

    My Tax deducted LTA was given to be by my employer for the FY2015-2016 on 31st March 2016. However, I travelled to my hometown starting 19th March 2016 until 27th March 2016.

    Can i claim this as LTA in FY 2016-2017?

    Arjun Seshadri

  51. Hi I’ve travelled in Sep 2013 but not claimed the LTA in the previous block i.e. 2010-13. I left the company and joined new company in July 2014. Also I’ve travelled in April 16 and not claimed the LTA in current block and changed the company again and joined new company in May 2016. Can I claim the both journeys of the previous block and current block in my current company? If yes then will the Travel ticket will be sufficient to provide them the proof or boarding pass is also required?


  53. I traveled in March-April 2015 and claimed LTA under FY 2015-16 tax calculation. I traveled again in Feb 2016 and want to claim LTA as tax exemption for FY 2016-17. Is it possible?

    1. One can’t claim LTA twice in the same fiscal year.. in your case 2015-16.. You can’t claim earlier travel in next fiscal year tax.

  54. Hi,
    In order to claim LTA, applying leave is compulsory. But category of leave matters? General (or casual) Leave can be considered. or only Earned leave?


  55. I had travelled one leg of the journey along with my Spouse and kids and then returned alone. My Wife and Kids came back after few days, Can I claim LTA for both the journeys in the return leg ?

  56. Last sentence of #19 seems to be incorrect. I think we can claim 2 journeys in consecutive years in a block.

  57. Hi
    Can LTA exemption be claimed in 2 different calendar years but within the same Financial year?
    For eg: I had availed LTA exemption for my travel in May’15. So can I claim for LTA exemption for travel done in Jan’16?

  58. Hello Suresh,

    Thank you very much for your suggestion,

    I have declared LTA of feb-2015 in my tax declaration with my employer but they are not accepting that
    LTA as it should be done/ claim in last financial year i.e 2014-15. My friend has suggested me to claim that LTA through revising IT return of 2014-15. Is it possible ? OR let me know best way to claim the same.

    Your suggestions are highly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,

  59. Hi, I am facing same issue which Ankush Bhandari explained. Is it possible to claim that LTA in this finance year i.e 2015-16 ? My employer is saying you should claim the same while filing return of 2014-15.

    1. Prashant, You should first declare in your tax declaration with your employer. It is done, you can claim it. While you can claim while filing returns, better to go through your employer as you need not keep proofs later on

  60. I want to know that can LTA leave claimed for 6 days preveilage leave including National Holiday(26th January).
    Pl. Reply.

  61. Hello, I have one question. I have undertaken a vacation trip from 14th Feb 2015 to 22nd Feb 2015, in the financial year from 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015, I have not taken exemption of LTA because by the end of Feb 2015, all declaration to the effect of Income Tax were closed. Now I have to declare income tax exemptions for 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016 period. My employer is saying they will consider only this financial year trips and not the calendar year one. Can you please let me know, if thats the case, a person travelling in Feb and March will never be able to take income tax exemptions.

  62. Hi,

    I have one query.

    I’m employed from Jul 2014

    My query is whether I can claim LTA of 2014 calendar year now and LTA for calender year 2015 in January 2016

    Which one of them will be tax exempted

    how to file this in the financial year 2015-16 returns

  63. Hi,
    Nice article. I have one query.

    I changed my company last year Nov 2014. I had a trip along with my family within india in Feb 2015.
    My new employer has given me LTA amount in the tax sheet provided to me.

    However my older employer has not provided LTA amount in the Full n Final settlement sheet they provided to me.
    While joining that older organization, they had given me salary break up saying LTA amount is 8.33% of Basic.
    Thereafter they just provided me revision letter with Total CTC. I had claimed LTA within same organization 2 years ago.

    Is it advisable for me to add 8.33% of the basic I received from the older organization during FY 2014-15 in the LTA amount to be claimed while filing return?

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