5 Best Mutual Funds with solid and consistent returns

Best Mutual Funds with solid and consistent returns in long run5 Best Mutual Funds with solid and consistent returns in long run

Generally I analyze, Best Mutual Funds to invest in India based on 5 years performance, ranking, investment objectives and several other parameters. However investors would keep asking me about the best mutual funds to invest which have been consistently performing over 10 years or in long run. This provides high confidence that such mutual funds would continue to perform well in the long run of 10 to 15 years. I have analyzed 5 best mutual funds to invest for long term which yielded consistent returns of over 19% per annum since inception of these mutual funds. These mutual funds have been launched more than 10 years back.

Also Read: Best Diversified mutual funds to invest in India

Do we need to choose mutual funds based on its returns?

The primary criterion is not that we should choose mutual funds based on its returns. However, if I would tell you to invest based on ranking or investment objective, you would just ignore my advice. Finally, every investor boils down to returns when he finally makes a call whether to buy a mutual fund or not.

How we filtered these Best Mutual funds with solid and consistent returns?

  • Mutual funds were picked from Largcap, Diverisifed and Hybrid category.
  • Assets under management (AUM) is more than ₹ 3000 Crores. This indicates that it gained investor confidence and more and more investors are investing in these mutual funds
  • Crisil rated these mutual funds from 1 to 3 rankings
  • Value Research Online rated these mutual funds from 3-Star to 5-Star
  • Mutual funds which provided annualized Returns of more than 19% since inception have been picked. Minimum annualized returns in the last 5 years are 13%.

Best Mutual Funds with solid and consistent returns in long run

1) Birla Sun Life Frontline Equity Fund (Large cap)

  • This mutual fund is from large cap category which invests majority in large cap stocks. This mutual fund was launched in 2002.
  • It consistently provided annualized returns of over 14% in the last 5 years and 23.59% since inception (11 years).
  • Crisil rated as Rank-2 and Value Research Online rated as 4-Star

2) HDFC Top-200 Fund (Large cap)

  • This mutual fund is also from large cap category which invests majority in large cap stocks. This mutual fund was launched in 1996.
  • It consistently provided annualized returns of over 13% in the last 5 years and 21.56% since inception (17 years).
  • Crisil rated as Rank-3 and Value Research Online rated as 4-Star
  • It invested heavily in SBI where it underperformed and took beating on returns in 2011. However it was able to recover soon.

3) Franklin India Blue chip Fund (Large cap)

  • This mutual fund is also from large cap category which invests majority in large cap stocks. This mutual fund was launched in 1993.
  • It consistently provided annualized returns of over 13% in the last 5 years and 22.71% since inception (20 years).
  • Crisil rated as Rank-3 and Value Research Online rated as 5-Star

4) ICICI Prudential Dynamic Plan (Diversified)

  • This mutual fund is from diversified category which invests majority in large cap stocks of various sectors. This mutual fund was launched in 2002.
  • It consistently provided annualized returns of over 12% in the last 5 years and 25.36% since inception (11 years).
  • Crisil rated as Rank-2 and Value Research Online rated as 3-Star

5) HDFC Prudence Fund (Hybrid-Balanced category)

  • This is a hybrid mutual fund i.e. balanced mutual fund which invests up to 70% in Crisil rated large cap stocks and up to 30% in debt related investments. Due to this investment strategy, the risk would be lower compared to other equity mutual funds. This mutual fund was launched in 1994.
  • It consistently provided annualized returns of over 15% in the last 5 years and 19.3% since inception (19 years).
  • Crisil rated as Rank-3 and Value Research Online rated as 4-Star

Also read: Direct Plan Vs Regular Plan for mutual funds – Which is better

Performance of these Best Mutual Funds since Inception

5 Best Mutual Funds with solid and consistent returns in long run

Conclusion:  If you plan to invest in consistent performers, invest in these best mutual funds which provided solid returns in long run. Since these have been performing well in long run, you can invest for 10 to 15 years to get high yield.

