1. Hi Suresh,
    Thanks for the article.I am very new to stock market.I want to do intraday trading. But scared of brokerage concept. Which will be the best 3 in 1 account with due respect to minimum brokerage?

  2. Hi Dear I want to open 3 in 1 Account can you tell me which is good in service as I have some movement issues So I need good in Service

  3. 3-in-1 accounts are not at all beneficial sir. I used to trade with ICICI before and got busted mainly because of their high brokerage. You should try some good broker like FYERS (www.fyers.in). Recently I tried their trading software and it is far better than amibroker according to me. ITs free also..brokerage very cheap at Rs 100 max.

  4. Hi suresh,
    I am regularly read your article. ..thanks for your blog…I am planning to invest 5 to 10lks on tata balanced fund or hdfc balanced fund…the amount I need after 5 years….my decision is right ot any other better option? I appreciate your assistance. …

  5. A 3-in-1 platform may not be that beneficial as the brokerage charges are too high. These days brokerage charges are becoming flat rate. Try trading with brokers like Fyers, Zerodha or RKSV depending on what are looking for.

  6. Hi Suresh, I want to trade in ETFs. Do I need to open a demat account and can you tell me what are the advantages & disadvantages and also which is the best brokerage house to start with ?? Thanks

    1. Hi Vijay, You can invest in ETF’s like any other stock where you need to have demat and trading account. Stock is specific to company. However an ETF could be specific to sector like Bankex ETF or SENSEX ETF which is specific to 30 stocks where SENSEX is computed.

  7. Hi Suresh,

    I am looking to open a demat account mainly to do Nifty options trading (Index and futures). I have a savings account in CITI Bank already. Can you please tell me whether it is advisable to hold the demat account from Citi Bank itself (considering trading and brokerage charges)?

  8. Want to RKSV account. But they are maintaining DEMAT account. Can I open DEMAT account with other brokerage and provide the same to RKSV. If I do like this, is it easy for me in future or difficult ?

    1. You can open this way Bharath. Such brokerage offer low brokerage charges. If you are frequent trader, you should consider low brokerage charged demat account. There would not be any difficultly. However features of such trading account may differ. You can check and take call

  9. Suresh,

    Appreciate your post. BTW Can you suggest which Broker is good to open demat a/c if I would like to invest up to Rs.10000 per month on Mutual Funds.

  10. Hi Suresh sir,

    Thanks for the information about 3 in 1 account. I am new to stock market.

    I have a/c with ICICI bank and want to open 3 in 1 account with icici direct. I will have a plan to invest around 10000 per annum in stock market.

    Should I go with ICICI direct ? Your comment and feedback is needed.


    1. It depends. If you want to invest in stocks, mutual funds, IPO’s, NPS etc., all such features are there in icicidirect. Hence I prefer ICICIDirect. However transaction charges are high. You can review them before considering it

      1. Thanks sir for your information.
        One more thing I want to ask you.
        Services of HDFC securities, ICICIDirect, SBI securities etc.. are the same or not? Smoothing of trading is different or is not affect at all.


  11. Suresh, please write a review for non 3-in-1 brokers also with price comparsison just like you did this time. Do include Zerodha this time, i don’t know why there is so much hype about them.

  12. Hello suresh,
    Im very new to share trading.. Ofcourse now im n search of how to open demat acc.. Your articles are very useful for me. happy abt ur effort.. In d above table u hv given diffrent account types wats d diff between those pls clarify and also pls tel abt d role of trading members (brokers nd sub brokers).. Is it necessary to hv an agreement wit brokers to do trading? If suppose I hv open demat nd trading acc in sharekhan.. After opening acc wat I need to do whether I hv to find broker nearby or I myself can do trading.. Pls help me to get out of these doubts..


  13. sir
    i am student i invest Rs 3000 in share .so pls tell me broker who low broker charge and operate trading my smartphone.

  14. Suresh Sir,

                     I want to invest in Mutual Funds of different houses, but I dont have any trade or demat account. I have a SB a/c with SBI, I followed the nearest 5 branches of SBI but they say they don't deal in Demat a/c. Please advise how to proceed, as I have little knowledge and want to invest in MFs. I shall be grateful to you.

  15. Discount brokers like zerodha,RKSV etc are the future trading options.. Eagerly waiting for a article regarding discount brokers.

  16. Hi Suresh, While opening a demat account there is a checkbox called power of attorney. What are the cases when we give power of attroney.

  17. Suresh ji, I am a salaried person having SB a/c in SBI, now I want to open a trading & demat a/c with SBI (same branch) for trading in 3 different MF (SIP) with Rs.1000 pm. each. Is my choice of Bank OK ? Please advise.

  18. Hi Suresh,

    I have an account with zerodha.com. It is only a trader (no demat). Demat is with ILFS. You can link it with your existing bank account.

    The trading charge is dead cheap. Max Rs 20 per trade (for any nymber of shares) or 0.01 % of turnover (whichever is less).

    You can't get a better deal. Please spread the word. I am their customer for the last 3 years without any complaints.

    Arul Selvan


  19. whether the prices and charges mentioned in this article are the latest? if so we would be grateful to you

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