7 ways to make money online by writing articles


About ways to make money online by writing articles
There are various ways to make money online. This post is for those who want to make extra money sitting at home or make extra money during their leisure time online. One of the popular methods to make money online is writing articles online.

7 ways to make money online by writing articles

1) Blogger : One can create a blogger website and start writing articles online on their own. This platform is for those who want to remain as independent writer and make money online.

  • Choose one of your area of interest which you are passion about
  • Create a blog website at www.blogger.com
  • Start writing articles on regular basis. Ensure atleast you write 2 to 4 articles per week.
  • Try generating traffic (customers who need to visit your website) for your blogging site. There are various ways of generation of traffic.
  • Once you have good traffic, check for various ways of making money through your blogger website

2) WordPress : This is similar to blogger website. This is a another platform where one can be independent writer and earn money by writing. However wordpress would be very useful in case of experienced bloggers

3) Squidoo: One can get paid by writing articles at Squidoo.  One of the successful ways of getting your articles published is write the latest and unique content.  You can register at  www.squidoo.com and start writing some good articles.

4) Zujava : Zujava is another platform where one can write articles and get paid. You can register at www.Zujava.com. There are two ways of earning money here.

  • You need to write 3 articles after login to Zujava and request Zujava to review your articles. Once your articles are published, you start earning money.
  • Another way of earning money thru this method is refer your friend, and once he starts earning money, Zujava would pay 25% to you. For e.g. the friend you referred has earned USD 400 in any month, you would get paid for USD 100

5) Hub pages : This is another platform where you write articles and you earn money online in multiple ways through Google Adsense, Ebay sales, Amazon products etc.,. You can register this at www.hubpages.com

6) Expertcolumns: At Expertcolumns.com you can publish the articles and earn money by writing. Important thing to note is, the earnings are not through Adsence (click to pay). Your payment depends on how many page views you have.  You can register at  www.expertcolumns.com

7) Constant-Content : This is another website which get paid for writing unique articles. However the earnings depend on the no.of downloads which are paid downloads. If it is unique article, the earnings would be handsome. Register at www.constant-content.com

8) Editfast : This is another website which offers USD 10 for every article you submit for the list of categories specified by them. Register at http://editfast.com/english/editjobs.htm?register=REGISTER

Readers, have you made money online by writing articles? If so, how you were successful in getting the articles published? Please give your comments

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Suresh KP


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