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5 Best Mutual Funds with solid and consistent returns in long run

Suresh KP

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  1. Dear Sir,

    I am planning to invest Rs.20000/- per month in Mutual Funds through SIP from this month for another 5-10 years, Please suggest suitable funds, I am ready for moderate risk and can wait for results.

    1. Hello Dr Sai, Since you are moderate risk taker and wanted to invest in 5+ years you can go for balanced funds like ICICI Balanced fund, TATA Balanced fund,HDFC Balanced mutual fund, Aditya Birla SL Balanced fund etc.,

  2. Hi SureshJi,

    Iam 32 Years and i am investing in Birla Sun Life MNC fund Rs.1000

    and reliance small cap fund Growth Plan 2000. I want to invest 5000 more please suggest me where to invest.

  3. HI, suresh
    Last 1 year investing in following fund, kindly advice on fund. i want to invers for 10 yrs. for generate the max. corpus.
    1. relinace regular saving fund–1000
    2.reliance banking fund–1000.00
    3. reliance equity opportunity fung–2500.00
    4. icici value discovery fund—2500
    5.icici focuse blue chip funf–3000.00
    6. hdfc top 200 funf—1000.00
    7. birla sun life front line equity fund—3000.00
    8. sundaram select mid cap fund—-1000.00
    9. idfc sterling equity fund—1000.00
    How is the performance of these fund,can i continue into them or reduce the some funds.
    Plz.your advice required.

  4. dear mr. suresh
    i am investing from 2004 in various type of investments like: insurance, mutual funds, post office recuring schemes ,and bank fixed deposits
    i have some mutual funds like sbi bluchip,pnb principal,uti, and reliance , but i have found that it is better to invest as SIP in mutual funds.with my past experience i have found that some of mutual funds perfomace is as below (which i have already invested in till now):-

    1. sbi blue chip 80% in 9 years
    2. uti life style fund 50% in 8 years
    3. pnb principal 50%in 8 years
    4.uti leadership equity fund 55% in 8 years
    5. reliance 123% in 6.5 years
    in past years i have not invested as sip . only all above are are as funds i have invested in one time .
    please advice me to which funds should invest me as regular sip.


  5. Sir ,
    following are my SIP investments for the 39 months @ Rs.5000/ on each, and as per statements they are providing all are looks very good, so is it advisable to withdraw some profit now from each portfolios or to continue.
    and I am planning to do some more SIPs i.e. Rs.3000.00 x 3nos, please suggest some..

    presently having;

    01.Birla sunlife frontline equity fund-divided-regular plan
    02.DSP Black Rock Micro Cap fund-Regular plan-dividend
    04. SBI magnum Equity Fund-Regular Plan-Dividend

  6. I read a few of your articles and all are really good.

    Actually I am planning to invest in SIP mutual funds with a montly investment of 3000/-.
    So, please suggest me a few funds.

  7. Sir,

    i heard about the SIP from a Magazine. i am new in share market. can you suggest me the best investment plan for a beginner. maximum amount that i can spent a month is 6000/-. 



    1. Since you are new to investment, my suggestion is to invest in balanced mutual funds to start with. 1) Invest in ICICI Balanced fund and HDFC Balanced fund. Keep some amount into recurring deposits also. 2) Once you are familar on how mutual funds operate, you can invest in large cap funds and diversified mutual funds. 3) If you can take some risk, you can invest in top 5 mid cap and small cap funds which I have recommended. But note that you should hold them for 8 to 10 years to get good returns. You can keep tracking every month on how your funds are progressing.

  8. Hi Suresh,

    I have been investing through SIP in the following mutual funds for the past 3 years.The installment period got over for HDFC Top 200 and HDFC Equity.Can you please suggest me whether I can continue SIP on these funds.If not ,on which new fund I can start SIP.

