Should I continue to research SME IPO’s?

Should I research SME IPO’s?

This is not an article, but it is a question to my readers. I have been doing research on SME IPO’s that keep coming very often. However, I have seen there are no such best IPO’s which keep coming in last 1 year. While it goes enormous amount of time on such IPO analysis, I am not sure whether any of the readers are getting benefits out of it. Hence I have decided to ask this question to readers and take their view before I discontinue such SME IPO analysis.

Do you still think that my research on SME IPO’s would benefit to you ?

If yes, please indicate how this is useful to you so that I can continue my research and analysis on these SME Initial Public Offering’s.


Should I research SME IPO’s

Suresh KP


  1. Now that you’re actively doing it .. Please continue to do so.. It’s very insightful ..thanks a lot

  2. today, on december 2014, after a significant bull run in shares,i was wondering how about the previous two years ipos . how are they doing now. for that research all your ipo reports were the bench mark for me and my other frtiends. Whatever you had warned us about,90 % of those ipos have under performed as your expected. And ones which you highly recommended has been a gem of buy.
    I request you to just keep going on and build a track record. benfits and rewards will follow with cumulative compounded interest few years later 🙂

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