7 Most Successful Stock Market Investment Stories in India

Most Successful Stock Market Investment Stories in India-minMost Successful Stock Market Investment Stories in India

Warren buffet has rightly said that ‘if you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.’ This quote emphasizes on investments and making more money out of money already earned. Most people resort to stock market for investing their hard-earned money. But, it is never easy to make money by investing or trading in stock markets. The stock markets are highly volatile and your investments are exposed to high risks. Trust me, many a people have lost lacs and crores in this market. Again, the story is not the same for all. Many have accumulated good wealth. Which are the some of the most successful stock market investment stories in India? Who are the investors who built treasures by investing and trading in Indian stock market? This article would provide some stock market successful stories in India.

7 Most Successful Stock Market Investment Stories in India

#1 – Rakesh Jhunjhunwala – Successful Stock Market Investor

Most Successful Investors in India - Rakesh Jhunjhunwala-minPopularly known as Warren Buffet of Indian stock market, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala entered the Indian market in 1985. He inherited the interest in stock trading from his father who used to discuss with his friends and Rakesh used to listen them keenly. He joined the Chartered Accountancy course to acquire a professional degree and completed in 1985. Thereafter, he joined Stock Market and started trading. His first biggest hit was 5000 shares of Tata Tea which he got for ₹ 43 and sold for Rs143 in just 3 months. This gave him ₹. 5 Lakh which was a big deal at that time. His next big bet was Sesa Goa. He purchased 4 lakh shares and accumulated huge profits in it. There are a lot of stocks that made large sums of money for him like Lupin, Crisil etc.

Today his portfolio is worth over ₹. 20,000 crores / 3.2 Bn Dollars which consists of Titan, Lupin and CRISIL as top holdings now. He is a renowned trader and investor of Indian stock market and called as Indian Warren Buffet.

#2 – Porinju Veliyath – Midclass Family member turned to CEO of Equity Intelligence

Most Successful Investors in India - Porinju Veliyath2-minPorinju Veliyath was born in year 1962 in the lower middle-class family in Kochi.  His early life was full of struggles. He joined various jobs along with studies to support his family. He went Mumbai in 1990 in search of job. He was appointed as a floor trader at Kotak Securities there. Stock Market was totally new field for him. Within a short span of time, he learned the in and out of stock market and became an expert trader. He worked for 4 years there and gained a lot of knowledge. In 1994, he joined Parag Parikh Securities as a Research Analyst and fund manager. In 1999, he returned to Kochi and decided to make money on his own from the stock market. He made his first major investment in ‘Geojit Financial Services’. The stock was trading at a very low value at that time. Proving everybody wrong, this investment gave him manifold returns. In 2002, he started his own portfolio management service (PMS) firm in the name of ‘Equity Intelligence’. Today, he is one of the most well-known investor and fund-manager of recent times.  Equity Intelligence stock picks like Emkay Global Financial Services and BCL Industries has rised by 200% in their share prices and IZMO and Vista Pharma rised by 100% in their share prices.

#3 – Vijay Kedia – From the family of stock brokers now turned to be successful investor

Most Successful Investors in India - Vijay Kedia-minBorn in the family of stock-brokers, Vijay Kedia started his career in stock market in 1978 not because of choice but of compulsion as his father died. So, to earn the bread-butter for his family, he joined the family business of trading and stock-broking.  Initially, he was not doing well. But, he did not lose hope and read about the stories of successful investors. He decided to switch in investing. He started learning about the fundamentals of companies. He owned ₹ 35,000 at that time and by his own study, he invested the entire amount in a stock named Punjab Tractor. In 3 years, the stock multiplied 6 times and his ₹ 35,000 grew into ₹. 2.1 Lakhs. Thereafter, he invested in ACC at the rate of ₹. 300. After a year, the stock multiplied 10 times and moved to ₹. 3,000 in second year. He continued to make successful investments in various stocks to create a wealth of 500 crores. His biggest success mantra is ‘knowledge to find out quality stocks which one can acquire only by reading. If one doesn’t have reading habits, he can’t be a good investor.’