    1)HDFC Top 200 –  Rs.1000

    2)HDFC Equity – Rs 2000

    3)ICICI Focused blue chip – 2000

    4)ICICI discovery – 2000


    Rekha S

  9. Dear Suresh Ji,

    I enquired regarding the best options that I can go for before starting SIP.First one I fixed was HDFC Midcap.But please suggest me three more funds from which I will choose.My interest is to have a mix of High risk High returns and Low risk High returns.Awaiting you soon sir.I can invest upto 3K PM for atleast 3 yrs.Please suggest me good ones sir

    1. Santosh, Pls add one more in mid-cap segment i.e. Franklin India smaller companies fund. In large cap segment, you can investin hdfc top 200 fund or birla SL frontline equity 

  10. Hi Suresh

    Your arcticle is very good. I was investing in share market in stocks for last 3 years but did not make any money. now i want to invest in Mutual funds. i did a research for 2 weeks for this and finally shortlisted bellow funds. i want to invest 10K PM for period of atlest 10 years. i have heard that we should put 60% of money in Large fund and 40 % money in Small and mid cap company. according i have made bellow portfolio. there are 4 large funds for 1500 rs pm invest ment and 2 small mid cap fund to invest 2000 rs each. this way i will be investing 6000 + 4000. I have selected top rated fundes from money control.com and valueresearch.com,

    your comment on this pls. also pls suggest if i should change any fund in this ,

    Large cap
    ICICI prutop 100fund
    BNP Paribas Eqfund G
    ICICI Pru focused bluechip G

    small and mid cap 
    Reliance Small capfund



    anupam sahu




  11. Hi,

    I have invested Rs. One Lac in IDFC Dynamic Bond Fund – Regular Plan (G) on 30/5/2013. This fund is not performing well. Should i stay invested or suggest me the another fund in same category.My investment period will be another one/two years.


  12. Hi suresh ,

    I want to start investing in SIP. Am looking for medium to low risk. But want to go for a long run. And can shift to high risk high gain later. Can you recommend me any particular fund. I would like to invest 1500 per month.

  13. Hi Suresh,

    Since there has been a hike in Stock Market,, I am afraid if this is the right time to invest, but I would like to invest in SIP because of the good returns it provides.
    I am a moderate risk taker and would like to know from you how much and where i should invest considering the market is at all time high at the moment.
    FYI…Maximum amount that I can invest every month considering I am totally new to investing is 10K

    1. Hi Anisha, Investment thru SIP’s would help you to overcome such market fluctuations. Start investing in mutual funds that too in large cap funds segment.

  14. Hi suresh,I am new to investments in mutual funds, i am thinking to invest 500 rupees every month for long tenures,Can you suggest a good company sir


    1. Dilip, Invest in ICICI Balanced fund or HDFC balanced fund. The reason is you are new investor and the ones what I am recommending carries only 2/3 in equity and balance in debt. Whe you want to invest more funds, please let me now, based on your risk appetite, I can advice more.

  15. Sir,

         I want to invest the best sectoral Fund for the next bull run. I have already invested some Largecap & Diversified Fund through SIP. Plese give me the name wth your suggestions

    1. Ranjan, If you are looking for next bull run, you can invest in Reliance Pharma or SBI Pharma, ICICI FMCG fund, ICICI Pru tech fund or ICICI Pru exports and other services fund. These are high risk, high return investments. 

  16. Hi Suresh ,

    I regularly update myself with your article and need to say it is one of the best and most informative.

    I have investing through SIPs in ICICI focussed Blue chip ,IDFC Premier Equity ,UTI Opportunities and have already Axis Equity ,HDFC MIP,HDFC Prudence & Reliance Equity Opportunities.

    Need your suggestion if any to be discontinued or replaced with a good scheme.

    Iam a long time investor.


    1. Hi Sudhir, Thanks for your encouraging words. You have choosen good funds. One observation is HDFC Is Monthly income plan. If you are looking for regular income, you can invest, otherwise, go for large cap or diversified funds for long term. This way you can build good corpus funds.

  17. Hi Sureh,

    I have already started investing through SIP (monthly 4K). Now I want to invest 20K-30K in one shot. I dont prepare SIP for this investment. Could you please share some fund gives attactive return? .

    1. Aravind, Did you mean lumpsum investment? I don’t advice to invest lumpsum in largecap or diversified funds. Invest in balanced funds or debt funds like HDFC Prudence fund or SBI Dynamic bond fund.

    2. Sir,

      Last Nov 2012 onwards I investing Reliance Growth fund SIP mode.Could you please advice me this fund is good for long term ?


      1. Hi Paul, Reliance growth fund is ranked as Rank-4 in diverisified sector. The performance is also bad in the last 4-5 years. Stay away from such funds.

  18. Hi Suresh, Your blog contains much useful information in well described manner. I  need your suggestion for investing in SIP plans, as I am new to this SIP and would like to invest Rs.1000 in any 3 SIP investment plans as of now.

    1. Hi Kedar, Invest in HDFC Top-200, FT Blue chip fund and Birla SL Frontline fund to start with. You can start investing as low as Rs 500 in such funds.

  19. Dear Suresh,

    I am fresh investor in Mutual funds investment scheme wanted to invest 5K each month in two schemes through SIP.

    Need you suggestion for investment 3K on HDFC Focused Large Captial Fund(G) via SIP for 5 years atleast & 2K in Reliance money manager liqiud fund.

    Is it worth expecting 15 % annually returns…..from this???


    1. Arun, HDFC Focussed Large cap fund is Crisil-Rank-3 fund in Diversified sector. The fund is underperformer in last 5 years. There are better funds to invest like some of them I have indicated in this article. 2) Reliance money manager is ultra short term fund. These are meant for short term investment for parking idle money. You can invest for short term. 

  20. Dear Mr Suresh,

    I want to invest 5K in Mutual Fund Through SIP for long term. I already have invested 5K in SBI Magnum Tax Gain Scheme (Dividend) – Already finished SIP last month & HDFC Top 200 (Growth) – SIP to continue for next 15 years.

    Some of experts say to invest in Reliance ELSS, SBI Magnum Contra… but i'm confused. Please guide which MF to choose from 5-10 Years time frame

    1. Reliance ELSS is ranked by Crisil as Rank-3 and Value research as Rank-2. It is good fund, however under performer in last 3 to 4 years. If you are looking for long term, you can invest. Stay away from SBI Magnum Contra fund. You can invest in ICICI Pru focussed blue chip fund, Franklin India blue chip fund or Birla SL Frontline fund

  21. Presently i m investing 4 mutual funds since last months

    1.ICiCI Prudential Focused Bluechip Equity Fund -gr-2000 pm
    2.HDFC Prudence Fund – Gr-2000pm
    3.Axis Triple Advantage Fund – Gr-1000pm
    4.SBI Emerging Businesses Fund – Regular Plan -gr-1000pm

    pls. Give ur feedback these funds are gud to invest for long time or i have to change any funds out of these.
    mahesh kumar

    1. Hi Mahesh, Selected funds are good except for Axis triple advantage fund. However Axis triple adv fund is under performer and you can stay away from this. Instead you can invest in SBI Dynamic bond fund or IDFC Dynamic fund under debt category.

  22. Hi Suresh,

    Can you please suggent how to make investment to secure below goals year wise for my two childrens education , marriage and self retirement :–

    Child education                    : 20 Lacs by year 2025

    Marriage :                           : 25 lacs  by year 2027

    Retirement Plan                 : 25 lacs by year 2030

    I can invest Rs 15-20 thousands / month for these .Suggest for mutual funds or other alternatives .Presently there is no investment for this .


    1. Vivek, To have such detailed plan, we need to analyse your complete portfolio and suggest a plan based on your current and future incomes. We do this as part of premium service. If you are interested, please visit premium service on the header and fill the form.