Vijay Kedia is betting now on Everest Industries and Vaibhav Global as multibagger stocks for 2018.

#4 – Nemish Shah – One of the most successful top 10 retail investor

Most Successful Investors in India - Nemish Shah-min

Mr. Nemish Shah is the co-founder of one of the most reputed and respectable investment houses named ENAM. He is a very simple man who keeps himself away from media and publicity.  His investment ideas are brilliant and most sought after. He invested in Asahi India and multiplied his funds to 3.4 times in 3 years. He does not invest in too many stocks, instead concentrate on limited stocks and highly sector-driven. He is one of the top 10 retail investors of India with net worth of ₹ 1,300 crore.

#5 – Ramesh Damani – Well known investor in India

Most Successful Investors in India - Ramesh Damani-minRamesh Dhamani is well-known for his investments in listed and unlisted companies. He is recognized for picking high quality stocks and retaining them for long time. He follows the model of Warren Buffet for investing that favors companies with strong management credentials and processes.  He did a lot of right things in his career that fetched him millions of rupee.

#6 – Raamdeo Agrawal – Founder of Motilal Oswal Group

Most Successful Investors in India - Raamdeo Agrawal-minRaamdeo Agrawal is one of the founder members of Motilal Oswal Group and MD and co-founder of Motilal Oswal Financial Services. He started buying stocks in 1980 and till 1994; he made a portfolio of about ₹. 10 crore. Then, he read Warren buffet’s tips and worked upon his portfolio to pick quality stocks instead of accumulating bad sticks. In a span of one year time, his portfolio doubled. He has amassed a net worth of over ₹. 6,500 Crore /1 Bn dollars

#7 – Dolly Khanna – Value investor in India

Chennai-based value investor Dolly Khanna has been investing in the Indian stock market since 1996. Her portfolio is managed by her husband Rajiv Khanna. She made debut through the fertilizer sector by homing in on a top-quality small-cap stock which enjoys a monopoly position. She has a knack of spotting multi-bagger stocks and knows exactly when to book profits. Emkay Global Financials, PPAP Automotives, IFB Industries, Thirumalai Chemicals are some of the picks form her portfolio.

Conclusion: In the last, I would like to conclude that there is no academic degree in the world that can guarantee you success in stock market. It is ultimately the experience that makes you learn.

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7 Most Successful Stock Market Investment Stories in India

Suresh KP

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  1. I like very much on the below 2 points where we need to concentrate and make investment.

    knowledge to find out quality stocks which one can acquire only by reading. If one doesn’t have reading habits, he can’t be a good investor.’
    Warren buffet’s tips and worked upon his portfolio to pick quality stocks instead of accumulating bad sticks.

    Thanks a lot for the article.

  2. Thanks for sharing the Blog. these stories inspire other investors who are willing to invest in the market and to become a successful investor. the blog is worth reading, it contains really valuable information.

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    Of the product. So that we glad if we can continue to work togheter for along time.faithfully yours

  4. Sir,

    I am not nit picking, but the confusion was the word "She" was used instead of "He" for Dolly Khanna.

    As usual, great article.


    M. Udupa


      1. Wrong info. Dolly Kannan is “she”. Her husband Rajiv Khanna is the brain behind her stock selections.

  5. Vijay Kedia's story is really inspiring.   starting with only 35K and becoming a respectable name in stock market is an achievement, so is Porinju. 

    But let us not forget that there innumberable people who have lost everything in stock market.  It is good if you can write a story about them also.  In my personal life I know one Mr Dandapani who left his job in bank to deal in shares (during harshad mehta time) when demat was not there and share transfer was big head ache due to signature not matching.  He intially made some good progress and forced his wife to resign from RBI and dedicated full time to stocks.  After Harshad Mehtha scam he lost everything and had to sell his flat and disappeared.  Another guy was one Mr. Patel working in IT department of IOC.  Those days one can pay money upfront through agent and get assured allotment of IPOs, but no receipt will be given for that.  He put lot of money in one IPO, if I remember correctly Air command India (to manufacture portable a/cs) and lost all money and committed suicide. 

    I am forced to write these stories because one should not think reading about above guys that stock market is an assured success

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