  23. Mr Suresh,

    Please tell me what are the best mutual funds I should invest. I am looking for long term wealth creation. I can invest upto 5000 in SIP. I already have invested 1000 in SIP in HDFC top 200 -G since Nov 2011 and in L&T Prudence Fund SIP 1000 for childrens education since Dec 2011. Now I want to invest more. Do reply.

    1. Amit, It depends on what kind of investor you are? If you are high risk investor, you can invest in sector based funds (SBI FMCG or SBI Pharma) or largecap/diversified funds like Birla SL Frontline or HDFC top-200 or ICICI Pru focussed opps or UTI Opps. If you are moderate risk investor, just invest in diversified funds and hybrid funds (HDFC Prudence or ICICI Balanced fund or HDFC Balanced fund). If you are low risk investor, invest in debt mutual funds (SBI Dynamic bond fund or IDFC Dynamic bond fund) and hybrid funds.

  24. Hi Mr. Suresh


    Presently i am investing 4 mutual funds on SIP monthly  Rs 1000 each, the MF are

     HDFC top 200 , UTI opprtunities ( G ), RIL equity opportunities, SBI magum ( G )

    Pls suggest any other 2 good MF for SIP scheme


  25. sir,

    i m totally new to this mutual funds…planning to invest 6000 per month in long term… plz suggest good policies… shall i go fr SBI or others like ICICI or HDFC

    1. I hope you are referring MF funds and not insurance policies. Invest in these top 5 funds which I referred for long term to benefit.

  26. Hi Suresh,

    As suggested by you i am looking to start my investment in Mutual Funds from next month.

    I would like gain knoweldge on Current Market and want analysis myself which is Best way of investment. Can you please provide want is best way to start-up with.


    1. Praveen, Looks I have responded this earlier, no problem. Keep reading articles about various investment options. This would give idea on how each option would behave. Have a thorough review about various mutual fund categories and then you can decide on how to invest in mutual funds. Consider this article which would give an idea about vairous muitual fund investments. https://myinvestmentideas.com/2013/06/what-are-mutual-funds-and-how-do-they-work/

    2. Suresh thanks a lot for the details… 

      I thought the prevuous comment was not posted .. so i reposted the same comment again..

      Thanks once again.. 

  27. Suresh,

    Due to new regulation in Gold Imports by Govt. & traders, i guess gold rates will not increase much in next 1 year. So i am not sure if investing GOLF ETF is a good option at this option at t



    1. Praveen, By any chance, am I recommended Gold ETF’s in this article. I don’t think so. If this is generaly comment, Yes I agree that gold prices would get stabilised in next 1 year. But if you are looking from long term investment, it does not matter.

  28. Article that I have been searching for 🙂 Thank you, Mr Suresh.

    Can you evaluate my personal goals vs mutual fund investments? I have started investing in mutual funds with a long-term wealth creation in mind, that can serve purpose for my child's education, marriage, and my retirement. 

    My current mutual fund portfolio looks as  follows: 

    – Birla Sun Life Frontline Equity Fund Plan A -Growth = 8K 

    – DSP BlackRock Opportunities Fund-Dividend Reinvestment = 14K


    – ICICI Prudential Focused Bluechip Equity Fund Regular DR = 12K

    – SBI Emerging Businesses Fund-Dividend = 8.5K


    – Reliance Gold savings Fund-DIV = 5K

    – IDFC Dynamic Bond Fund-Regular Plan Dividend Reinvestment = 5K

    Shall I plan to continue with monthly SIP for the above funds. With 10-12K per month, what would be the investment amount for each funds? 

    Please provide suggestions / corrections.

    1. Nitin. Your portfolio looks good. Small suggestion. Instead of investing in reliance gold Savings fund, invest in Gold ETF’s like SBI Gold ETF or Reliance shares Gold ETF. The returns would be little high comparing to mutual funds. Since your portfolio is around large cap, mid cap and diversified and debt fund, you can invest in equal amounts

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